How can one man be so based?

How can one man be so based?

Other urls found in this thread:
link to the godawful gameplay

Where was you when Notch uncucked his shit up?

Notch has been uncucked for awhile.

>Billions of dollars.
>Sits on twitter all day fighting muh sjws.

Fucking kek.

He's on fire lately, stumping liberal cuck weenies ganging up on him right now.

U jelly?

Polygon is total shit, except for the McElroy brothers.... They're literally the only thing keeping that site from being worse than Kotaku

Let's be real, he's living the dream.

Notch was the hero Sup Forums needed, but didn't deserve

>Notch just says whatever the fuck he wants
For a guy in a well known position I'm glad he's like this. Zero fucks given and usually seems to demolish the people who try to argue with him.

i kek'd right bottom tweet

I'm sitting on Sup Forums all day fighting with Sup Forums without billions of dollars, what's the difference?

You can call Notch a sellout or whatever, but he is the user who won.

Most of us would probably be in the same place if we caught lightning and sold it for Billions to Phil Spencer Senpai.

I wish I was rich enough to shitpost using my real name

at some point you have to stop to get money to survive. Notch doesn't have to

actually painful to watch

Holy fucking shit.

requesting the image where some trans woman asks Notch for Monies.

That was a bit funny actually

>shooting the medkit


>fucking billionaire
>god-tier bantz on literally whoever the fuck he wants
>gets to bantz possibly one of the least safe targets to BTFO

you're jealous

top tier bantz kek

>makes billions of dollars off autistics and kids
>never has to work again in his life
>becomes a hero on twitter

Gotta admit, I'm jealous.


omg this was the best. someone post it

Man is living the NEET dream. Shitposting all day long.

>It took Notch billions of dollars to realize Sup Forums was right all along

Truly rich people are the shitposters to surpass Neets.

If I had billions I'd have better things to do than shitpost.

You can admire notch all you want, but he has a fucking pathetic life. He's a fat swede who was literally whining about having no friends last year, now he's your hero because he's shit posting on twitter, the most cancerous of platforms.



[can't wake up]

When Notch calls beta bitches on twitter what they are

>If I had billions I'd have better things to do than shitpost.

Like what? Drive fancy cars/planes and other vapid shit rich people do?

Kill all trannies and indie devs.

>sits alone at home all day
>No significant other
>Has literally nothing to spend his money on
S...Sure living the american dream

I found a video

What makes you think he isn't doing both? Guy probably has some expensive barely legal prostitute sucking his cock as he shitposts.

>fuck you
>you're a cunt
>I'm """"""""""""trans""""""""""""
>pay me

>that last tweet
fucking 10/10

>Needing a wife to enjoy life

Just a couple of buds and fuck buddys will get you through.

The world is already oversaturated anyways.

>mfw cuck mod is triggered as fuck people are discussing a game dev because he has an opinion that hurt cuck mod's feefees which makes him literally start shake and crying while deleting threads with hotpockets in hand
>mfw he does it for free
>mfw he'll NEVER EVER get the gf he's trying to impress
>mfw he'll get fucked in the ass by her boyfriend
>mfw he'll never EVER succeed in life
>mfw he'll never EVER obtain the power to do anything meaningful, so he moderates a chinese imageboard because it's the only control he has in his pathetic life


>needing a partner to be happy
>not wanting to sit home all day with no responsibilities because you earned it

you're fucking pathetic dude

Fuck, I can do that without billions of dollars

>fuck you, here's my PayPal

You can't make this shit up


Damn, not even Yahtzee's LPs are this bad.

He's come the full circle.

>No significant other
So he's not a cuck? Don't see the problem desu

>yfw when notch transcends normal shitposting to Trump posting
Can't wait

Does being trans/fat/margarine exempt you from being a shitty person Sup Forums?

>I'm a marginalized trans! Pay me! I'M IN AGONY!


the mods here are fucking garbage but you can't deny it's better than literally anything else out there right now

Notch is the man we all aspire to be. He has infinite ressources yet dedicates most of his time shitposting online.
A true hero.


>console babbies
this is why no one wants crossplay with multiplayer FPS

M8, Africa could be fixed for $1M. Mud brick compressors are $2k.

>Notch is a swede who saw the light


oh man when i saw this i knew Sup Forums would love it

Say what you want about the board of peace, but their mods aren't overzealous SJWs censoring discussion that triggers them. Here on Sup Forums they are nothing but Trigglypuffs with banhammers.

He's anti-Trump so he's not based at all.

What did he mean by this?

This is why you don't play Doom, or any FPS inspired by Doom (which is a percentage approaching 100) on consoles.

Fucking savage

Niko Niko FUCK OFF

It means Gamergate won.

>mfw this thread

isnt he married?

He did come out and say he was just fucking with people to make people ungollow him , he actually thinks gg is full of shit just like sjw. I can dig reply later if you really care.

console babbies isn't even a fucking excuse for this webm, you can aim much better than that even with a controller

Probably closer to the original intent of GG, the whole games journalism thing. But o wouldn't doubt that he doesn't mind that they've shifted to just shitting on sjws and being a bit retarded.

Wait a second, he's not acting like a complete sissy but he's a gaymergater? What?

>start out as a Sup Forumsirgin shitposter
>work your way up
>become millionaire
>suddenly look down on Sup Forums and shitposting
>try to mingle with popular people and SJWs to be "in" with the crowd
>buys expensive cars and houses
>becomes billionaire
>realizes being a Sup Forumsirgin shitposter was the best thing after all

I don't know if this is based or tragic.

> His life is so devoid of meaning he resorts to insultint others on twitter based on their platform preferences
Typical PC friend desu

He was being sarcastic, he hates both sides

He made two different posts, flipping the groups.

I think his goal was to have both sides unfollow him and leave him alone.

>Notch makes a game where anyone can build anything
>Trump wants to make a beautiful big wall in real-life

It's foolish if he doesn't end up supporting Trump in the end.

Why is billionaire arguing with somes irrelevant fags on twitter?


He has nothing else left.

He has done everything he ever dreamt of and he doesn't need to work ever again. He's basically the average depressed NEET with no ambition again who has nothing else to do all day other than shitposting.


You fags are so easily impressed.

Verbally annihilating SJW's and trannies is the easiest shit ever. It's like fishing with dynamite, it isnt even fair.

>the C word
Rabid feminists trying to make cunt the gender equivalent of the "n-word"?

How can they NOT see that their inane ramblings and constant search for anything they can find even remotely offensive to complain and make a huge fuss about, is damaging every inch of Feminism? Even fucking bleeding heart liberal facebook sites like the LAD Bible and its followers make fun of it, when given the opportunity.

Nah. When he started getting rich (pre Microsoft buy out) she divorced him because she didn't want to live that life style. Didn't like becoming a celebrity. She didn't take his money either. Cause Sweden isn't as fucked in the us. I'm not sure why people call him a cuck


Savage Roar/14

this is cringe on an unreal level


>the original intent of GG, the whole games journalism thing.

>twat is ok, right ?

So we were only hating of him becuase jelly ? Seems pretty fucking based to me.


It's a little different when a powerful figurehead is doing it instead of some faggot called "cuckmaster mememachine 420 :^)" with a smug anime girl for a profile picture.

>Rabid feminists trying to make cunt the gender equivalent of the "n-word"?
They already did in murrica.

A long time ago, it was for that. A long, long time ago.

More like Matt HugeGay


every time