>Main character starts off as a kid and grows up during the game
Main character starts off as a kid and grows up during the game
Other urls found in this thread:
>Main character starts off as an adult and turns into a kid
I honestly can't tell if timeskips like these are good for a game's story or not
I mean there's a huge chunk missing
i didn't really like Breath of Fire 3. i thought the Balio & Sunder saga was too stretched out.
I grew up when I saw Deis' tits in BoF2
He just looks like an oversized kid
I think in some cases, like OoT, it works pretty well as a way of being thrust into the unfamiliar.
BoF3's was a little clumsy, because you wonder why the fuck Ryu's friends just forgot about him during the 7 years he was missing.
On the plus side, once he was grown up, he could go down on Nina's ass every single night and no one could stop him. Or so I tell myself.
>Main character starts off as an adult
fuck off z-only fag
They thought he was dead. Garr was the only one who saw what happened.
>he could go down on Nina's ass every single night and no one could stop him
if I were him I certainly would
Daily reminder that Ryu and his band of merry fuckwits got tricked by Bleu into slaughtering Myria over a petty feud between sisters, dooming the entire world to a slow and painful death.
Teepo did nothing wrong.
>Main character starts off as an adult
Goku started off as a kid, though. Then he was a giant monkey. Then a kid. Then a giant monkey again. Then a kid. Then he grew up and it turned out he'd been an alien the whole time, and then became a ghost before coming back to life. Then he turned into an Aryan ubermensch a few times, became a ghost again, turned into a Level 3 ubermensch, came back to life, fused with another guy, turned back into one guy, then became a kid again, then various kinds of giant monkeys and ubemensch, then it didn't really make sense and I guess he came the dragon or something, then it turned out none of that happened and he actually became a god before turning back to normal and later finding out how to become a god again but this time blue.
myria doesnt even die at the end
deis just tells her to stop fucking shit up
When I was little, before beating the game, I was told that at the end teepo bought the farm. I thought this meant that he went back to McNeil and became the mayor.
>mfw what actually happened
BoF thread?
>Joke character
>He's no fucking joke
Never played BoF, where should i start?
Peco is seriously some serious buisness!
2 SNES re-translation with increased exp and money gain.
>Goku isn't the main character of the Dragon Ball series
Wew lad.
I heard 1 & 2 are good but never played them. # is fucking great but fucking hard! 4 has no relation to the first 3 which are a trilogy story, and 5 is...
I'd say start at 3 but i am biased.
(6 is a mobile game ;_;)
>4 has no relation to the first 3
Are you trying to summon him? Or are you him?
>Goku didnt start as a kid in DB
Fuck off you faggot
>>Main character starts off as a kid and grows up to an old man during the game
The first five are connected user. Don't know about 6 since I dropped that after the first half hour.
>everyone else stays the same age
Take a wild guess.
I don't see why you shouldn't play it chronologically. 1st is the most bland, but it's equivalent to FF1 for a franchise -- the barebone of it all. 2 strengthens it all and adds pretty graphic and sprite animations. 3 is a solid JRPG that you will enjoy watching Ryu grow and become a badass whelp into a big dragon. 4 decides to change it up and go beyond and change how you level up/gain skills. 5 is to this day my all-time favorite that becomes a love/hate for all BoF fans and I completely understand why. BoF 1 may have been my first and has a soft place in my heart, but BoF DQ grim setting and essentially telling players "fuck you, place it twice," nailed it for me for enjoyment.
It's quite the lonely road you must travel.
Thought it was going to suck, but I enjoyed Konquest mode.
>Try to play BoF3 properly, using all my characters strengths and weaknesses
>Get fucking bodied by the final boss 50 times
>Use Mammoth Dragon
>Win with no issue
Mammoth form was absolute horseshit.
Daily reminder to play BoF2 re-translation.
Dragon Quest V is the best game to do this.
from the beginning, it's cool to see the evolution of the series, and the addition of new mechanics, and seeing familiar faces show up occasionally.
i suggest the GBA version of 1
version of 2
then 3 and 4 on the ps1. i think they might be on the playstation store. or emulation.
Best Ryu.
I'm a sucker for timeskips in games.
>you meet your friends later on
>they're not just carbon copies of their childhood selves because, surprise, people change
what was your team?
>So you're telling me that you slaughtered an entire race of fucking goddamn dragons only because IN THEORY they were too strong to handle?
>Even if they never did a bad thing?
>Even if they fucking let themselves get killed in good will
>Guess what, not gonna gonna give up my powers bitch
Fucking hysterical plot twist and reminder Freeza did pretty much the same thing, to show you how good Myria actually was.
I hated the combat in that game.
It's pretty much taken that first game should be skipped unless you really have nostalgia for it. BoF2 is when the series as people knew it later on came to be.
You are a nobody in BoF threads, you must know.
I could never get into this series. The early games are really run-of-the-mill and the latter just tack on waaay to many gimmicks into the dungeons and stuff.
Reminder that Fou-Lu did literally nothing wrong.
Gid gud. No, that's not fair. It's not difficult at all, you just need to waste the first turn to see which enemy is paired with each of your characters and plan accordingly. If done right enemies will barely touch you outside of AoE spells.
And I bet you never grinded Peco, because if you did you'd have one hell of a tank team. Ryu, Peco and WereRei or Momo after some master-ing and nothing in the world can stop you.
By the way
I understand how much of a ripoff it is, and while I like the original source, I prefer this one way more. Don't hate me, I let both run for several mins, this one wins for me.
I said I hated it, not that it was hard.
Probably Momo, Nina, Ryu.
>In theory
>They've been known to fuck up the entire planet on multiple occasions because they can't control their own power
>"They haven't done it for a long time though!"
They were a fucking liability. Also the other races didn't get off free either, Myria took all their tech away because they couldn't be trusted. Basically, she put down the wild animals and took all the toys away because they couldn't play nice and they'd shit up the entire world, and then used all her power keeping the desert from spreading any further.
If you genuinely think The Brood were in control of themselves, look at what happened to Ryu when he went Super Saiyan.
>I'm a sucker for timeskips in games.
either that or generational play. dragon valor is a rpg example, but I liked the shit out of it for that alone. frontier saga 2 is a more straight up examples of this in jrpg format. it did annoy me that you can screw yourself out of best moves if you don't pass shit on properly, though.
I think he was just a somewhat cruel emperor in his prime, but you don't unite a fucking empire without breaking a few eggs along the way. Descendants who took over control of the empire are absolutely horrible, though.
>Credits theme is a vocal version of the map theme
>use the correct gene splice
>super saiyan ryu can control himself just fine
At least use an example that isn't objectively wrong.
Base game desperately needed more ships for you to pilot.
Even if it is a ripoff, it's at least good. Not like Wiz Khalifa's version.
>>I'm a sucker for timeskips in games either that or generational play
My negro
>All Brood members must have had the lack of pride necessary to use the failure gene
>I didn't play BoF1 or 4
>Fou Lu in charge of not being a fucking maniac
Except The Brood never actually did one thing that was shown, told, documented. Myria just saw humans being the good old asshats they have always been in every game, and assumed
>Omfg if muh children r so bad just imagine if brood chimps out
And took extreme measures. She was shamefully in the wrong.
You can see the strawman in the way Teepo lures Ryu
>U know we always fight we bad we fiends
>Not one (1) single fight Ryu got involved in was uncalled for
>Most battles were outright self-defense because the crooks kept fucking around with the party
I get huge boners from characters getting storyline sprite or model changes in games, so this is relevant to me.
Cecil in FF4
Ramza in FFT
Alex in Lunar
Jean in Lunar 2
Ryu in BoF3
Why don't/didn't more games do this?
>implying Failure is mandatory for using Kaiser form
This is the worst and aborts so much potential shota art.
>I didn't play BoF1 or 4
I played 1 actually. The dragon war that fucked up the world was Myria's fault. I don't see why the Brood are guilty here.
>There are people who unironically use Garr over Peco
I pity those fools who do not take advantage of Peco's level 1 to throw him under Fahl and just have him punch everything to death.
By the time you get Peco your party is level 20, unless you know how to fuck with lava dudes you're gonna have some serious grinding to do, aside from knowing the right master to pick.
Nier does it.
My favourite thing is a previous MC coming back in the sequel and showing you how based they really are. Pic related.
there are 3 kaiser forms
berserk, failure and true kaiser
Deis please go.
Garr is shit no matter which way you want to put it.
The fact his ultimate weapon hurts him and still puts him under par is just shameful display.
If it wasn't for Nina, he'd be the worst character and I pity the fools who think with their dick and pick Nina in their party.
>mfw zone of the enders 2
>fighting fucking leo in the vic viper with the machine he drove in zoe 1
>the kickass music
>him being a fucking bastard to fight
song related
Has there ever been a bigger slut than Nina2?
Nina 3
>this thread
I cry every night knowing we're never going to go on another adventure with Ryu and Nina.
But user, you know they announced BOF6 right? You're completely willing to play the Capcom BOF cash-in right?
user, that game doesn't exist. I'm not sure what kind of fantasy world you're living in, but we have to accept that in reality Breath of Fire 6 is not real.
DQ5 was fantastic
Breath of Fire 6 is out. You can play it right now.
Oh right, silly me. I dreamed it up as a pipedream but my dream was sullied by Capcom's track record.
My bad, user. Sorry for accidentally lying to you.
O... ... Okay...
In the later dungeons you realize Nina is useless because hitting harder means a lot more than aoe shit, her slot just wastes minutes. Especially if you grinded under meryleep which gives Momo the war shout, at that point you can just have the rest of the party ready to heal and buff and have Ryu go focusaura and oneshot everything. It really gets broken all of a sudden.
Playing III for the first time, at the lighthouse and just helped beyd beat zig. My party got fucked when entering the lighthouse and I don't know if I should grind or not. Their levels are ryu-18, nina-17, momo-15, garr-12, and peco-9. Also why is nina said to be useless? So far she has been useful providing decent physical damage and magic when I need it.