What is the right board to post card game stuff in? Is it allowed/not allowed in Sup Forums?

What is the right board to post card game stuff in? Is it allowed/not allowed in Sup Forums?

Also what does it do

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Who cares? Post manly cards

Just post a Yugioh video game and bam, 400+ reply Yugioh thread.

just talk about tag force games if you want to post it on Sup Forums

/vg/ allows a yugioh general, no reason we cant have threads on Sup Forums


How viable is a chaos deck with current meta? I've been using it against a friend when we play and I really love it, but I don't know how I'd do in a competitive setting.

inb4 the forbidden one

chaos is pretty fucking vague, you could almost call the monarch deck chaos since its all light and dark

Shitposts on /fit/

I'm thinking of picking up a premade deck after not playing since the first generation of cards, will a premade be good enough to have fun with friends?

How much shit is there to learn about XYZs and pendulums and all that stuff?

I posted this picture and that text many threads ago

Im glad it has become a meme

No one cares

Technically /tg/ is meant for card games. However /tg/ has a community that despises every card game except Magic and has mods backing this much like with Sup Forums and certain anime you're not allowed to post.

Because Yugioh has a larger video game presence it's occasionally accepted on Sup Forums, depend on who's modding.

what do you mean by premade? like a deck someone who already plays made and is selling to you or do you mean a structure deck? Because if it's the former, you're going to get ripped off guaranteed and if it's the latter, you'll get ripped off plus you'll have to buy 3 of the deck plus you'll still have no staples, hardly any splashables, and a shit extra deck

premade decks are fine if its not just somebody trying to get rid of mediocre cards

if you know the decklist post it so you can get feedback.

Also XYZ is super simple, only thing to know is that materials arent counted as leaving the field

Pendulum has a couple gay rulings, but its also really easy to learn

>structure decks are a rip off

havent been for a while man, 3 monarch structure decks will do you wonders

Few days ago I treated myself with a booster box, got this.

How do I integrate the Blue Eyes Spirit Dragon to a Kaiba deck?

nice pulls, I want that drowning

Post impractical cards

Sorry, you're right. It's based around banishing cards to special summon and strengthen others.

Yeah, I meant structure, will buying 2 or 3 of those be enough to play "real" yu gi oh?


Still kinda vague, are we talking chaos dragons here?

just post decklist friend

>How much shit is there to learn about XYZs and pendulums and all that stuff?

The latest game has a tutorial on pendulums:

I played through it myself and still have no idea what they are but the seem like some complete bullshit.

the fuck?

/vg/ has a /dng/

>being confused by pendulums
user Im sorry...youre retarded

i guess as long as you buy a recent one, although don't expect to win against people who aren't doing the same too often

>he doesnt know how to play Hieratics

you dont run that in good heiratic decks

You can easily win locals with 3 monarchs structure decks if you dont brick

mind explaining it

Are you fucking stupid or lazy?
There is a board for every topic. Are card games video games? Then why the fuck would you think that it would be appropriate on the video game board?
What type of game is a card game? I wonder what board you should use.

>when your cards are destroyed you put them to one side and summon them all again the next turn for free

How is that not stupid?

I've summoned it maybe five times before and won with it three time. It's really impractical, but I love it, especially when no one expects it.

Of the last couple structure decks, Synchron Extreme or Emperor of Darkness are pretty playable, especially if you buy it multiple times and buy a couple cheap singles to round out the deck
Emperor of Darkness is strong as fuck

but yugioh is video games

dies to MST?

Its not for free monkey, you need to have proper scales up


Cool, thanks, I think I'll mainly be playing with my little sister so winning shouldn't really matter

when a dragon is tributed you summon a normal dragon from your deck


>synchros tuners pendulums every card has a novel describing it
yugioh was a mistake past 2002

Many of the Heiratic Dragon effect monsters have effects which involve tributing to Special Summon, and when tributed allowing you to special summon monsters from the deck like Sun Dragon overlord which you can then use to Xyz summon Heiratic Sun Dragon

Is shitty game

Because it empties your hand and dies to an MST, Wavering Eyes, Twin Twister, etc.
The only good pendulum decks since it came out either don't actually depend on pendulum summoning all that much (qliphorts), or simply had crazy degenerate cards that should never have been printed in the first place (dracopals)


it should if you are strip-dueling

I swap out cards a lot so I don't have a full deck list but I always use Necroface, Golden Homonculus, White Dragon Wyvernburster, Black Dragon Collapserpent, Chaos Zone, and Gold Sarcophagus. I'm kind of a noob still

Fuck off.

>reading is hard :(((


I wish I could pull out an MST just whenever I need one.
Is heavy storm still banned?


Where do people go to talk about Cardfight!! Vanguard? It's like im the only weeb shitter who plays it.

>i dont have a point so i'll say >le reading is le hard xd
or maybe it's just that cards are overly complex, but simplicity of mechanics would literally never occur to a grown adult still playing an anime card game a decade and a half after it was age appropriate


Then make a thread faggot

What's your point? Start a new thread in the appropriate spot. Unlike Sup Forums and Sup Forums, most other boards use the catalogs and don't have 15 of the same threads.

>it needs to be simple
stick to hearthstone kiddie

My nigga. What do you run?

I have a Gear Chronicle deck and a Diablo deck.

Playing Nightrose after a year long hiatus. I like how the deck works. I want to play angel feather again but holy fuck them nociels are expensive.

post archetypes that cause people to rage quit on turn 1


Six Spamurai were nutty back in the day back in the day. The amount of frustration of having no options against it was delicious

Either you play your first turn long enough for them to get frustrated and quit or you lose
It's thrilling really

Somebody rate my hot plays.

It'll probably be cheaper to make a Gavrail deck after G-BT07 comes out. The Rescue support looks pretty good. I wouldn't worry about getting Battle Cupid, Noicel that much for it. It's great but pretty expensive. You might be able to find a new card to sub for it.

I wish waifu faggots and best girl virgins would ask where to dump their shitty pictures while circlejerking.

Thats a medabot

>You beat the AI using a fuckload of banned cards
Way to do it bro

Are you telling me that 3xStratos and 3xPot of Greed isn't a fair deck?

Kaiju if against a "protect the castle" deck


Do these new Blue Eyes decks even use the OG Blue Eyes White Dragon?

Fuck off to /tg/ unless you want to discuss one of the video games.

I decided to get into it after being urged to by a friend, I'm currently trying to build an Amnesty Messiah deck.

>double gateway
>six samurai united
>kizan or grandmaster in hand
>swarm the field first turn
>set magatama

The Synchro era was some broken shit. XYZ and Pendulums can't even compare.

Without question. It is a requirement if you even want to run the deck. Pic related is an example of them being needed. There are some others that specify "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" while the rest simply mention "Blue-Eyes" cards which expands the pool.


Beating the ai in YGO games is hard though. They have such well thought out strategies.

That's a pretty sweet move.

Did he just kill himself or i'm missing something here?

>Attacks directly, monster has enough attack to end the duel
>Uses a trap to destroy his own monster and make both players lose life points equal to its attack points
>Turns a win into a draw for no real reason

Legit move if you will lose in the next play

I remember the days when i still understood this game.

He activated his trap in response to himself attacking for game

>impractical cards
That would be a solid 90% of cards printed.

Could be good with pot of cupidity or something