So I finally got around to picking this up

So I finally got around to picking this up
Give me a crash course in not being shit

Other urls found in this thread:

learn your free moves
don't abuse the backflip and use the other dodges
experiment, experiment, experiment with your moveset
You're going to get your ass beat but practice and you'll get good

Haha your going to lose to faggots

High side kick can launch airborn enemies
Roundhouse kick is good for knockdown
Doing an up dodge and then pressing triangle does a sweep kick
Forward + triangle in front of a downed enemy does a heel drop

You have a handful of innate moves that you always have access to. Like if you hold forward+Triangle near a downed enemy you start charging an axe kick. If you knock an enemy high enough into the air you can push forward + triangle or back + triangle to juggle them.
You can duck dodge (up on the right stick) a lot of things you wouldn't think you'd be able to. Aside from downwards smashing moves
You can cancel out of a lot of recovery animations with ducking.
The context-sensitive circle stomp move isn't too useful since you're vulnerable during it, unlike most of hte other context-sensitive moves.

The controls will seem very bizarre and clumsy at first so try and stick with it

During the first fight against Elvis you can find a move behind his chair that makes the game a good deal easier

Learn drunken fist asap.

I love abusing drunken fist and twist and circle strafing/up dodging around enemies to stun-lock them.
Shit Godhand is so damn fun I might have to pop it in the ol Ps2.
>You're not Alexander

>filling the entire square combo with low attacks

Who is Alexander

>During the first fight against Elvis

That's it. I'm buying this fucking game

You can stun an enemy and use Yes Man Kablam and dodge out of it twice to build a ridiculous amount of meter.

This Elvis

The faggots were ez mode.
The randomly spawning demons though.

I'm Alexanger the Great.

Get all your annoyance over there being no lock-on button for no reason out of the way as soon as you can.

Well, it has ridiculous over the top enemies right? I've been meaning to play God Hand

3/4 of them are easy

it's the spiky asshole who's imba as fuck
even the giant demon is cake once you know how to dodge his three moves

If you have a spanking fetish, it'll be your favorite game of all time.

If you don't have a spanking fetish, this game will give you a spanking fetish.

Use your guard breaks wisely.
Don't punch non-chalantaly, especially in higher difficulty levels (especially 3 and Die). You can cancel any non-jumping attack with your Forward-motion dodge (the little duck/weave thing), so if you see your opponent blocking and you're about to launch another hit, cancel it, then guard break that motherfucker.

Finally: Watch out for Demons. Save your God Hand for them.
You'll have one hell of a ride.

Best theme

Not you that's for fucking sure

you can forward-dodge the midget wheel attack
the fat fucks are dangerous at long-range due to flying headbutt, close in immediately
leg sweep is your friend (forward dodge + triangle)
axe kick + knee is your friend (forward + triangle on a downed enemy, triangle again after they're launched)

Other anins have explained the mechanics so here's three insanely practical techniques:
- square, square, guard breaker, duck cancel, repeat. So long as your first two attacks are fast (I recommend straight then jab) this will crush anything 1 on 1.
- high side kick, cancel, repeat against a wall. Infinite hits
-hand plant kick into the forward+triangle juggle attack is incredible for crowd control

What a shit game. Maybe you should choose something worthwhile.

The game gets harder the higher your combo meter gets, so chaining to get more points/etc is actually met by increasing difficulty. Remember this if you have a hard time in a particular area.

Watch MikeKob's videos, they're great and give you an idea HOW THE GAME WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED

what other anons said about MikeKob watch some of his vids

>That part with the 3 demons
>That drunken style combo

Cool as fuck.

>Double Dragon Neon music

>You can just uppercut the wizard
Yo nigga what

This is the music that plays during the fight.

Don't forget alps' videos which inspired mikekobe in the first place

>Mocks people who play lame and do the same thing over and over

>Does the spinning launcher kick all the time

Why are cuhrayze fags such hypocrites?
