>water negates fall damage
Water negates fall damage
Is he going to school?
>fall from the top of a mountain
>fall on the ground: die
>Fall in lava: minor burns
>eating a roast chicken heals stab wounds and bullet holes
>eating med packs restores your health
>fat npcs have tons of hp
Falling into water at a high enough speed/distance can kill you upon impact at the water's surface
why do you think so many people commit suicide by dropping off a bridge?
>You die instantly in water, regardless of depth/fall distance
>get completely crushed
>only lose a portion of your health
>rocket jumping out of water makes you go 3x farther and faster
why the fuck would anyone lie about this? go jump from a plane if you think you wont die then, genius
Honestly at a certain height you would be more likely to survive landing on concrete than in water
>swimming restores health
Is it true that water can shoot up your asshole if you land a certain way? "
That is actually true. With enough speed and low tension around the anus and if you land in the right position that gives more impact to the ass region (think getting into the sitting position with the legs forward) water can shoot up into your asshole.
Not enough to cause any internal pain but you will know that a decent amount of water just got into your choco-tunnel.
>Water saves you from small heights
>large jumps into water still kill you
>game has no fall damage
>the sequel has fall damage and you get stunned after falling
I really liked how just cause 2 did it.
>take fall damage on land more than on water
>if you press foward while falling above water you will dive, lessening the fall damage
>if you fall from really high even going into dive stance wont save you
shitting out a parachute last second saves you regardless
I love how thoughtful you are about water shooting up peoples assholes
>dive into a pool of water
>"You are no longer thirsty"
Some dude died that way. It was on 1000 ways to die
correct. if you go in too fast at just the right angle, water will flood up your ass and into your stomach. a natural enema.
this is why most cliff jumpers actually wear buttplugs underneath their trunks.
what if there was fall damage in mario
>fall very high into a pool of water
>"You are no longer thirsty"
cause unlike cartoons, most natural river temperature is hardly around 10C most of the year, leading to a shock then rapid hypothermia
>falling into water kills you as a MOTHERFUCKING SQUID
>Get stabbed
>Flicker in and out of existence for a few seconds
oh shit why would you want to go that way
Yeah seriously. At least you can bounce off concrete.
>Running backwards allows you to accelerate forever
>tfw drowning in lava
cute dog
>enter lake with no armor on
>fall to your death
>fall from a great height
>use second jump before hitting the ground
>fall damage still happens
Are you retarded? Dogs don't go to schools
Frankly said, that was a great idea; combining life and air in a single HUD element.
You can't drown in lava, senpai, its more dense than human body
>he doesn't know
shiba a cute
Well, dogs usually don't wear Japanese elementary school backpacks either.
A pack of Dogs is called a school you retarded.
As opposed to falling onto concrete?
>amerifat education
>falling onto sand negates fall damage
>water failed to load after jumping from above
A school of fish is called a pack idiot
>You can sink into sand
>videogame has unrealistic elements
That's only if you are trying to replace too much water too quickly. Water will cushion your fall, but only up to 100-200 feet, depending on your skill and size.
Overwatch negates Battleborn
>fall toward the ground at 300 miles per hour
>grapple hook the floor
i think he's like those dogs that carry beer with in the icy tundra to keep you warm.
>Falling into quicksand negates fall damage
I want a cute dog with a little backpack to go on hiking adventures with
>falling elevator
>QTE to jump near the end to not die
>cold temperatures
>drinking beer
The impact with the surface tension of a large body of water IS comparable to impacting with concrete, should you land in an improper manner.
When landing into water, one should always attempt to breach with as small a point of entry as possible (feet first and extended or head first with arms extended are the recommended styles of entry) to break the surface tension.
>Staying still in quicksand sinks you further
>Moving gets you out of it
>a cubic block of loose sand falls a few feet
>lands on you
>does more damage than being attacked by a zombie
One time when I was about 6 I jumped inside an elevator as it arrived at the bottom floor after coming down. Broke both my ankles and learned something about physics that day
>Believing trash television like 1000 Ways to Die
I bet you jerk off to Deadliest Warrior, too
good luck getting out by standing still
This is actually true though. Try jumping into a pool then jumping on hard cement.
>touching slightly sloped wall negates fall damage
>concrete negates fall damage
uh, yes you fucking can. I've seen it in real life.
>Drinking a red liquid closes wounds and heals internal injuries
did you at least lift off the ground or did they snap when you squatted?
it's a MAGIC potion, I ain't gotta explain shit
sure beats hamburgers closing wounds anyway
>shoot a red barrel
>it explores
It's non-salted water.
>same effects if you pour the said liquid over your head
or better yet,
>same effects if you literally gobble it up, glass bottle and all
>Eat hamburger
>Increases freedom
sure hadn't seen the explore meme in a while
>falling from an impossibly high cliff
>jump slightly as you're about to hit the ground
>no fall damage
>Shoot red barrel
>Instead of it exploding, oil pours out from the hole
You literally don't get sinked in if you don't fight back. The more you fight back, the worse. The best way of passing through quicksand is actually by laying on the quicksand.
>fall from great height
>seconds before you hit the ground, an explosion occurs directly below you
>it negates fall damage
>jump off a building because you're too lazy to go down stairs
>fall damage doesn't kill you and your character keeps running
>1 metric ton of sand falls on your head
>A reanimated corpse swats at you
Not too hard to do the math there
Fucking dragons dogma. Delta height a shit.
>Game tells you that fall damage doesn't exist any more
>One of the missions ends on top of a tower
>Character says you can totally jump off if ou wanna get down fast
>Said character acts super surprised and totally impressed when you do what they said you could do without getting hurt literally five seconds ago
It literally pushes you out if you stand still.
i never said it made sense user, that's just how the myth goes. was that ever a thing anyways?
Not if you spin.
If you spin, nothing can touch you.
Thats a good trick.
The red barrel meme actually has some truth to it. For workplace safety, red containers are supposed to carry only gasoline, yellow are usually kerosine, and blue is supposed to be oil or diesel. That's really the standard for jerry cans, but I could assume barreled liquids would follow a similar approach. Even still, so many laborers fuck up machinery by pouring the wrong cans in