How did Valve transition from being the greatest PC developer to a company the exploits the Steam infrastructure to...

How did Valve transition from being the greatest PC developer to a company the exploits the Steam infrastructure to make money off underage gambling and cash shops that's worse than EA?

Hi Bernardo

nothing can't be worse that EA user.


They stopped developing games.

If their only problem is that they try to make money off of idiots buying hats, I wouldn't mind it. It pays for my experience, so what's the problem?

The real issue comes from their incompetence and often misunderstanding of their fanbase. Steam customer support, paid mods, no new IPs or games from them in a long time. Those are my biggest issues.

They are not far from behind, compared to Valve, EA actually MAKE VIDEO GAMES.

Although most of them are shit I'll give you that, but still, when was the last time you heard that they where actually working on video game instead of eating off Gabes dick?

Valve didn't kill Bullfrog, Maxis, Origin and Bioware.

Name some EA games that are on unacceptable level released after Sim City disaster?

That's called artistic integrity you moron. Even J.D. Salinger had just one good book in him (Catcher in the Rye 1951) and he lived the rest of his life literally as a hermit until he died in 2010.

With your logic he should've been churning out dozens of books like some second rate chick lit author. There are thousands of good games waiting to be played, user. Don't cling to just one series and be angry with its developers if they want to keep their quality top notch.

Fuck Valve, Steam and I hope Gabe Newell gets pancreatic cancer and dies a slow and painful death, but fuck I would have done the same as that lardass Judenschwein. You only live once and if you can find a way to make billions on retards and children, good for you.

>tfw I threw away $100 on opening crates in TF2 when I was 14
I got an unusual at least.

Say "Thanks", retards. What Valve did for the last five years is uncomparable.You can play indie games like Undertale and ports from consoles like FF. And you fucking complaining that they are not developing games, fucking GAMES. The whole perception of gaming industry changed and continue changing cause of Steam, and i mean DOTA thing.What they've build around and how allowed and allowing them to gather so many resources, so interesting and different information, so they can evolve even further, and further. They are creating technologies, mechanisms to bring humanity's mind to another level. And speaking of hats, i don't know if u mean TF2 or just call dota's dresses "hats", but what's the difference between them and clothes that you are buying. People like things, if in order to get things that people like you need to give something in return, you give because you want things that you like.

That bool is pure shite m8.
It's a textbook example of self inserted edgy teen.

>triggered by hat sales
How? They are a company, they do what makes money. It doesn't cost me anything so why should I care?

this. At least they backed out of the paid mods thing (for now) which gives me some faith restored but their customer support sucks and it would be nice to see another valve game.

>to make money off underage gambling and cash shops
You answered your own question OP.

Most EA games are trash tho. Better nothing then trash.

Sounds like old pasta.
In any case, end yourself you retard.

All these terrible things, including what ea and ubisoft have done, are consumer driven. I don't blame the companies as much for capitalising on retards as I do retards for continuously buying into it.

its the money

deep down everyone will become corrupt when they see all that money flying towards them

Because faggots kept paying a billion dollars for pony hats or whatever the fuck. They get as much profit with 10% of the effort.

>worse than EA?

eh. With Valve it's just wasted potential because of all the cool shit and games they could potentially be making. They're not actively fucking everything up like EA does

Underage gambling?

Last time EA published a good game was in 2014
Last time Valve released a good game was in 2009
I feel pretty safe saying I like EA more.


They stopped giving a shit about developing games.

Steam machines was probably another of their "what the duck are you guys doing" phase.

But really it's just greed.

Steamfags can never ever sell their old/finished games or trade them like people used to in the 80's and 90s etc

>blaming valve for the retarded audience they caught

no pander no sales

Also Westwood.

>end yourself you retard

Don't like something? 0 arguments, only insultions, like in dota. It's so good to be able to have an opinion based on, an old pasta...

power corrupts

When it comes to services, they still do not have any good competition, so they make the rules.
Like, just compare dota (all characters free, trading, custom content support, relatively good servers) to lol (grind-o-rama, fickle client, no trading). What does Riot have to offer in terms of services that Valve doesn't? Only two I can think of are solo queue and region lock.

Valve is a business, their number one priority is maintaining a low risk, constant stream of revenue. Developing new AAA single player IP's runs counter to that.

Aren't you supposed to be at valve's board meeting?


Money. Hell I wouldn't give a shit too if I was gaben

Making Half-Life 3 would be the least risky move ever, the game would fly off the shelves.

Are anti-valve shitters seriously this idiotic?

Dota2 released in 2013

That's why I said "Good"

Dota 2 is good