What went so fucking wrong?

What went so fucking wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Lack of everything
Some things make no sense
Power cores all over the place but don't last long despite the fact they are made to last for a fucklong time. I guess you could excuse this as it taking place 200+ years after and so the cores are on their last bits of energy, but even so I'm pretty sure they last a lot longer than that.
2 GAZILLION GUNS just like Borderlands
Many attachments are shit
Poorly optimized, at least on release
Bolts and now lever actions have pieces on the wrong fucking side.
Power armor seems to be a weird mix of supa tank of death in one moment then useless the next
No heart put into it
All the raider encampments and places like the arena or robot race track immediately stop because OH LOOK IT'S THAT ASSHOLE KILL HIM BEFORE HE KILLS US
Voiced protag, bad story with many insanely stupid parts
Enemies aren't really improved other than raiders in power armor
The supposed parts of cover and things breaking or falling off due to a firefight make no difference in any manner and are only in select locations of shit

fucking calm down you autistic faggot

Emphasis on stupid gimmicks with no thought as to how they'd actually improve the game (voiced prorag and OVER 1000 NAMES)

>OP asks whats wrong with Fallout 4
>Someone points out most of things that are wrong with it
I see no problem here

I played it for 1 hr, uninstalled, refunded it and bought Witcher 3 which is infinitely better.

>literally 0 dialogue choices
>boring shit quests
>old-gen graphics, animations, bad optimization
>no rpg elements and no choices in quests at all
>loot and settlement building simulator
>bugfest like every beth game
>few weapons, no ammo variety, etc
>sarcastic yes, yes, yes, no (yes).

>several well thought out, good points
Bethesdrones everyone.

but he's right
Also, story is dumb and there are no way to play character other than stupid good, eventually snarky good.

We'll just let players design the game for us: The Game.

Seriously though, could they at least have put in more towns in rather than just Institute/Virus Vault/Baseballville/Airship. Hell, I wouldn't even count Bunker Hill as it's just a bunch of merchants thrown together.

Also, the fact they threw in a bunch of weird shit, even for fallout. Diamond City using fucking baseball uniforms and bats, Minutemen using cranked laser rifles and can't hit for shit, fucking immortals living off of human/alien blood, people who think robots killing and replacing humans should be saved... Fucking pipe weapons, lack of variety of weapons, shitty perk list, shitty dialogue system and just a rather lackluster place to explore that doesn't have much flow to it. Just one big place of randomly put together shit with no real rhyme or reason why someone/something should be there.

Well, a lot actually went quite right. Fallout 4 is miles ahead of Fallout 3.

Is the story better than New Vegas? Not for me.

But I will give them credit for respecting the lore and the older games much more than they did in Fallout 3.

- The gameplay/action is good.

- Some of the quests and story is very formulaic. Not many surprises.

- Some choices to be made in the main questline.

- Im not a fan of the fusion cores needed for power armor. Power armour should have a fusion reactor onboard, should be degredable instead.

- Far Harbor is surprisingly decent.

- Dialogue is limited, but more streamlined. Pros and cons to that.

- Decent crafting and upgrade system.

- Not a fan of building settlements or the Minutemen.

- The glowing sea is pretty cool.

- They got the Brotherhood of Steel right.

- The Railroad is weird.

- Companions are somewhat improved but still clunky.

So its a mixed bag, some is bad but much of is actually a decent overall game.

Can mods even salvage this shit? Only half decent thing was the shooting.

You Bethesdrones are the worst. Stop defending this shit game and stop posting lies.


Good effort post

>Dialogue is limited, but more streamlined. Pros and cons to that.


yeah I agree with you user

> What went so fucking wrong?

Bethesda. What exactly did you expect after the shit that was Skyrim exactly?


>nobody can like something I arbitrarily dislike

The game is fun and has some great content, get over it.

Developed by a company that doesn't even like, care or know any of the Fallout universe.

East coast
Voiced Protag
No Skills

Lack of reason to play. It's a fun game but it doesn't have the replayability of the other games, let alone other bethesda RPG's. Skyrim was pretty bare-bones but at least I could make a new character and feel like I was starting a new game with new choices and could make a character that was unique and interesting.

Can't do that in fallout. There's no variation in character creation or world building. Every quest is the same, every gun is the same, every weapon mod is the same, every interaction is the same. They give you no reason to play the game more than once because after you've played it, you've seen everything worth seeing.

There's not even fun scaling. You're given power armor and some of the best weapons in the game within 10 minutes of play time and then you fight a deathclaw, one of the highest level end game enemies in the series.

There's no fun areas to go to with interesting factions and quests, you just find more raiders that want to kill you because you exist and happen to be walking by. God forbid they try to talk to you or recruit you or be friendly ever.

I still got 50 hours out of the game but I can't see myself playing it ever again, unless a shit ton of mods come out and they completely overhaul the game.

Loot scaling made it useless to explore very quickly. It turns the game into a homogeneous bore. This is a game devoid of surprise because of it.

I quit when I got done with a lot of the map and realized I couldn't give two shits about the baby or finding it.

No loli companions like the concept art showed.

Depends, can they fix the perk list, add to it and add other things suck as traits to start adding variety to character builds?

Increase the amount of weapon types to make different builds interesting?

Maybe a mod that turns some of generic player workshop settlements into interesting locations worth visiting?

I have my doubts. Even modders could only do so much with Skyrim. I fear even less for FO4.

Every shopkeeper wont tell you their lifestory, just more realistic if they say, wanna buy? yes, no, fuck off then next customer.

The bad is of course you cant have deep conversations or ask weid questions.

>buy my games

Fuck you.

This, all they seem to know about it is the name of two factions and its a dude wacky 50s esque nuclear world lmao. Even after new Vegas they can't fucking grasp the idea that civilization for the most part should have rebuilt itself buy now

>not being able to wander the wasteland with your adopted daughteru

Fucking really?


half assed "innovation" compared to fallout 3 or new vegas.
some kind of elder scroll syndrome.
they stick to the classic formula even after an apocalyptic event.

This is the only part of the game I dislike, it really isn't as replayble. I do like the settlement building though, I still spend some time doing that

I put 63 hours into it. Got my money's worth so it's alright

Are there any actual good weapon mods released yet? Every weapon mod I have seen has fucked up handguards due to shitty animation rigging.

Fuck you, IGN

The wrong company bought the rights to it,

my number 1 problem is how multiple questing is handled : it isn't at all
you can start a questline, stop in the middle, finish the whole game, and when you come back the NPCs act like it was minutes ago, i fucking hated that
the other points are opinions/i don't give a shit about it

Clearly it's a masterpiece just like the last Fallout game they released

Weapons, almost every firearm sucked dick. I guess the energy weapons were alright.

>God forbid they try to talk to you or recruit you or be friendly ever.

That one fucking guy at the Quarry. You help him out, you'd think he'd at least ask if you wanted to join his gang.

But nope, fucking Bethesda seems to have a raging hard on when it comes to being a "good guy".

Not allowed to be someone who gets out of a vault, sees the shithole America has become and decides "Fuck it, I'm gonna fuck shit up" because that's all he ever knew before the war.

that's virtually every "rpg". it's not worth getting upset over convention unless a game promises to change everything.

Pretty much just this

So it makes it such that Bethesda can be more lazy in writing and have to fill a 4 choice quota.

>imagine Fallout 4 having actual moral choices
>you look for your child for most of game, it turns out to be adult
>character and fighting style of your now-adult child depends on your choices throughout game
>last stage of MQ is both of you going on ass-kicking rampage

come on it's not like it would be a revolution to add some lines, yet i never see something as basic as this


Yeah, Preach it! I think everyone should buy Fallout 4!

I have mixed feelings about this game. I have enjoyed Bethesda's games in the past, starting with Morrowind; I'm a gigantic TESfag, but Fallout 4 is my first Fallout. I typically have no interest in post-apocalypse

I think my biggest gripe with the game is that it seems tonally very confused. It attempts to depict a dystopian future where the remants of life on earth struggle to survive and rebuild in the wake of man's inhumanity towards man having reached its most extreme: nuclear annihilation.

But then it's also a whacky cartoon with teddy bear launchers and Bloody Mess.

The main narrative is potentially very powerful, but irreparably ruined by the only "resolution" being to set off a fucking nuclear explosion to kill the "bad guys". How were the Institute bad again? Because they were haughty and thought they knew better than everyone else? The whole Synth replacement paranoia phenomenon is never explained by Father or the Institute. It's a major theme that the game does nothing to actually explore. So I still have no idea how murdering a bunch of innocent, brilliant people--my fucking son included--is at all heroic or even at the very least helpful to the world. My player character's life was ruined by nuclear fallout and yet I'm perpetuating this atrocity single-handedly because everyone says the Institute is evil? The slavery thing is fucked, I agree. But there could have and should have been a way to reconcile the created with the creators.

Also, I murdered a child by blowing up the Prydwyn. I couldn't fucking believe that I was forced to do this to progress the story. Maybe I would feel less cheated and hurt by this if the game bothered to deal with the consequences of actions like these, but the only thing we ever get is Patriot/Liam's suicide. This young person who did what he thought was right and lost everything because of it.

FO4 didn't make me feel like a hero, or even a good person. It made me feel like a bad person and a tool.


>>imagine Fallout 4 having actual moral choices

Someone many threads back suggested that child characters could fight and be killed, and that they would also be part of Raider groups sometimes. You'd have to make the decision to spare them or not.

Kill yourself

>Yes (sarcastic)
>More, then a yes
>Not now but yes later

Base game was fun, but lacking in meaningful content.


So much fucking better, you have characters quests storylines that interest you.

It's the Fallout that's been missing.

It's clear what happened was they got bogged down with settlement system and dialogue that they couldn't develop the basegame enough.

Better question is what went right, now that's a much shorter list indeed.

Also, poor enemy variety. If you're gonna turn it into a shooter, at least give me some interesting enemies.

Also Far Harbor added actually good non-Power Armor.

are we getting another dlc bros or is that it?

I KNOW! Far Harborâ„¢ is so fucking great. It adds a HUGE variety of EXCITING guns! My favorite feature were the all new skill checks* ! I already bought it for myself, my friends and my wife's son. It's just that damn great.

Features mentioned may or may not have been part of the previous Falloutâ„¢ titles*

Of course we will, I'd say at least 2 more proper DLC's
Probably not another like FH though.

The roleplaying element in a roleplaying game was lacking.

That's a pretty big problem

>it did what I wanted it to, which is have the features from previous Fallouts
>but that's not good enough
Fuck off kid, you didn't even play Fallout 1 or 2 when they were out.

Your mother didn't listen when the doctors advised her to terminate.

I wouldn't even really call it a roleplay. It's only forced muh Shawn and you can't deviate from it in any manner. At least in the other games you could attempt, then later do other runs with mods.

The biggest issue is how dated the engine is, and the fact that the engine itself was NOT intended for shooting, but for melee combat. That hurts the game a lot

It's boring, repetitive and inventory management is annoying. I only played about 5 hours of it. Meh

Are you retarded?

I can understand where you are coming from but

>- Dialogue is limited, but more streamlined. Pros and cons to that.

The dialog is not the only problem, is just that the characters are written like shit, so you can't do much with the dialog (Every conversation must have 4 responses even if it means saying the same thing 3 times)

>Some choices to be made in the main questline.

You can only choose if to side with the Institute or not, besides that no choice that you make has an impact in the world

>Decent crafting and upgrade system.

Not really since there are no tradeoffs in the equipment you want to upgrade, you just have to make the best mod that is aviable to you and that's it, there is no thought to it.

>The glowing sea is pretty cool.
Yea but there is no reason to go there besides interacting with Vergil since it's just filled with high level monsters, bugs and dungeons you can find in the Commonwealth

>They got the Brotherhood of Steel right

More like they made them all stereotypical as shit, they have no personality, it's like they are all robots saying the same thing. They got them right but there is nothing special to them

>Companions are somewhat improved but still clunky
The fact that you can't interact with them (No hugs, no kisses, no handshakes no nothing) is a detriment since they can criticize what you are doing. It's just there to stroke the player's ego, besides it's really retarded how i can join the Institute, piss off Piper, pick 10 more locks and then she loves me again for no reason

The gameplay is the only good thing in this game but everything around it is just so shit

Nice little purses you strapped on there son

How old are you?

Are you retarded?

I suspect that this game might have good art direction, but it is lost in translation to 3D. This game is kind of ugly. Many things seem to me to be poorly modeled, and it makes the whole game seem visually incoherent. It's like a cartoon that they tried to realize with pseudo-photorealism, and it looks kind of bad. I feel bad saying that, because I know games are hard to make and people worked hard on this game.

This may also be a symptom of their fucking engine. It makes sense that they would stick with it, as they are intimately acquainted with it after 10+ fucking years, but despite the additions they make with each release, their games still come out feeling dated in comparison to contemporary games. This may also be compounded by the fact that Beth's dev cycles are so much longer than just about all other devs, and so they miss a lot of the innovations/standards that arise. Their engine is holding them back from doing so much more.

The game is just technically dated and messy, it has a bad aesthetic compounded by poor graphical fidelity, and its main story is confused and trips over itself in really upsetting ways.

All that being said, he video game itself: the moment to moment loop of exploration, combat, and loot discovery is good. The companions are a revelation, and it was good of them to emulate Mass Effect in this way. Their development and the way you and a character can grow in your relationship does a lot for the game, and it might be the best thing about Fallout 4 that I hope they take with them moving forward. I've enjoyed the DLCs thus far, Automotron helped by adding some flavor to the base game, and Far Harbor is more atmospheric in ways the base game is not.

I'm glad they messed up as much as they did on a Fallout game so they can do better on the next Elder Scrolls :^)


It is considered a huge success in Bethesda's eyes. It sold well and that's all it matters

The problem with the game is the RPG part, wich is part of what you mentioned. The game thinks it should be 1940s forever, is not about survival, it's about "Plankity plank's crazy adventures in wacky post-post apocaliptic Boston"

This game has everything an RPG should have, but unfortunately it lacks meat in everything they included. There is no depth to the mechanics they provided in this game. It is sad to say FO1 had more in-depth skills and perks than this 2016 game

But this is obviously done on purpose, they are pandering to the the casual audience with a lot of "WOW!" features that really offer nothing more than maybe 10 minutes of distraction and then back to the boredom (i.e: The jetpack)

TL;DR: They raped all the lore and Fallout's identity in order to attract the casual audience and sell more copies

>It is considered a huge success in Bethesda's eyes. It sold well and that's all it matters
Perhaps to the publisher and Zenimax. And maybe even to Todd's team. I just wonder if they've noticed that this is the only game they've made that wasn't critically louded by everyone and their mother. Many people had complaints about this game and it didn't win very many awards last year, I don't think.

They usually make waves every time they put a game out, but this time not so much. Surely they would notice that after so much success in the past, right?

I just hope they take that to heart and go into TES like they have something to prove.


I put 194 hours into it. Halfway through my second playthrough I realized that it felt like I was doing the same exact shit I did in my first playthrough and stopped. My biggest problem is just how shallow the game's world is. The Vaults are a complete joke; each one is just a raider dungeon with like two terminals giving some minor backstory, a far cry from the phenomenal environmental storytelling of New Vegas's and even some of 3's Vaults. A ton of cool locations that feel like there should be more to them (e.g. The Combat Zone, the robot racing track) are just more raider dungeons. Not to mention how every building conveniently has a chest with a bunch of loot at the very end and a barred door for you to unlock and easily leave through. Another problem is that half of the locations you discover are neutered and empty because Bethesda wants you to build settlements in them, despite the fact that settlement building is tedious, unrewarding, and about as well implemented as an amateur mod.

Please, post that pic that shows the different dialogue options in fallout 3, new vegas and 4.

>when you're playing Survival Mode

I like that.

Fallout 4 is literally One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Game

That's really all there is to it.

scarily accurate.

More like 1 step forward, 10 steps back.


More like a step sideways then killing yourself.

this desu

I agree go buy Fallout 4 right now you filthy peasa-I mean gamer.