Still not on Black Cats

>Still not on Black Cats
Starting to get worried.
I really wanted to sink into this until Overwatch came out, but it's too late.

How do you have such shit taste in FPS games?

piracy is dead

just kidding. Go fucking play some Doom 2

I've played everything else.
Overwatch and Doom 4 are the only new ones.

I forgot you can only play the newest games from triple A developers.

Did you miss "I've played everything else" ?
I'm not really one for replaying games

You played everything thats popular, maybe.

But new Doom is the best Doom

You got me user, I'm a casual CoD baby who only plays stuff that has at least 500 mil in marketing budget.

It's Denuvo. It won't be pirated until they crack it, and nobody's working on cracking it.

So give up.

Jesus user you must have some really bad taste in fps games.

Redbox it for the campaign. $3 a day. That should be enough time.

>TFW you bought Doom for $32 and spent 30 hours 100%ing the achievements and still feel like playing it
>TFW after playing the Overwatch demo you're not sure if you want to spend $50 of Amazon credit to get the game "Free" or just pass on it entirely
>TFW Stellaris was a fairly large disappointment
>TFW Blood and Wine coming soon
>TFW still have some unplayed games that are supposed to be good like Mad Max

Rent mad max, its great for one play through and then its replay value hits a fucking stone wall.

>nobody's working on cracking it
citation needed


So... are you still going to play this game once Overwatch comes out?

Just play Doom 64 EX

Hook me up with an invite, family.

I don't even know you, familia.
If you fuck up, you can fuck up my account.


If that happened to me I'd just soak in really hot water and let the burning do the itching for me.

If you wanted to play it, maybe you should have bought it, instead of assuming pirates would have it expeditiously available to you?

Too poor.
Only reason I was able to buy OW is cause I ordered it months ago. If I had to buy it today I wouldn't be getting it either.

Hey, I don't blame you entirely. I've downloaded a few games just to test them before buying. But still, anytime you're trying to pirate something, you're hinging your bets on something unreliable. It sucks that you're too broke to buy it, it is a really good game, and really does warrant the purchase.

Guess I'll just wait on a sale or something.


Woah you can't expect pirates to pay for stuff, that greedy to expect them to pay for a product.

Just pay the fucking $30 for it, what is the goddamn deal with poorfags? Surely you can afford to spare the price of two pizzas for a game.

There is no goddamn way you've played "everything else". There are literally thousands of good games that you haven't played. Even if we're just going by stuff released in the last few years, or even just AAA hyped shit, there are tons of good games for you to play, and pirate if you really don't want to pay for them.

Show me a good FPS I haven't played already then, please be my guest.

>Two pizzas
>30 bucks
What the fuck?


Alien vs. Predator
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Far Cry
Far Cry Blood Dragon
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Hard Reset
Quake 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Section 8
Serious Sam
Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Shadow Warrior
Wolfenstein (2009)

Those are single player games in my Steam library that might appeal to someone who likes Doom.
Some more classic games off the top of my head:
Jedi Knight/Dark Forces
Doom 64 EX
Resistance and Killzone series (if you have a PS3)
Postal 2
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Republic Commando
Rise of the Triad

And that's not even mentioning any shooters that aren't first person.

Two extra large cheese pizzas would be a little under fifteen bones each, at least if you want quality and not Dominass or Pizza Slut.

I live in brooklyn, I can get two extra large with all the toppings I want for a little under 20.

Dominos is actually a lot more expensive than the local places

Well you're a lucky son of a bitch for having a dearth of good pizza options, I live in Texas where there's like one decent NY style place, two deep dish places, and one greasepit Philly style place, and everywhere else is a complete trash tier chain.

Every time I stay in New York I'm in fucking heaven with the amount of good, cheap pizza and Chinese food. I even love the disease filled street vendor hotdogs

Look at this oil tycoon with his expensive pizzas, I bet you tip the delivery boy too.

>I even love the disease filled street vendor hotdogs
I really wonder how those things stay up.
I assumed New Yorkers have just built up an immunity to whatever festers in them

Ironically I live in NY and I always prefer Dominos over everything else, I'm like addicted to that shit.
They're stupid expensive though, medium pie for 12 bucks? 3-4 dollar deliver charge? Plus tip? jesus fuck me in the asshole


I prefer not to get fucked in the ass by wagecucks, thanks.

New Yorkers love hot dogs, man. Especially Italians, weirdly enough. Plus they're cheap, they're everywhere, if you're going to lunch it's easy to just pick up a dog outside your building. And you really only have a 1/3 chance of getting violently ill off them.

having fun playing this on my ps4

>Doom is bad because I cant pirate it
Just shell out those 15 bucks for Russian creditcard theft keys already, you cheapskate.

Me too. Pretty much 60 fps constantly. Papa bless IDtech6 for being so versitile.

I live in Canada and 2 large pizzas from a chain joint is $45+tax+delivery+tip

New Yorker here, I actually haven't eaten a hot dog in ages. I think they're getting forced out by all the Halal guys who, ironically, also serve hot dogs.

I'm having tons of issues with doom. First it crashes all the time, next it locks me out if achievements because I accidently opened the dev console once without putting any commands in, and now it installed ctds as soon as I try to load up the level right after the one where you're in Hell for the first time.

Pretty decent game, though. Reminds me of the newest Shadow Warrior where they manage to do more right than wrong.

>unironically being halal

Pretty sure everyone who lives in NYC has eaten Halal at least once, since there's like 2 carts on every block.

Much fewer have twice I might add.

That's shitty, user. Makes me wonder how ridiculously expensive pizza must be in Australia.

I haven't lived there in over a decade, but I do recall not really eating hotdogs when I did, but now that I only go occasionally I always get one, but last time I was there I don't think I saw a single hotdog stand. Lots of Mediterranean food stands stinking up the street, though.

even on xbone shit looks good

Only reason they do well is because it's really hard to get an actual meal in the city for under $10. I know multiple jobless hipsters who ask their parents for money so that they can eat at expensive, "trendy" places with their friends.

Do none of you retards have redbox in your area? Rent it for like a day or two to beat it.

Just wait for the inevitable DOOM4.wad

That's weird, because OP hasn't presented his opinion on a D44M playthough yet.

Where'd you get Doom for 32?

I know most major key resellers had very good deals on it, but of course that always runs the risk of some Russian fuckface selling your credit card info.

Either way with how boring the multiplayer apparently is I wouldn't pay more than about $30-35 for it.

The multiplayer is decent, has it's moments. It's just that people expected something else.

go to redbox and rent it for $3

I've tried, cheapest I've found it is like 38, but none of the sites will take my Visa. The payment always fails.

I figure I'd have to get a PayPal to buy, which is retarded since I'd have to pay more to use PayPal and also go through all that bullshit with my bank. At this point I'd rather someone just buy me Doom from a key site and gift it to me and then me buy them something of the same price off steam than try any more key sites. Their payment system is all the same fucking thing and it straight up won't work with my Visa.

I wish you could rent PC games off Redbox.

How is snapmap?

Got potential?

From what I've seen, it's currently pretty limited because of memory concerns and the way the game loads rooms and spawns enemies. The amount of enemies you can manually place is very low and takes up a lot of your budget so you pretty much have to use spawners instead which are unreliable and unpredictable.

I hope it's more because of having to accomodate the limitations of the console versions and that the PC version will be patched with more robust features.

>$30 for new AAA game

>Also paying $30 for 2 pizzas

Well as opposed to you he actually tries to play games and form his own opinion before parroting shit the hivemind spouts at him.