Is it finally time to admit the 360 is better than the PS3?

Is it finally time to admit the 360 is better than the PS3?

It's been that way for years, nigger


Even though the library was better they'll never admit to it.

>paying to play online

I literally bought a 360 just to play Dead Rising.I'll eventually have to get an Xbone for DR3 but I'm hoping it will just get ported to ps4 eventually.


it all went downhill when microsoft hired don mattrick

Or just build a PC.

360 was always better though.
PS4 didn't have its Halo 3 or Gears.
Indie games weren't completely shit yet.
The better online minus sub fee.
And the community was much better compared to PS3.

After 2009 it all went down for everyone

What was 2009-2011?
JRPGS alone don't seem it the better console.

When has the ps3 ever been considered better than the 360

Forza > GT
Halo > killzone
RDR and GTA > PS3
Any multiplat > PS3

I'm still disappointed by the PS3's JRPGs, they all had some tacked on gameplay gimmick and none of them gave the feeling of a grand adventure like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Xenoblade.

I've been meaning to just build a PC but I've gotten into the nasty habit of buying /vr/ games.I know I can just emulate them but it's fun to collect for systems that I couldn't afford as a kid or completely missed out on.It's the perfect time to start snatching up 7th gen games for ridiculously low prices.Reseller scums have made retro collecting really shitty in the last few years.

I always though that. 360 had some incredible games and some really different and creative games in its early days like Viva Pinata, Dead Rising and Darkness.
Halo 3 was also probably the best multiplayer experience of last gen and I still firmly believe Gears Of War 3 is the best 3rd person shooter ever made. I've also yet to find a racing game I enjoyed as much as I did Forza 4.

Why was Dead Rising 1 so good and the sequels so bad?

demon souls
infamous 1 & 2
resistance 3
motorstorm apocalypse
a crank in time
heavy rain

plus the ps3 slim came out that year as well

Outsourced to western developers.

Dead Rising 3 was good though, same as 2.

But I will always like DR1 because it was more serious and had some actual horror in it.

With 2 and 3 they went more whacky stuffs. Although 3 has less of that

(Yea yea, I know about the cock boss fight)
But still it was the feel for it.

>infamous 1 & 2
>resistance 3
>motorstorm apocalypse
>a crank in time
>heavy rain

If it wasn't for Demon's Souls I'd think you were trying to make the PS look shit.

Free Online on PS3 will always make 360 second best.

Is this a joke?

dumb anime poster

This. Literally nobody but weebs or Sonydrones will claim the ps3 to be better.

no it isnt

the Japanese seem to mix serious and whacky perfectly

But PS3 had shit online, it had no cross game voice chat for YEARS, nobody had a mic and there were no good online games.


>Playing DR on CRT

Just kill me.

What was the best 360 game and why was it Viva Pinata?


They werent lying about upgrading your tv.

I beaten the game with those squiggle subtle though before I gotten my first modern tv

>still no PC release


hey puppy

I don't even need a remastered DR1, just a port


Did the mating dances give anyone else a boner or just me?

How do you type? Who's taking those pictures?

>paid online
>multiple discs
>no blu-ray

Experience and that asshole with his "superior opposable thumbs" takes the pic


And then the price went down. Nigga's points are still valid.

Early years sure. I love all my 360 shmups, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia in English, and Bayo 1. PS3 wins otherwise.

>multiple disc
How does his matter?
The only valid point is paid online that's very jew of them

No Duh OP. Outside of Naughty dog and Demon Souls PS3 is worthless

Tales of Vesperia is in English for the PS3 though, with tons more content and uncensored.
You need a hacked PS3.



shit man you got me there, you are right my bad

Not officially though. And yeah, it took years for that fucking patch and translation, but was definitely worth it

How easy was it to hack your PS3?

>posts anime
>is dumb
what a surprise

Oh, pretty sure the 360 is the greatest console ever if you hack it as well.

not really
hacked ps3 has far more benefits than hacked xbox 360

I've always been a Playstation1/2 and PC kiddie but I was big on the Xbox 360 for all of its life.

Nowadays I stick to PC but if I had to get a console this gen, it'd be PS4.

Yeah especially when it gets hacked and steals your credit card information.

But no, it doesn't since multiplats run like dogshit on the PS3.

>le ebin multiplats are bad on ps3 meme

all the games are fixed now faggot

>pre October 6th 2009

>post October 6th 2009

not worth it. DR3 was so bad compared to 1 or 2

does red dead stull run at 640p?

Dead Rising 1 is the best Dead Rising. Might as well just stop there.

you're retarded
a hacked ps3 can play all playstation consoles up to 3, as well as psp games
it's pretty fucking amazing considering it can play almost all that for free
plus the emulators available for it make it the best console for emulation by far

the next game is going to be good.


My phone can play those games. lmao

>tfw i own a fat ps3 but i still use my ps1 & ps2 just to hear the boot up screen

>phones can play ps2 and ps3 games

well I hope they learned from their mistakes in DR3. the fact that the player could do all the story missions in a row without waiting for the clock was stupid.

The other games are fine, but I really fell out of love with the series after they ditched the "use anything as a weapon" gimmick in favor of making super weapons the only viable weapons ever.

it takes place at the mall again with frank

it could be a new character in a different mall.

>Sup Forums still doesn't get that different people like different things, including games/consoles
Never change, Sup Forums
Just kidding, please change.

if only you knew how wrong you are...

I always had a 360, but I wish I would've had a ps3 instead, specifically for jailbreaking. I regret it now.

I got my mate's old ps3.

What exclusives should I get?

So far I'm going for
GoW 3
Demon's Souls
Heavy Rain

nearly every game that attempts to pander to people with nostalgia for the original character and location has failed.

>shitposting arguments isn't the best part
kill yourself
do it

yakuza 5

sue me

DR1 had the perfect mix of horror and comedy, pretty much all the psychos were some kind of joke or gag and a lot of weapons were funny to use or impractical like lifting a fucking park bench and smacking zombies with it


Capcom got some shekels by abusing Nostalgia with DMC4 Special Edition and making Alex DLC for SFV, don't underestimate them

They could get some shekels with megaman too but it looks like nintendo is getting that revenue instead.

there are people that didn't know megaman even existed until he appeared in smash

failure in the eyes of the core fan I meant

>Capcom got some shekels by abusing Nostalgia with DMC4 Special Edition

That silly because they are using that to make Capcom greenlite a new dmc.

Just replying to myself to reinforce my beliefs.

That IS what they are doing, r-right?

The PS3 was the underdog so it was by far the better console, it had tons more exclusives and better hardware and only lagged behind in price (which later became way less of an issue) and its controller. No paid online for the entirety of its existence either, and when PS+ did debut it was a VIP service that was actually really great instead of what it is now. When you look back on it the 360 only had a handful of decent exclusives and was in the position where it was popular because it was popular, not because it was good (like the PS4).


Do you like Afrika so much?

I don't get how you would "like" lower resolution and framerates.

The best gaming experiences of 7th gen were on the 360's first half of its life cycle. Once Kinect released, the 360 was pretty much shovelware shit like the Wii, but the PS3 and its games never offered an online experience remotely close to the 360's

The 360 and Wii were always better. PS3 never got a single game.

kill yourself

No after a while the PS3 was better than the other two

Mainly because that once had yakuza and others didn't

And it still is getting Yakuza games, and more.