20 hours

>20 hours
>Feel like and eternity
I feel the warp overtaking me... It is a good pain!

Other urls found in this thread:


This hammer looks retarded.

Your skull looks retarded.

11 hours actually. Steam is incorrect.

You know, they used to say that the first rule of Warhammer was that nobody ever actually carries a warhammer. I see that has been disproven though

plenty of characters in both versions of warhammer use fuckoff sized hammers

>No Skaven

It's dung-shit!!

Less than 10 hours now.

>tfw no manthings to kill-kill with doom wheels

Skaven are too unique of a race to even be paid DLC. TW Warhammer is going to be a trilogy, so Skaven will be in the next game

Bretonnia is the free faction/race, I am going to say Dark Elves as the paid DLC.

I'm in two minds about this game.

On the one hand it looks fun.

On the other hand it looks as if there is zero replayabilty once you've played all races.

The only faction I really want is Lizardmen.

So when the three games come up will they work together or something?

I imagine they just reuse all the content from the previous game

yeah but you'll get a lot of hours out of it

For the glory of Chaos!

Not 20 hours. It's officially released at 8am BST. The boob-girl on the stream said so.

>reddit rats

Who cares..

It's really weird but I can't tell if I'm looking forward to playing this or not. Every other total war I've been bursting a blood vessel waiting for it to release. This one... Not so much... And I fucking love warhammer too.

I just want Kislev. But there won't be Kislev because the Empire would look bad compared to those certified chaos stumpers.

Is it for steam version also?

I really want this game but

> zero replayabilty
> dlc out of the wazoo
> denuvo

Ah man they better not make it a trilogy. Fucking £10 a faction. Nope.


It ought to be.

boob girl?

Been confirmed forever

Its 3 games over like 10 years, with free and paid DLC for every game. Every game is going to take a shitton of work. TWW 2 probably won't come out till like 2018

The community coordinator on TotalWarOfficial with a cleavage.

So what's up with everyone saying it doesn't have replayability?

muh waifu

Dat forehead tho

Idiots think campaign is the be all end all of a rts.

That is a whole ton of shit by CA. I don't understand how Medieval total war 2 can still have the most content (imo) and replay value over all these years and today we have a £40 game with four factions. Unless they literally cram every single unit from WH lore into each faction... I'm gonna feel ripped right the fuck off.

Was this the bitch who was commentating the siege game play a month or so ago? Her forced excitement was the most cringey thing I'd seen for ages.

>most content
>everyone is a human and has the same unit types with a few of them having shit that requires extra work like elephants
They could just do Medieval 3 and just reskin every model like they have always done

Its 4/5 faces, not factions. On the map there is like 40 factions.

I sort of fell the same way, and I might wait awhile to buy it but I'm still pretty excited. I even like FB more than 40k now, maybe it's because they're changing the battle formula so much? Or I guess I'm just a little burnt on TW in general, or I'm still salty at Rome 2's release.

>zero replayability
really subjective, different things are going to happen each campaign which will probably be pretty long, and with 4 really varied races with different play styles are appealing to me. I often find in a lot of TW games I have the most fun with factions that are the least appealing to me like the sand factions in Attila and the Huns because I don't like cav all that much and horde was kind of annoying to manage.

>DLC out the wazoo
Probably eventually, but I was watching some stream from Darren, some guy at CA said they were going to hold off on the DLC awhile because of the negative review bombardment on Attila. Devs take reviews seriously, for example Bethesda paying Obsidian more for an 8 or higher on New Vegas' metacritic or however that went.

DRM on top of more DRM is pretty fucking gay, I don't care if people are calling it anti-temper or whatever the fuck.

Legitimate question here. I'm a pirate-then-buy fag, and considering how fucked the releases of the last few TW games have been, I think I've earned the right to apply the rule to this game.

It's running on Denuvo though, and you only have one week to get the Chaos faction. What are the chances it'll be cracked before the 1 week is up so I can try and then buy? Don't want to wait like a month, find out it's good, then have to buy the base game + the fucking Chaos faction.

Can you warham total war babbies give me a reason why this game is going to be good? It doesn't look promising with all the stunts they are pulling off so far:

>Buying off streamers left and right by making them work for them and handing them an early release access.
>Day 1 DLC, for the all time biggest faction in the Warhammer universe.
>Already announced that the game is missing half it's content. *hint* *hint* more DLC.
>Blood DLC for a Warhammer game lel youtube.com/watch?v=h0fIoylhero
>The newest trailer is titled and talks about 'Conquer This World', only talk about how they deliberately made it so you can't conquer the whole map.


>What keeps me from wholly falling in love with Total Warhammer is my growing sense that it works because Creative Assembly ripped-out most of the strategic guts out of the game and left a facade in their place.

>the actual economy of Total War: Warhammer can’t really sustain any of what you see on the campaign map… which also means that expansion simply adds to your vulnerabilities without contributing resources to your war-chest.

>Small wonder that nothing is ever gained or lost in the Old World: no territory can fund the forces needed to protect it, so each expansion is a brief boom before an inevitable collapse. Like an annoying racing game, Total Warhammer’s campaign is rubber-banded so that building a lead is nearly impossible.

>And here we come to the limitations of this review: I have enjoyed my time with Total War: Warhammer immensely, but the more I play, the more I have a growing sense that it begins to crumble as its scope expands. The economy is out of whack so there’s magical income to compensate for it. The moment you make progress on the campaign map, you draw so much diplomatic aggression from other powers that you are quickly swarmed by enemies that you do not and (thanks to the economy) cannot field the forces to resist.

>really subjective, different things are going to happen each campaign

Except for Tokugawa, he will always die early.

>10 hours to go




Skaven don't exist, silly man-thing

Nah you check out Kingdoms etc, you still have variety in how factions worked,looked and fought, starting positions, objectives etc. You could play Scotland and it would feel totally different to playing Spain for instance. Yes unit types were similar but that is history for you. My point is... A choice of four races is shit. You may have 40 factions within the races but how many are playable and how many are simply minor AI roadblocks during the campaign?

I get what you're saying about reskins but atleast the game felt varied. I can see the lack of choice disappointing alot of people in this. Just my opinion though.

Why is her forehead so massive? Also why are British women so ugly?

>It got already got way more better reviews than DOOM.
>All the streamers tell there is very little bugs and crashes.
>Future DLC is still free.
Only one crying are some historian and pirate autists.

None. The game is having a smooth launch though, just like attila.
Just buy the game goy.

Can I replace everything with skinks?

True, but Shogun was one of the least replayable for me. Especially with such poor unit variety. Not that they had a whole lot to work with but still.

We've already established that the rps reviewer was just terrible.

This is honestly the one bit of jewwing I can partially understand.

Aside from Bretonnia, and maybe pirate kingdoms/Kislev, they can't copy/paste factions with a palette swap and a few new units.
Also, it looks like every faction is getting a unique gameplay feature, though I image the Tomb Kings will play pretty heavily like Vampires.

She was so fucking salty about getting referred to as "the girl" in the Vampire stream, shit was funny.

>Seperating all the factions like that instead of just expanding everything in the one game

That sounds terrible

Is any one particular army more reliant on magic than the others/which has the most powerful magic

I know dorfs have none but outside of that everyone seems to have similar spells


>a dollar and change
cant fucking wait

I don't think they can afford to spend all that time making 16 or over totally unique factions before getting a payout.

You guys should be glad thaat you get whole factions by buying the game. If this was done in true GW fashion you would have to pay for every unit in every faction separately and that is after buying the faction unlocking "codex" that contains army lists.

it releases 8am BST

You're welcome

Because shes literally irrelevant. As someone who has been involved with the warhammer community for a long time, she is literally a pair of tits. Not good at the game, not good at the hobby.

>God awful accent
>Forehead for miles
>"Nerd" girl spouting lore autism over every gameplay preview

Why are your standards so low?

40k fags please, there is no Warp in Fantasy, it's called The Realm of Chaos

>4 races

It has been confirmed on their stream over and over.


Oh woah good job Sherlock. you probably also figured the quote was from 40k.

Ratmen don't exist you blaspheming fool

Do you want the witch hunters called in again?

because the best breeding stock got carried off by the vikings

Why cant i play as bretonia?

If they keep to 1 game, they can't do engine improvements or anything that usually comes with every TW game.

This ain't 40k, 40k is shit designed to pander to Americans and their gun obsession. Fantasy was always the better universe

I agree to an extent and understand what you're saying. My only concern is that it could give devs, namely CA the green light to make this type of thing the new standard.

If the Factions have huge rosters... Great. If the factions have the same size rosters as standard TW factions then that's a slippery slope for the future. They aren't some tiny indy company off kick-starter after all.

At least there isn't Elves

oh wow 5 races.


Someone isn't gonna enjoy the next game then...

Though judging by their Future Content Blog, races can come in seperate DLC packs, so we might get Skaven and Lizards and what not, but maybe just the race with a few campaign missions, not "fully playable" in the base campaign.

There's 5 playable races

Bretonnia are on the map as opponents, as are minor tribes like Kislev who are all unique from each other

There's a happy medium between 4 and 16. Say...8.

Bretonnia is playable in custom battles, and are confirmed to be free DLC to fully flesh them out like the other factions

It's still 4 more races than any other tw has had

>strategy game
>playing the campaign more than once
What the fuck??

I feel like you're a faggot just trying to promote your product.

please. no one gives a fuck both universes has magic, guns, swords and WAAAGH!!!

>They were too lazy for Chaos undivided
>Too lazy for Tomb Kings
>Too lazy for individual Empire factions
>Too lazy for Skaven

Literally every one of these factions play exactly like the established factions (Skaven = Orcs, Tomb Kings = Vampires, Chaos Undivided = Chaos Warriors with varying units and spells
>Individual Empire factions = literally just 90% the same units for every faction, with a few faction-specific units, like Nuln having access to advanced firearm/artillery units.

>checking out streams
>notice everyone is playing the same couple factions
>turns out there are only 4 to pick from


As a side note, has anyone noticed that every warhammer streamer is complete shit at the game? Whats up with that? Are they just jew shills and jews are bad at video games?

Except there's a big difference, over half of the factions in 40k are Imperium when you count in the variety of Spess Muhreens and Imp Guard.

Empire is just Empire, that's it. The other 14 main factions are all their own.

>Small wonder that nothing is ever gained or lost in the Old World: no territory can fund the forces needed to protect it, so each expansion is a brief boom before an inevitable collapse. Like an annoying racing game, Total Warhammer’s campaign is rubber-banded so that building a lead is nearly impossible.

This is every TW game you fucking idiot. It's like that on purpose to create a challenge because you're supposed to be constantly losing and gaining territory, and downsizing your armies during times of peace and upsizing when you're at war with lots of factions. Sounds like someone isn't building any economy buildings either and is also expanding too fast.

>What keeps me from wholly falling in love with Total Warhammer is my growing sense that it works because Creative Assembly ripped-out most of the strategic guts out of the game and left a facade in their place.

At this point this is basically conjecture since hardly any people have played it yet. And if he does explain why he "feels" like that in the video, I'm not sifting through it to find out.


Can't tell if this is bait... But just in case it's not... How many races do you expect in historic RTS games? Dwarves never colonised America and Vampires never conquered Egypt.

I believe she knows a lot about warhammer, cause i heard she won some contests, that's why she was hired.

Get your fanfic out of here

>Warhammer fantasy have 16+ factions
>Can only play 4 of them
Better buy the rest, goyim

and all require all new textures, models, animation work etc


Im-fucking-plying, Fantasy shitter.

Which is great... But she was still annoying as fuck. The whole "oh noooo" shit when the fella she was watching was getting killed. Felt so fake and forced.

Oh hey isn't that that slaanesh cannibal champion? Mr. Prettyboy

>Skaven = Orcs

>8am BST
>3am EST

Got fucking class tomorrow. Thanks Queen Mum!

Cant wait to maybe afford it in the next year.. feelsbadman

Hey, wait a minute...