What happened to notch?

What happened to notch?

he has ascended


Is this the idiot who was begging him to take care of 'her' with all his money?

inb4 notch is accused of raping someone 20 years ago and has his billions stripped from him.

His banter is truly top notch.


the absolute fucking madman

I'm assuming he got bored of sulking around in his house. He probably realized that he isn't trying to sell a product anymore and can say what he actually thinks about people. Good for him, I know if I was as rich as he is I'd probably sit around flinging insults to people I don't like as well.

euro laws don't work that way.

Considering like six months ago he was crying about how he had no friends, probably lots and lots of drugs


based as fuck

Power is the ultimate gag order. Now that he is in true control of his life he can speak his mind. Us mortals have to keep pretending.

This. When you're rich you can say whatever the fuck you want For the most part. Still can't yell fire in a theater when there isn't one

He abandoned us, then after people stopped giving a shit he slowly sank back

Holy fuck, destroyed

""""""""her""""""""" page is gold

yeah, but it's his and his only problem, the guy's still an intoverted dev who doesn't know how to handle people around him.

A damn good kek, well done notch


What's with all these SJWs obsessed with how "influential" and "powerful" Notch is?

Notch is probably the richest, least influential figure in the history of video games. Who the fuck is Notch "influencing"?


"She" should be happy a guy would want her



I wonder who's behind this...


I'm having a hard time connecting the dots between a car war and womandriving

holy shit

Becoming a billionaire means you don't need to worry about your livelihood getting destroyed by leftists and you can hire protection from the crazy ones, Notch is living the life.

you people seem to forget that he used to openly post on Sup Forums and probably still does anonymously

Did anyone remember Notch's ex-wife? That bitch was CLEARLY a tumblrina. I wouldn't put it passed her that she made him this amazing Sup Forums god he is today.

Carlos did it again

What happened to the progressive movement. Even the hippies didn't seem this bad.

So this is what rich people do when they're bored.

wouldn't a catcall validate their transition?
you would think they would be happy that people think they are attractive enough to be hit on so openly like that.


why doesn't she just say gosh if she thinks using the lords name in vain is wrong

>Implying you wouldn't do the same

>trans girl

it makes sense now because it's impossible that anyone will ever try to get close to him without just being after his money. Having a billion dollars means he will never have a real friendship again

I don't know why I didn't get it the first time around I was reading this, but I got it the second time around reading this.

God damn it, Carlos.

He used to throw lavish parties at his mansion filled with a bunch of people he didn't know or care about. Anita went to one of them.

I cant help but think that Notch smiles like a retard every time he wakes up and checks twitter.

trump also shitposts on twitter, he regularly trashes people like rosie o'donnel and cher

btw getting looked at is probably """""her""""" definition of harassment.

Would you be friends with Notch, Sup Forums?

Nothing. He was always a shitter but made a game at the right place and time that made him a crazy amount of money.

They don't want to transition from one sex to the other. They want to be a special snowflake who everyone has to acknowledge even if they don't care.


Why do people identify as transgirl?

It's like if you were watching a movie and the actors started saying stuff like "I'm Brad Pitt playing Tyler Durden" instead of Tyler Durden saying he's Tyler Durden.

>you will never enough free time to do this shit after selling your pet project for a fortune

It means shitposting is the highest form of entertainment the world can offer.

ok then they'd just need 1 crazy woman in the US to do it. that won't be a significant obstacle.

we already were friends with notch

remember when he used to come Q&A on Sup Forums? i mean you probably don't that was like 5 or 6 years ago, when Minecraft was in 'indev'

>this tweet has a favorite

goddammit I hate people

trump must have pr people managing his tweeter

>Notch wakes up
>Looks to his left and sees a massive pile of money and briefly smiles

I identify as Chad Thundercock

He sold his autism game for money like any reasonable person would and now a bunch of faggots and trendsitters with no money alternate between begging him for capital and insulting him.

Basically, he's what happens when anyone gets rich super quick. Other people feel they're entitled to his money and success and try to leach off of him. When he doesn't give it up he's a horrible person.

The whole "trans" thing is just a really sad attempt to paint him as a bad person to guilt trip him into investing his assets into their shitty indie garbage.

Yes. He seems like an average guy with some guilty pleasures
he fucking likes MLP

Other than that I would playing video games with

I'm pretty sure queerness of any kind (trans, homo, whatever have you) is frowned upon in the Old Testament.

He said his PR people handle it before 6pm and then after that it's him.

Is Notch our guy again

It's fucking hilarious that these people think the cat calls are serious.

I used to know this obese chick who tumblr incarnate and she'd constantly complain about getting whistled at in the street by 'men who just wanted to use her'.

No one's going to use you as anything other than a fucking hot air balloon love

Exactly, if you're gonna play a part at least play it well


Jesus, is he supposed to care that she's trans?
Oh look at me, I'm trans, my opinion matters.
What an entitled little "cunt".

>I'm trans btw don't hit on me silly boys :3

Fuck off

Notch's on a fucking roll, the absolute madman

When did Notch get redpilled?

Wasn't he on the other side of gamurgate just last year?

>You will never be a billionaire who can literally say anything and get away with it with zero consequences

He says that during the day he tells a person what to tweet but when he's home he tends to hop on himself.

I think he just pretends to get "harrasesed" by everything because in reality nobody would touch that thing.
The same way betas think that if a girl talks to them, she's in love.

>go tumblr a patreon
top bantz

Women can't drive and crash into each other is the joke he is making

He's rich as fuck now and doesn't have to work a single day in his life from now on. If I were him shittin around on twitter would be my number one hobby and activity.

He's back to bein based I guess

>you will never have enough "fuck you" money to spend all day on twitter battling degeneracy

thats dumb, thats like living in a half built house or eating a half baked cake, its just not finished.

what the fuck happened to the people who just changed from one gender to another without any of this retarded bullshit?

they can't be a victim if they don't say they're trans.

if you're a white male, you can just say "I'm trans" and boom you're oppressed.

The intent of the comment, and the driving force behind the "savage"ry previously noted is the juxtaposition of stereotypes.

The first stereotype is that by "mansplaining" men use a patriarchal privilege afforded to them in order to silence dissenting opinions.Notch notes that this is a gender based shaming tool.

The second stereotype is that woman are poor drivers. Notch compares this to the previous stereotype in order to compare how one is deemed acceptable and the other is not, while implying that its use is also a gender based shaming tool, which is why it is not acceptable.

It's possible that both things are true, stereotypes are based on truth, user.

>blocking the names

Lmao fampai we already know who that dumb bitch is.

But it's true?

He got it from Reddit

holy fuck the absolute madman

>Go Tumblr a Patreon

I laughed harder than I should have.

/lgbt/ here.
I wish cunts like this Jessica "woman" would stop setting our movement back day after day.

holy FUCK.
He fucking knows he can do whatever he wants. The magnificent bastard.


He became an American desu. And probably violently and passionately fucked pic related.



Oh god!

What the fuck are they talking about?

notch kickin it up a notch

He's preparing for to run for prime minister of Sweden

To do so he's getting free publicity by engaging in Trump-style banter

>You will never be so rich that your social status and fame alone guarantees endless replies to your shitposting

Why even live?

>that beer gut

He finally unlocked his true potential, he just needed to wallow in self-loathing for a while.