>the church is evil
>god is evil

>real life
>organized religions are built on the conquering and subjugation of millions

Welcome to real life

>Church is evil
>God is good
>Final boss is a fallen angel

>the church is good
>it's a cult that's evil

abrahamic religions are under shit tier

>in this millenium
No, they aren't. At least not in first world countries.

>The churches are save points
>The game revolves around religion

But Dinosaurs aren't real, user. How could homosexuality kill them off if they never existed in the first place?


>t-they don't do it anymore! s-so it never happened!

>abrahamic religions are under shit tier
Is Christianity even 'an abrahamic religion'?

Still better than Wicca, that's SJW tier.

M8, the Romans did most of that, even in the name of Christianity.

highschool dxd plot

Yesu goldberg-san, we wirr maku gamu for autistic gaijin.

No, the church actually joins demons to fight Buddhists.

Religion is evil. It is the single biggest obstacle in the way of humanity's progress.

i didn't watched all of it, the plot its just a pretext to show boobs and ass

You say that like it is a bad thing

Good goy
Communist autistic abolishment of morals, ethics, culture and religion is the only way forward.



i have autism

You sure do

the pro religious posters are merely being ironic. years ago they were the same ones posting things like , but now they've aged a bit and see a new wave of kids that they assume is like how they once were and see it as another opportunity to be contrary

So it's like real life?

>are built on

>God is an alien

Religion is culture and an ocean of young mindless ideologs do not feel like they belong to any group or have any culture.
The internet is killing culture and destroying identities in the process.
Oir cultural revolution has alreaddy begun, im just along for the communist ride to se what happens next.

This is correct.

Sup Forums used to be atheism central, but not atheism is the norm.

Religion is now counter-culture in the youth, so Sup Forums now backs religion.

Look at architecture m8
Pyramids are great but they are not cathedrals.

That kid probably believe in Muhammad.

>Look at architecture m8
Or the medieval painters.

How does Sup Forums feel about Buddhism?

>Believing the Dark Ages where just caused by the founding of Catholicism.
Rome fell apart on its own for a myriad of reasons. If anything the old church held the remains of society together. Anything could have taken its place.

>enemy is "god"
>is actually just an asshole in golden/white robes, bird wings, and long hair

If you hypocritical fucks think our religion is sooo fuckiing evil, THEN STOP USING OUR ANGELS, DEMONS, NAMES AND LORE IN YOUR SHITTY CHINK GAMES FOR AUTISTS

they are less cunts than the rest of the world

your shizo autism fantasys are not real user

>By tradition, he is said to have been destined by birth to the life of a prince, and had three palaces (for seasonal occupation) built for him.

>Although his father ensured that Siddhartha was provided with everything he could want or need,

Budhism was killed in the 50's by the cultursl revolution, persecuting the people who practised it, what we see today is just a destroyed fraction of whst it used to be.
We have no reason to fear atheism guys, its not the religion that has caused the largest ammount of death in the history, we'll be fine.

>you're a fedora tipper if you dislike organized religion or know history

I think part of the point was that he had the perspective of such luxuries, but decided to forgo them

Surprisingly certain religions worship gods that are destructive, manipulative evil beings, not all religions are based on loving idols.

By board law, non-newfags are required to be as contrarian as possible to lure newfags into rage filled posts.

It's called the HOOK initiative.

You're a fedora tipper if you actively advocate the destruction of western culture.
And we, have seriously bigger problems than practising religion, ( the root of actual morals )

Japs to tend to target Catholicism/Christianity the most though.

Pic related, was evil in FF14's recent "twist"

>The entire era of the Middle Ages, not just the Early Middle Ages, never contributed any meaningful inventions or advancement in science until the Renaissance.
What are educational institutions teaching their students if they still subscribe to literal Renaissance propaganda?? Glasses, mechanical movable type printing press, quarantine, universities, mechanical clocks, Gothic architecture, castles, plate armor, and agricultural developments, not to mention the numerous painters and philosophers during this era, were all products of the Middle Ages. The mechanized printing press in particular is considered one of the most important inventions in human history, proliferating the circulation of information and drastically reducing the cost of education due to the increased production of printed literature.

>an organisation brainwashes you with slave mentality
>not evil

But the kikes and liberal goyims gotta love the new cool pope.

>it's not made in Japan

>I oppose moral structure

Found the Jew!

Villain in FF13


Is it really a twist if you know they're going to be evil? Tales of Symphonia did this shit, too. I would honestly be more surprised if the Fantasy Pope isn't evil.

That smug sticker

You do realize Japan had/has a rampant problem with religious cults.

A large part of it was the introduction is Christianity to Japan in the 1500's. Japan tried to stamp it out but that made the small sects even more extreme. Japan is xenophobic for a reason.

How the fuck do you put "scientific advancement" on a graphic?

So make religious groups evil in damn near every Japanese game that features them?

And even outside of that, don't they realize how played out that shtick has gotten at this point?

yes retard

and Japan really doesn't care about depictions of gods and divine beings in video games because the Shinto religion has literally thousands of gods for anything and everything

Absolutely epic image, too bad its bullshit.

>the church is evil
>god is evil
>evil is evil
>protag is evil


>this thread again
>and again
>and again

Just like real life. Only time those dam gook tunes are right.

>so i come in the thread and post

>god is evil
>you can still serve on his side
can you get more fedora than that?

Better'd lock up all whites for what their ancestors did to blacks.


Yahweh is literally the god of abraham you fucking idiot.
I'm a fedora and I even know that.

Not to mention science advancement isn't some linear thing. Knowledge is lost all the time and we don't even know exactly how the Eygptians made the pyramids. Or that one concrete mix that was only recently rediscovered how they did it.

if anything the churched helped by throwing lots of dosh at people on preservation of roman tech

accurate, Deus Vult motherfucker

Stop being so paranoid you oversensitive asshat. It just is a common plot twist and JRPGs aren't exactly known for diverting from tropes. Does Japan targets shintoists because all those miko getting raped by priests in hentai works?

>people are still getting baited by this picture in 2016
The guy who made this must be proud.

>French fry
>its not from France


You do realize the church is the only reason some scientific knowledge survived the dark ages since they were they only ones who kept and preserved records of it at the tine

>You do realize Japan had/has a rampant problem with religious cults.
And yet they never critizice mudslimes
Beating abrahamic religions is easiers since they never fight back

>ITT: Christfags get mad at vidjas for making fun of their shitty desert religion

Why do whites defend Christianity so much? It was the most oppressive element to ever hit Europe in the first millennia. The new white-nationalist movements Europe have the right idea by adopting Paganism, to honor their ancestors and push away the big nosed Juice, Mudslide, and Christfags. I would rather kick it with Pagans too; they seem like party animals.

>were you there
I wasn't that mad until that point, now I'm all riled up.

Pagans pagans are joke. You'll find more at a pride parade than any rightwing movement.


>the church means well as a whole
>its higher ups don't
>god is trapped in an evil robot

>implying capitalism didn't already abandon all of that in search of money

There's kind of a reason why Jesus said it's easiest for a camel to move through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven.

I'm not being sensitive. I'm not even religious. Just pointing out instances of the trope.

Not to mention the last big event involving religion in their country was a religious group releasing sarin gas in a subway station.

>And yet they never critizice mudslimes

They arrested and/or kicked out every Iranian in their country in the 90s when ONE killed his Japanese girlfriend.

>look up Aum Shinrikyo
>they're still around in 2 sub-factions
When you're a literal doomsday cult that kills civilians because you think the end is coming, you know what, fuck human rights. The state has the right to exterminate you.

Just like in real life!



>the gods are evil
>the mortals are evil
>but fuck that man, football is here

which jrpg has god in it aside from Xenogears and even in that the wave existence is shown at the last moments of the game and its no way near evil. Most FF villains make themselves an angelic like appearance but they are never god.

>god doesn't care what you're doing at all