Physical copy, real CD

Box is nice, and having a TRUE physical copy. Blizzard truly cares about it's audience.

Well the whole thing is online only anyway so it's kind of pointless.

>about it's audience

i think the point of having copies of games is that you don't have to download the whole thing every time

not that it matters much in this particular case since it's only 5gb

>Blizzard sure cares about it's audiences money*

Fixed that for ya.

>not a jewelcase

>not having several TB of storage

What fucking age do you live in where you have to delete games to make way for new ones? Take some of the money you just spent on cardboard and invest in storage, dumbass.


Imagine being a product fetishist

Op here. Got the copy for $30 anyways. Dont have work till Thursday. Love that 4/10 life! (work four days, 10hour shifts).

>true physical copy
Then why does that manual look thin as fuck?

OP did you pay more for the origins edition?

it is the same price as base game in my country U.K

also CDPR cares about it's audience, base box of TW3 has a map a detailed witcher story manual, a soundtrack, some stickers and laminated cardboard thank you for supporting them.
that shit costs money, putting there production costs up and profits down.

Are you sure you didn't steal that, Tyrone?

>tfw have to bear this shilling for another week

>no hard case
>just a CD Sleeve

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I was waiting to buy this but eh fuck it ill just buy digital

$30 for Origins. Prime discount with some left over credit. Figure why the hell not.

why not, despite what Sup Forums says it's gonna be one of the biggest games of the year, as long as all the new maps and heroes are free might be a long standing game, worth the $$$

I did it for the pad of paper honestly.

Upload OST pls

To bros who bought the physical copies off amazon with prime and paid $47 back when the game was $59.99. Look out for refund emails around tomorrow if your copies arrive today.

The pre order price guarantee thing is basically what I'm mentioning since there was a price adjustment.

4 on 4 off, 12 hour shifts. Lunch is paid.
Got the next 4 days of just overwatch goodness.

what is that free hero jaina?
is it a new character

Hero's of the Storm.

can we at least NOW admit that Sup Forums has shills or are people still going to deny it

Sup Forums never had shill, it's not popular enough.
Your just mad cuz u r poorfag.

widowmaker and tracer in hots i think

Jaina is a 6k gold character. So about a 5-6 dollar value.