You have to pick 1, and only 1, for the next 5 years. Which is it?

You have to pick 1, and only 1, for the next 5 years. Which is it?

An easy C.

C is what I have right now, I'll go with that.

C absolutely

Is this supposed to be a difficult decision?


What's wrong with vsync?


Well since OP didn't guarantee us a >60hz monitor, the only correct answer is C.

It increases latency, and lowers framerate.

it literally makes the controls feel laggy as fuck

B and lock FPS to 60.


A. dont really care about the difference between 72 and 1080 and I play mostly online games, so the FPS increase would be what I wanted.

Barely, in most games not at all
It literally doesn't

Vsync is only a problem if you've got shitty frames.

C is the best answer.

If you didn't pick B then you don't know what you're doing.

>It literally doesn't

it does, you're just slow as fuck by default.


I honestly think 720p looks more realistic than 1080p but maybe that's just me.

a lot of vsync options lock the framerate to 30, not 60.

Also, its kind of a waste of your resources, if my PC can do 90 frames, I want 90 frames, not 60. I didnt buy a 144 hz monitor to waste it.

B and I lock frames to 60.

I am playing in windowed mode most of the time.

>no line saying what frequency the monitor runs at

B all day faggot

B, fuck Vsync, shit's only purpose is to add unecessary delay to controls.

1080p/60 is the only right choice. Frame rates higher than 60 are nice, but they don't make as big a difference as the jump from 30 to 60. I have a 144hz monitor and the only game that looks noticeably smoother is CS:GO. Having that high frame rate doesn't make me any better at the game though.

Clearly, B.

Let's assign each "Value" a score. 720p is 0 points, 1080p is 1 point, and 4k is 2 points. 60FPS is 1 point, 30 is 0, and 120 is 2 points.

Because B's framerate is half-way between 60 and 120, we'll call it 1.5 points.

VSYNC is a BAD thing and as such is worth -1 points.

> +0: 720p
> +2: 120FPS
> -1: VSYNC
= 1 point in total

> +1: 1080p
> + 1: 60FPS
> -1: VSYNC
= 1 point in total not bad so far

> +2: 4K
> +0: 30FPS
> -1: VSYNC
= 1 point in total again pretty balanced

Then we go on to B:
> +1: 1080p
> +1.5: 60-120FPS
> -0: No VSYNC
= 2.5 total points, a clear victory. Maybe if you took VSYNC away from all of them except for B.


I can't stand screen tearing so playing without vsync is out of the question. 60fps is good enough for me, although 720p120 is tempting.

Is this some kind of shitty pebbit meme? C, obviously.

B with G/free-Sync

can I have (A) without the Vsync?

> Not playing in 520p
Not kidding, I used to do this on ArmA 2 when I had a shitty PC
Lowest settings, 520p and like 11-15FPS, but damn the lighting effects really made it look pretty good

I think it's mostly the effect that the low resolution obscures any graphics issues or hitches so you cover over them and pay attention only to what works properly. And 11FPS is too low to gauge animation quality, so it looks fine.

B, I hate vsync.


I still do occasionally play on my PS3.

Vsync is actually a bad thing.
Either use a Gsync monitor or disable it.

B obviously

Nice arbitrary point system.

A point is a point, you can't call it half point

B is the right answer but your post is retarded

Or prevent screen tearing, retard.

It's subjective user. I'll take the small latency increase over screen tearing any day.

Besides with vsync on the latency increase is directly tied to the framerate. With option A for instance you'd have

>trying to go back to 60 FPS after playing with a 144 Hz monitor for a year

can't do it

fucking can't do it

anything under 85 looks like 30 FPS to me

B since I've got a monitor with adaptative sync.

I used to set my CRT at 85hz and anything less hurt my eyes. I could definitely tell the difference between 60 fps and 85. Over time though I've learned to accept my 60 hz LCD.

Sorry but in my completely objective point system VSync = 150 points so you're wrong