Anyone here played JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Eyes of Heaven yet? Is it shit?
Anyone here played JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Eyes of Heaven yet? Is it shit?
Played the jap demo, it was meh.
Then again, I enjoyed the combat for ASB more.
I've played the first couple of story fights, haven't been able to truly get into it because of work.
But I like it. The control is kinda weird, I don't totally understand how some of the mechanics work, but I think it'll be fun when I understand.
There's also these RPG elements to level up each character and unlocks abilities and shit, which is neat
>decide to watch english dub of JoJo just to see how it compares to the japanese
>its actually really good
They can never be forgiven for cutting
They used le asian meme man for Johnathan, it's not good at all.
I saw a clip of Part 3 and I didn't like the voice for Joseph
The acting was fine, I guess, but I don't like the voices.
Holy shit
It's absolute garbage. Bad story, bad gameplay, forced to play with a bot, even during online. They forced the tag team shit like in J-stars and it got dragged down into the mud as a result
reminder if you haven't read the manga you're not a real jojo fan
>There are people that don't like Giorno
Eh, not that bad.
however, is unacceptable.
he's my least favorite because he was butchered in the part 5 translation, and he also didn't do much in part 5
bruno on the other hand is cool as fuck
I love his voice it reminds me of my old friend that got deported.
So is this like those Naruto fighting games?
Blame shitty translation and Araki barely making him more center to the plot of the story
Why do people not like phantom blood?
Imported it, played it, it's shit.
people like it, its just that its the least interesting of the parts and everything else after it is much better
holy shit, spit out my drink when billy showed up
You read the comments too? Nice.
That ain't shit compared to the fucking awful narrator.
Giorno is emblematic of why Part 5 is boring and lame
>start off interesting with ties to the previous Parts
>that angle gets thrown away about five chapters in
>pretty much forgotten in favor of the Stand mafia until the very end of the Part
Giorno is a synecdoche of Part 5 itself
Should I start reading the manga after part 3? I'm watching the anime right now but i've had suggestions to not bother reading the first 2 parts.
>i've had suggestions to not bother reading the first 2 parts.
fuck those people, and fuck you for not just coming to the conclusion to read it in chronological order.
the narrator they had for the test dub of pt 3 was so much better
Holy shit all of the acting is so awful
>Ies! ... The Red Stone! ... Amplifies Hamon!
>not in dub
English dub
The characters of part 1 having hammy 1800 Euro voices fits the show better than the Japanese
The writing in some cases, mostly part 1, is actually better than its Japanese counterpart; the writing takes a considerable amount of influence from 1800 England and isn't just modern Japanese
Not many famous voice actors are used, which I always enjoy
no one is able to replicate DIO's perfect japanese va
A lot of the memorable moments and good writing from the japanese version is missing
>no one is able to replicate DIO's perfect japanese va
Liam O'Brien could, lets hope Viz casts him when they redub season 1.
>mfw I hear Joseph's voice
I completely forgot he was English
>when they redub season 1.
they're doing that for reals?
Is funimation's dub of Dragon Ball Z the best dub of any anime ever?
No you didn't. Try harder next time, amigo
I don't think anyone can do DIO's voice justice in English
The way he speaks is so not-English.
The cadence and tones in Japanese are a lot of what lends to a memorable Japanese voice, same as any other language.
So even if someone could replicate DIO's actual voice with 100% accuracy, no matter how good of an actor they are, it'll feel significantly different through an English script.
Watch more anime, please
Doppio\Diavolo is based.
He's just kind of dull and GE/R is the most bullshit stand out there. Part 5 would actually be better without him, the only good bits with him are because of the other characters
What's her stand going to be called?
> GE/R is the most bullshit stand out there
This. King Crimson was such a kick-ass villain stand that they had to basically make the main character into God to beat him. Araki wrote himself into a corner.
Doppio LITERALLY LITERALLY did nothing wrong.
He didnt deserved that, man ;-;
King of Pain
Holy fuck, all those One Piece dub flashback are flashing back in. I DON'T WANT THIS
I'm 90% sure he created Diavolo's Stand as a counter to Star Platinum: The World
But somehow Jotaro never actually made it into Part 5
So he had to create Requiem so he could just magically make Golden Experience capable of fighting King Crimson without any actual progression of the Stand itself
But like, Golden Experience had that regeneration ability, right? He could have had GER simply amplify that technique to the point where Giorno could "heal" the time that Diavolo deleted (or replace it, like how he replaces his eye with a brick)
And that would have been a much more exciting fight, probably would have lasted longer than like two pages, too
Why did the characters stop wearing and changing actual clothes after part 2. I liked that.
If you haven't notice by now, each jojo arc are their own take of a genre
Giorno can't actually control it/may not be completely aware of it. So unless the missing time puts him in danger then it wouldn't be healed
In a fight with Diavolo, I think that would qualify and putting him in danger.
But the concept of Requiem wouldn't be necessary, GE could just have evolved like SP did.
Giorno was the main reason I stopped reading Part 5. after about 50 issues I decided he was annoying and bland for me.
>Jolyne was a grade A Jojo for me. 10/10 would wife.
>didn't finish a Part
I don't blame you, I nearly stopped as well
But come on
Part 5 is worth it for buccellati and green day fight
Jolyne is a cute though, her voice in EoH is spot on
is jojo a comedy?
I tried reading the first volume of part one and I couldn't stop laughing at how stupid everything was and then dio put on the mask and started slapping peoples heads off.
It's a joke, right? I'm not supposed to take it seriously, correct?
Let's see them lads
Hell I don't even dislike the last couple of ones, I just like them less than my favourites
You're going to have a blast with Battle Tendency if you think the first one is funny
Part 5 gets interesting once King Crimson is introduced, and you get to see the Diavolo\Doppio "relationship".
Seriously, such an underrated character.
>I'm not supposed to take it seriously, correct?
It's a shonen battle manga
But that doesn't stop you from sounding genuinely unhinged when you say
>I couldn't stop laughing
It's not exactly serious but I would hardly call it a comedy, and I'm not sure how you could actually have a laughing fit over it
is this a passive aggressive way to say you think its dumb and people shouldn't like it or what
JoJo is a supernatural horror action comedy adventure scifi monster of the week fist of the north star copycat
King Crimson is confusing as fuck
I'm sorry I just couldn't finish it,I just got too disinterested in it. Part 8 is pretty good so far even though the pacing seems different.
I might try and get back to it later now that I have a lot more free time.
>Over all though,Part 6 was my favorite beside Part 4 and 2
Her voice was pretty damn good,especially her ORA sound.
I could give it another shot. I just wanna know if it's worth it in the end.
I never thought that, people hyped it up to be this confusing shit but honestly the explonation with "removing panel of a comic" was pretty clear to me
Was that the explanation? The way he explained it was something about changing the cause or something, I basically understood none of the final arc of 5.
This is like ranking different brands of chocolate milk. They're all pretty good
If Okuyasu isn't Kuwabara and Josuke isn't YURAMESHI then it's not worth watching.
4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
Working through 7, not reading 8 until it's done.
The lack of split screen killed it.
Guess I'll be stuck with ASB forever
>I just wanna know if it's worth it in the end.
A few parts of the end are, but honestly it feels like the least climatic end of a part especially cause there is a random story inserted in at the end
Those bits are worth it enough, but I have no idea why Japan likes the part so much
please god make this happen
8 could be the third best depending on where it goes from here and how much best girl there is
8 > everything else
It can delete 10 seconds of time,removing the actions of everyone except for the user, and see 10 seconds into the future. Alternatively is a good way to put it.
Gameplay isn't good and the story is part 3 fanwank with a handful of okay moments.
>he didn't watch Yu Yu Hakusho
>loyal till th bitter end
>always kept in the dark
>Die with a smile and devotion to the boss
Doppio always makes me feel
>that high
People seriously overrate 2, it's good in parts but even then the battles don't compare to later on
YYH is more comically good, which fits the show I guess. DBZ has, in addition to great voices, one of the best anime soundtracks as well, which was also made for the dub.
>best girl
So what, now that the Part 4 anime is airing, everyone's gonna start hating on it?
Is that what I'm seeing right here?
8 is probaby somewhere between 3 and 7 imo. But we will never rate it fairly until it ends.
>Hatobowl just starting
its already the best
It's an overrated part, calm down, fagbro.
It was ok.
>but even then the battles don't compare to later on
I know its stupid to watch JoJo for anything but the battles, but I actually prefer not having battles most of the time. It makes battles all the more meaningful. Like, in the part 4 anime, we're in one of my favorite story arcs, which is "Yukako Yamagishi Is in Love" and "Let's Go Out for Italian." How Koichi deals with Yukako isn't what I'd call a 'fight,' its more of a puzzle. Having these two parts come before Red Hot Chili Pepper made the fight with RHCP more impacting.
Nah it's like, pretty dang good
Part 4 is greato. What fight is everyone hype to see animated and why is it Boy II Men?
Literally (LITERALLY) everyone (okay, well a majority) has always listed part 4 as one of the best parts. Its probably the part which combines the monster of the week structure of Part 3 with the story-drivenness of Part 1 and 2 the best.
If anyone cares,I just found a site that archives Araki's little doodles at the end of issues in high quality.
It's very self-aware.
It's called a bizarre adventure for fuck's sake.
>the best.
I love part 4 but it is part 7 that does it best