Once the servers are open, any threads about the game here will be shills or shitposters and should be ignored

who is even going to play this steaming pile of polished shit

Proof on first post

>Implying most of the threads aren't already shills and shitposters

You poor naive sod.

I agree we should all be just sitting in silence whipping ourselves.

What i am saying is you can acuse of shilling and actually be 100% correct for once

A lot of people.

Never underestimate the power of marketing.

Who /stuckatwork/?

Once the servers are up mods should start deleting multiple threads about this game, but we know that won't happen

Amount of people equal to the size of New York city

Why would mods abuse their powers like that?

If you are going to pretend you are retarded, at least find a better bait

What can you say about Phillip Banks?

What the heck can you say about Phillip Banks?

Working on finals. My copy is arriving today so I can't focus on what I'm doing right now, goddamn.

More like
>Why would the mods use their powers?

Don't unwrap it man. Think of that future. Could be playing overwatch on a 70" screen with bitches on your shoulder

>Only waifuposting is allowed

Tf2 tears best tears

I said shitposting didn't I?


shut up. there's legit interest.

Yea but when servers hit, that interest will be on the game retard

Whats the difference between Sup Forums and /vg/

game isnt out for 2 hours where I am though so what are you talking about?

What it's suppose to be for: Generals

What it's actually for: Nothing

Please check your PM.

/vg/ talks about games in between shitposting and waifu posting. Sup Forums talks about politics it doesn't understand, and memes.

For some reason I can launch the game today even though I never bought it. The servers just aren't up yet. Did I get it for free somehow?

open your launcher and it will say "breaking news" game is being released "........."

there will be a time there/ Use the time which will be something like 2.00 pdt then go to google and go 2pm pdt to (insert your timezone here)

that wasnt hard now was it retard

Less the launch is less than stellar.

"Here, make out with this frog and get your food from his tongue."

Thanks marketing team.

>millions of people logging on at once

Its gonna be diablo 3 all over again

go to your bnet account page. You are probably still flagged for beta. I wouldn't be surprised if you could launch the game even post release but it wouldn't let you connect

Two more hours.

>being this out of touch with children and just humanity in general

back to r9k

TF2 Is gay, haven't touched it in years

4chin aint go no pm. Bad shitpost is bad

I think most people understand that:

sniper/scout porn
why dont you
get hype
cant wait
playing doom before overwatch
20 tick rate
9 trillion brazillian players

are all shills

a shill doesn't need positive advertising, they just need advertising

>bumping a shill thread


>game isnt released for 2 hours
>hurr why cant I play it guise some random stranger told me it was up and I believed him without looking it up myself

I think you have to delete your system 32 folder and reinstall the game

worked for me

>TF2 is gay
>puts 550 hours into CS:GO

>completely different games
>plays them for differing amounts of time

I just find it funny that he calls TF2 gay and then plays one of the few games more cancerous than Hat Fortress for 500 hours.

>less than 2 hours


>people discussing vidya and having a good time

>hey my taste is shit
>so is yours
>do i fit in yet

Im not even him but sort your life out

Its ok when its dark souls!

I'll pick 1.6 over GO any day of the week but all my friends left 1.6 behind and migrated over to GO.

its even better when its kojima

sent :^)

Reread his post

i don't have a key but could i have the topless pics regardless?

Stuck at work, hung over, tired from 2 hours of slerp and worried about if my collectors edition was stolen off my porch or not

The reason I won't be playing this game is because I know 99% of Sup Forums will be playing. And Sup Forums is remarkably fucking AWFUL at video games. They suck fucking ass at ANY competitive skill based game.

Great reason buddy

>I play vidya professionally

what teams you on user?

>Sup Forums is one person and we played together

uhh ok then

Oh I'm sorry, did my grammar confuse you? Allow me to be more clear:



Guess you never played at skillzero's house of Sup Forumsirgins

>any competitive skill game

M8 we are shit at all games, did you not see the Ni-oh threads?

it was alright but the maps were lame, this game will be fast on IV if blizzturd doesn't fix it

I'm scared they're gonna explode.

Compared to the open beta, this time it seems like everyone is in a mad rush to play this game as soon as possible to get their fix.

>Im a professional vidya game player

yeah I asked what teams youre in, not about your sexual fantasies involving my mouth.

Do you not understand? Did my grammar confuse you?

>creates a shill thread
>tell people to ignore shill threads

You realize you can call a group of people shit at a game without playing on a professional level right?

>Im shit at vidya and have never played competitively yet I walk around with a false sense of accomplishment over a trivial hobby

gee do you know what pathetic means user? Fuck even I have made money in a few tornies. How shit must you be if you have never made money from playing vidya?

>this mad

>this mad