>Sup Forums now loves this game and anyone that complains about it or says its the weakest of the series gets called a memer
what the FUCK happened?
>Sup Forums now loves this game and anyone that complains about it or says its the weakest of the series gets called a memer
what the FUCK happened?
Sounds about right.
It's the best game in the series you shitstain.
justice, it was always a good game
fuck the memers
>Sup Forums is one collective entity
I hate the game. Absolute garbage.
Those who like it have low standards.
soul memory fucked up what should of been the best game in the souls series.
SotFS fixed most of what was wrong with DaS2.
On top of that DaS3 has been remarkably underwhelming.
Soul Memory is really the only flaw that ruins the game, but after the catastrophe that's been DaS3 PvP, I'm starting to miss it.
best PVP is
DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS >>>>>> DaS 2
I enjoy it but the shit art direction and the awful motion captured animations(other than the roll which was nice) killed it for me. Also despawning enemies was dumb, I had to join the Company of Champions to try and get a lot of armor pieces
The variety was nice though and I miss the greathammer move set from DaS2
>Made it to drangleic castle and kind of stopped playing after that
>Is it worth picking up again?
The pvp was the best in the series. I get that from doesnt give a hoot about multiplayer, but a lot of the fans do.
So contrarians are all over it now? Should have seen it coming
Id say people who hate it are contrarians, since they wher evocal for years despite dropping the game after a week.
The same thing that always happens. Sequel comes out, Sup Forums claims it it shit and will bring about the fall of man. Then another installment comes out, and suddenly the previous sequel wasn't so bad.
Happens with Sonic, Zelda, Halo, you name it. The further you get in time from last playing it, the more you remember the good times over the bad. Or at least the bad times don't seem so bad.
I always loved it more than any souls game because of the replayability it has, this includes build variety, magic shit with hexes, bonfire ascetics, proper ng+, etc
Memers can't get to me
who the fuck are you quoting
DS3 has the worst PvP of any of the games.
I'd rather deal with havelyns.
I'd rather deal with hornet ring back stab fishers
I'd rather deal with parry spamming guardian sword
I'd rather deal with giant dad's and crystal magic hornet ring great club havel Backstabbing fishers
DaS2 vanilla was pretty meh but SotF was great.
From what ive seen so far people seem to prefer heavy weapons.
So how long would I have had to suffer through it to "legitimately" hate it?
That's not true. Just use the storyteller's staff to poison them and play keepaway for a minute. I've been beating level 100+ people at level 15. It's almost as fun as the old Batstaff glitch in DaS2.
No it didn't. SotFS didn't fix the shitty level design and bosses.
I always have and always will hate skyward sword
Heavy weapons are stronger than light weapons in 3. Hyper armor is great, and it turns poise into a learned skill instead of an ezmode mechanic for shitters.
Nope still hate it I would rather go back to Bloodborne and DS1 than play this awful game.
I don't know what people are talking about when they say this. I'm running with Astora's greatsword and I'm wrecking everyone.
You'll be looking at it fondly once the new Zelda comes out.
There hasn't been a single Souls game with consistently good level design and DaS2 has some of the best bosses in the series.
Most of the gank squad bosses people bitch about, like Ruin Sentinels, aren't even hard. People are just retarded and can't git gud so they blame whatever scapegoat they can hivemind.
They're the actual r1 spammers they so fervently complain about and accuse people of being. The irony is incredible.
That's not how greentext works you autist.
Every souls has so many flaws that only obnoxious loretards shit on that game.
Every souls game is shit, all these games and always tons of problems.
its a meme , people just pretend it was good to b8 people that dont' know about the meme
des pvp was chaotic good, perfect for trolling
Unless they manage to have handholding to the point where the game plays itself and have a companion more annoying than fi I doubt it. Having a big open world unlike the segmented shit ss had makes it better already
DaS2 managed to make it consistently bad with a few standout areas.
It's not about how hard those bosses were. It's how lazy they are. The only thing that made those bosses difficult at all is how many there were at one time. The game relied on attention splitting for most boss encounters.
playing through it for the first time now. I like it a lot and don't care about pvp at all. Might not be as good as Dark Souls 1, but still a blast to play.
Reminder that PvP is a minor part of souls games, that's why it's often an after thought.
Who are you quoting?
>what the FUCK happened?
Das3 was just that boring , bland, middle of the road that 2 looks better in retrospect .
Zelda effect.
There are so many games in the series that quality has become irrelevant. A new game is out, which is automatically shit, and the older games are now amazing.
In reality 2 is by far worse than any other entry in the series (DLC areas being exempt form this) and people who thinks 3 is somehow super linear is just grasping for any reason to hate the newest thing.
Hey guys, Sup Forums here. As it happens I am actually just one person, I just haven't been posting much since sonyfags starting ruining every thread.
Anyway let me set the record straight here, Dark Souls 2 is shit and will always be shit.
> It's how lazy they are.
I see this all the time, like it's an actual complaint that has any baring on how good a boss fight was.
9/10 times it's just players whining that they couldn't fucking adapt to fighting more than 1 enemy at the same time.
The only gank squad fights that are BS are Throne Duo and Gargoyles. Everything else was perfectly reasonable.
I always liked DS2. The fucking SHOCKWAVE and grab hitboxes make it the worst PVE game, but still fucking great
But there are multiple bosses in 3 too
I like killing big bosses and dressing up in cool armor, so far I feel like DS2 has done it better.
DS1 and BB are still my fav tho.
The other two games have just as many broken hitboxes, if not more.
Yet it can't be refuted. These bosses alone don't have a big enough moveset to be considered a boss. How did they remedy the situation? Give it a bigger moveset? More mobility? A phase 2? No. They chose to throw another one in. Maybe another one on top of that. Sprinkle some regular ass enemies too. You can't tell me that's great design.
Nah, I honestly don't think so. I haven't played DS1 in a while, but DS3 is pure hitbox porn in PVE,
In PVP you get fucking phantom range on all weapons
Twin prince is double boss in phase 2. Is it great design?
Anyone have the webm that shows how fucking worthless poise was in 2?
I honestly can't believe that people want that worthless stat.
>Waaaah why can't I mash r1 through my enemies attacks, dodging is just too complicated.
Hardly. It's one boss with a dude on his back. They don't even act independently. It's one boss with a bigger moveset than before.
Did you forget the trio in the Shulva DLC? 3 cheating npc cancelling animations everytime they feel like it? Running around the arena for 20 minutes poking on of them here and there?
>b-but its a coop boss fight!
Fuck off, pvp is one thing, but making areas for coop is horseshit. No boss should be 50% more tedious to complete because they want me to summon help.
That was the worst boss in any Souls game. I beat it once and then never again because I am not autistic
>They don't even act independently
Well Lothric revives Lorian like the throne defender.
The princes each have their own effect and hitting one over the other has different benefits.
The rats, gargoyles, and brass amigos, are just the same enemy copy pasted because coming up with a difficult move set was just too complicated i guess.
Fuck even the Deacons who are by far the worst boss of 3 at least have a time limit and a few different kinds of enemies.
Hello newfag.
And yes it is worth playing.
>People unironically think that a sequel copy pasting bosses is fine, but a sequel showing what happened to previous areas and characters after all these years is bad
>Yet it can't be refuted
It doesn't need to be, it's not a legitimate point to begin with.
Am replaying all the PC souls games after a bender on 3 to see how they all compare.
I always rather liked 2 even if it had some glaring flaws. A lot of ugly areas, ADP makes hitboxes more of a mess than they should be, too many unmemorable bosses. But damn I do love the weapon variety, and the fact that said weapon variety is actually viable.
I think I've got more hours in 2 than the other two games purely because you can pick any random weapon and do alright with it. Dual shields, bare fists, whip, claws, magic only, whatever.
God it's ugly to look at after playing 3 though.
I didn't, which is why I said 9/10 times, not all the time. The PvP fight is designed to be a coop fight, but that doesn't excuse the retarded AI cheating so hard.
Even though the world was set up in such a shitty way I did appreciate the variety of locals, it felt like on going on a grand adventure as apposed to scrounging around a single area like 1 and 3.
Did you ignore my post just now? I showed you why it's legitimate. How is it not?
>making areas for coop is horseshit
It wasn't made for coop. It was perfectly doable solo, not even frustrating at any point.
It's the weakest of the souls series but in my opinion it's a really solid fun game. But compared to DeS/DaS1/3 it's not as great.
Because it's the best game and we're tired of people praising the hack Miyazaki for throwing out all the good things Ds2 did and reusing shitty ds1 animations and areas to wow us with nostalgia. "omg look guys, the same shitty spear, straight sword, rapier, jumping, and rolling animations from Ds1. He copy and pasted them! nostalgia wow!"
Fuck Miyazaki. Ds2>>>>>>>>>>>Ds3.
>running in circles and abusing AI pathfinding is a great boss fight
thats my impression of you
It's a pretty good game. Might not be as good as 1 but that doesn't mean it isn't good.
Also, Vendrick is the best character in Souls. His whole story is just depressing. And his men clearly loved him, Velstadt still guards his hollowed, shambling corpse after centuries.
He was a great king, but he wanted another way instead of the fire.
Dark Souls 3: Designed to be beaten by a single person. Allow the option of summoning three people to beat the game for you. Add a feature to be invaded to counter act summoning other people to beat the game for you. No way to duo invade. Invasions typically 1v4 and only serve the purpose of giving the host and his phantoms an estus refill.
Cool thanks Miyazaki. Thanks for making a shit game.
Vendrick's story is definitely the best story in the series. The curse slowly rotting away his kingdom. Doesn't want to be a slave to the fire, crosses the sea and goes to war with the giants for their souls. Aldia experimenting trying to find a cure for the curse. Definitely a more compelling story than the rehashed garbage of Ds3.
>DaS2 is so shit I can't possibly make it look good on its own so I have to shittalk another game to make it look good by comparison
Sounds about right for DaS2fags. I don't even like DaS3 lol.
The Devs have specifically said that the three optional boss areas that lead to Gank Squad, Aged Smelter Demon, and Tiger Duo were made with Coop in mind, as was the Gargoyles.
Why do people can't understand that games as groundbreaking as Demon and Dark Souls offer a refreshing kind of fun only the first time you play them?
Even if they are good games DS2 and 3 are just re-runs of the same, once you git gud everything is easy and you can rush trough the game without any problem.
Heck, I love how nostalgia fags cum buckets over the old megamans when they were all the fucking same.
When you learn how to play a game the only thing left is the story and the story in DS2 was shit, also the npcs were void, stripped out of all emotion unlike in DS1.
I don't know, Im replaying DS1 before moving unto 3 and Im already getting bored.
But hey, whatever floats your boats my men.
I didn't like the game at first, and was initially really feeling buyer's remorse over pre-ordering it out of hype for Dark Souls I, but after awhile I picked it back up and was able to enjoy it for its own merits. It shines in PvP and weapon/armor variety more than anything, and some of the levels are still pretty fun to run around and explore.
I always through Velstadt was supposed to be some kind of creation of Nashandra, since his soul is Dark when you get it, and Elana summons a golden doppelganger of him to aid her in battle.
If you're summoning three people you should be getting invaded constantly because you had to have used the dried finger. If you run into a gank squad of four people and don't wait for at least one other phantom to show up, because another one WILL show up, you're a fucking retard.
Plus in Farron Keep and Anor Londo you can get invaded by three phantoms while going completely solo, without the dried finger.
I think that's more just another example of the lore of the second game not making any sense no matter how you spin it.
Speaking to him is pretty haunting too.
"More fit to be a jester, than a king."
Man gave it his all, but in the end, he couldn't beat the system. I seriously hope more from 2 is introduced in at least 1 DLC for 3. Something about the Bearer, or Aldia, or Shanalotte.
Nigga you need to face the looking glass Knight before dropping the game famm
>Sup Forums isn't one collective entity
Fuck off you aspy retard. Everyone who isn't retarded knows this shit but it doesn't stop the site from having a generally accepted opinion.
The reason it was worthless was because of the stupid Stone Ring.
More likely Velstadt was just one of many Knights. His armor says that he was lured from a far away land by darkness, and eventually lost himself completely and existed only to protect the King.
The reason for his Soul being dark is because it was tainted by the dark. The same thing happens to Raime's soul.
Staying in the crypt is was made his soul dark. It specifies he was there so long his soul turned dark.
It's a chore to play, and no where near as fun or immersive as Das 1, 3, Des and BB.