LOL poor Jon St. John ;_:
LOL poor Jon St. John ;_:
Other urls found in this thread:
What game?
What game retard
Duke 3D remake
Is this done by Gearbox again?
Could atleast post the whole thing so everyone can see Gearbox destroy and fuck over the Duke3D community.
I couldn't find the thread, I just downloaded this pic from elsewhere. I should've capped the whole thing when it was up.
Is there anymore characters with cool voices besides Duke and Postal Dude?
what if we have a crossover game with all of them.
what is this?
Sam Stone
i dont understand the hatred towards DNF
i enjoyed it
The future of gaming past.
If it was released in 2004, people would consider it a pretty good game.
Tiesel Bonne
This is awful. Gearbox should have gone bankrupt years ago.
>who the hell is Anita supposed to be?
this cannot be real. these are fake
The fuck is this comic?
OP is real and from the forums by the dev behind EDuke32, no idea where the other one comes from.
>Doom Guy rises from the ashes to rip and tear
>Douk continues twitching on the floor and shitting himself
>Lo Wang turns in to a first person action-RPG Borderlands knockoff
>Caleb is ded. DED
is this some sort of sick fucking joke?
>Duke is now PC
what the fuck man
>no grunts or death screams
shit doomguy
>is this some sort of sick fucking joke?
Yes. I'm kinda disappointed in how gullible people are so. I guess I should have cut the hint line a bit higher.
>Duke is now PC
Just because Duke mentioned Anita it doesn't mean he was praising her.
The problem is that he's bringing up that cunt at all.
>Hating on the new Shadow Warrior
Why? It was so good.
>Just because Duke mentioned Anita it doesn't mean he was praising her.
this is Gearbox we are talking about, so not only are they bringing her up, they will probably praise her.
Shadow Warrior 2 looks like it's going to fuck the series up.
Talking about the weird ass direction of the unreleased new one, famalam.
I guess I could've thrown the new RotT on to the pile too, but it's still painful to remember.
What's wrong with the new one? The only information i have about it is the announcement trailer from the last e3
>still painful to remember
To think that it was even more broken at launch than it is right now...
>when you made Douk pick up shit
Say what you will, but 5evr was pure kino
Are you really this dense user?
You aren't any better than tumblr if you just jump at any opportunity to get triggered without fact checking first.
NuDoom was quite meh to be desu
>Trusting Gearbox
where have you been?
Always assume the worst with these assholes.
Alright, source? This is some real onion-type bullshit.
>calling a woman a cunt for no reason
yeah anita hate totally isn't down to misogyny
You might want to reread that Anita pic.
>no reason
I know you're just baiting but come on
I thought the new RotT was very good.
I didn't play at release but the only complaint I could make was about the atmosphere being different than the original.
Heard it ran like shit on AMD though.
>Mfw someone around me defends Gearbox after Borderlands 2,Colonial Marines and Battleborn
And now Duke 3D. Goddamnit.
You fuckers have zero reading comprehension
You have zero shame instead.
oh I see it now, cheeky cunt.
kill yourself
This would be the thread but it's not public anymore.
Probably because the EDuke dev started to post his legal documents there.
>ends sentence with desu
Opinion discarded.
There's an archived version of that page, though:
kys desu
desu it's probably because if you type desu it becomes desu
"Serious" Sam Stone is still Standing Strong.
This desu
True enough. I wasn't super wild about 3 but it was still a Sam game.
They're making 4
Look at this doode
This is just like my favorite doll anime desu
Adventures of Fat Arin