What did they mean by this

What did they mean by this

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Should be obvious mate ;)

it's a village on the edge of the wilderness

So is Varrock, though. Why isn't it called Edge City?

deepest lore

whats the lore behind the wilderness and it's dividing line?

it represents the difference between good and evil, or if we wanted to get deeper we could say that it represents the presence of government of lack of. the wilderness represents what happens when anarchy exists whereas Edgeville and edge city are the greatest civilizations on runescape

Lore wise Edgeville sprung up much later than Varrock as a respite for adventurers and the like who were working in and around the wilderness.

It's sort of like a Hooverville, it sprung up to serve a need. The Bank of Varrock set up shop there and people eventually settled in the area.

The wilderness is the site of the last great battle between the gods.

is this where coldsteel the hedgehog is from?

There was a massive kingdom there before the gods got into a fist fight. One guy owned the wilderness kingdom, Zaros or some shit, and the other gods got massively jelly and nuked the shit out of it.

Runescape is a shitty game but it actually has shittons of good, reasonable lore. At least, everything before 2013 is great. After that it's just stupid, cliched rewrites of old shit that was perfectly fine and massive circlejerking of self-insert characters made to look like prominent figures in the story, even more important than the player character.

nigga what

pretty sure Varrock and Falador are the most prosperous RuneScape cities

I was going to list Ardougne but then I remembered west Ardougne

>Then I remembered west Ardougne
Nigger, in the plauges end quets it's revealed the fucking king is a shitter who lies about the plauge and is paying off the elves to help him keep his people in a panic, and then you literally straight up can kill him at the end of it.

Even if west ardy wasn't a thing The city is still fucked.


I didn't actually pay attention to any of the quests. I just followed runehq/tip.it guides to get them out of the way

Original name for Edgeville was actually Ghost Town.

there are people on Sup Forums right now that actually think red is best

That was only a slang term that players used back in Classic before the town was given its official name. In-game, the town's ancient name is Paddewwa


>green on green
It looks fucking stupid.

>Romeo and Juliet quest was removed in mainline RuneScape
>Tutorial Island is inaccessible


stupid reddie detected

How did Jagex predict Reddit and Sup Forums would be a thing

>Player Houses (coming soon)

Guess I was wrong

Though I still find it remarkable how some portions of the map are still hardly changed from the old days

>Player houses (coming soon)

The plan with the construction/carpentry was to have people live in those houses instead of in a instanced portal.

Did the whole plotline about the tutorial wizard guy murdering a bunch of people and robbing the bank at Draynor ever get a conclusion?

I remember shitting bricks when I first saw the cutscene of him doing that.

Good plan until there's a playerbase higher than 20 people per server.

imagine if there were only that many houses
wonder how much gp it would cost to buy one nowadays

Because it was named after the hero Arrav

Also, the empty practically useless houses in eastern Fally were to also be POHs, but they just threw some NPCs and such to fill them now.

Wise Old Man had 2 quests, one released in 2006 and the other in 2010. In the first you work with him to save a fishing colony, in the second you reunite him with his waifu, who he then fails to rob the wizard's tower with and then gives her his hat.

>make new character
>level magic to 13
>kill noobs with the fire spell in edgeville

Swan Song is the quest 'dedicated' to him, and I think he plays a role in some of the Mahjarrat shit. Besides that, no, he's just an NPC that cleans out your bank and provides information.

Why is Draynor so comfy?

Fucking what

Closest bank to the start (originally), fishing and woodcutting spots, little marketplace, eccentric NPC inhabitants, nice music, etc.

Reminder that if you don't worship the one true god Saradomin that you're a fucking heretic heathen and deserve to be burned at the stake.

willow trees by the ocean right next to a bank near a spooky manor

doesn't get comfier than that tbqhwyf

also a fishing spot for early levels

My god of choice is now straight up dead

Fuck good and evil, I just want to be neutral and chill

>tfw One Small Favor

Get it?!? haha. It's funny because it wasn't one small favor at all. It was the exact opposite xD

>"As we have often said in the past, we’re always trying to improve our existing content, but some elements just don’t age well and are often best removed entirely from the game; we feel that’s the case with Romeo and Juliet." - Mod Mark


niggas don't remember certs and the cert trader

>NotGod; spiteful dickhead for Christfags to circlejerk over
>King Edgelord

There was no winning choice.

That plays in the woods south of Falador you noob

>Quest Length: Very Long

>they don't follow Zaros
Saradomin is fine though. Guthix is a bit too dead.

d-delete this

I actually fucking love all the god stuff in RS3.

Seeing these characters that were so mysterious and we lacked info about back when the game was popular in game make me squeal because I was just a wee lad back then.

How many people even knew about Zaros back in 2004-2007? Besides Desert Treasure I bet the majority didn't know shit besides that everyone picked sides between Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix.

Trying to bring the gods down to the player's level was a mistake

my bad

Hey m8 ill trim ur armor just gotta fallow me out to wildy

I usually just stuck with Saradomin as the gear looked the best, Guthix had the least shitty ideologies, though. That and he used to be a floating skull.

Sara was a fucking asshole, I forgot what was with Zaros but I liked him for a bit.

>tfw you will never ever wake up in a chilly Winter Monday morning before you go to school to run to your PC to check the runescape homepage for this week's update (this was back when they updated the game every Monday, then later they changed it to every Tuesday, then they moved on to bi-weekly updates)

How frequent are updates nowadays?

Every monday morning at 8AM.

To be fair that quest was ironically long the entire quest was an intentional parody of the "chain of deals" trope. They wanted to make the quest as obnoxious as possible and they succeeded pretty well in that aspect.

Runescape quests are still GOAT and most modern MMO's don't even come close in complexity, I've honestly never played an MMO that even came close to matching their quests.

Can't speak for RS3 but there are usually updates to OSRS every Thursday

quality over quantity. RS2 last time I checked had around 150, whereas the average MMRPG's thousands of quests consist of fetch quests and grinding quests

Flute Salad is best song in Runescape

Should I try to hop back into this shit? I remembered the passwords to a few of my good accounts.

I'd probably need to buy a membership to do anything worthwhile though still, I'd assume.

I used to check the site 500 times a day when I was in middle school, the game was all I could think about all day. I wish I could get that excited for anything now.

Well remember, there's both RS3 and OSRS now

Don't. It's not worth it

A tip, you can now buy Membership in both RS3 and OSRS using GP by buying bonds in the Grand Exchange

Post em

'Cept they're quite costly, IIRC.

Unless you are/were a high end player, you probably won't be able to afford them.

Yea I can't say for RS3 but OSRS has basically the same free content it did 10 years ago f2p updates were extremely rare in RS2.

RS3 isn't everyones cup of tea.

Personally I don't think it looks like a bad game now but it devalued a lot of stuff RS had going for it. The long grinds meant people with 99's in certain stats had prestige for their autismal dedication and didn't just drop 100bucks on the game. I'd probably play it if it wasn't so fucking ugly, the art direction and animations are laughably bad.

OSRS is basically the same as you remember it but occasionally gets new and exciting RS3 content renamed due to the dev team being a bunch of incompetent shitters but their first questin three years of running it was good.

They're about 10.5m for two weeks of membership. High end players can sustain it via PvM, but not otherwise.

full nostalgia power rankings:

1. autumn voyage
2. flute salad (this plays near Port Sarim, right?)
3. Scape Original

Not that costly. Whenever my friend makes a new account, he buys 1 bond for it with another account, and before it runs out he makes sure he has enough money on the new one to get a new bond

A lot of people merchant for them.

Personally I'd run Barrows on OSRS but if you're savvy enough on the GE you can buy low and sell high.


That's pretty shitty

Also they replaced the tutorial like 5 fucking times since tutorial islands removal, they should have just kept the original

>Another new skill
guess I won't be picking this back up

Frog you loser.


>tfw on your way to the wilderness to pk some shitters

>tutorial island is underwater now
>if you did it originally there's unique dialog during the return quest
It's the little things


lowblow00h: fishing lvls?


Defence master race.

>not Principality


Runescape has some of the best MIDI music ever. I don't know why but the music was so fucking charming and memorable. My favorite music is pretty much all from rune altars runecrafting was my main money maker, made fucking bank crafting laws and high alching bows. I would fletch my own bows and craft my own natures only buying the rune essence which were about 40gp a pop the profit was pretty crazy.

Favorites were
1. Understanding (Nature Altar)
2. Stratosphere (Cosmic Altar)
3. Complication (Chaos Altar)

Post them lads

remember the first time you got to varrock only to be greeted by these dudes?

Yup 10 mil and I only have 3.

I guess I'll login in another 6 years from now and contemplate playing.

Kek, I think I got a 3 day mute by a player admin when I first started would have been at least 10 years ago and is not tracked anywhere my account shows know infractions on it.

My brother got banned for a few days for armor trim scamming took some guys addy chest. Getting money even for that took some damn effort back in those days.

>tfw killed by this motherfucker when walking to Fally from Lumby

someone doesnt remember ultima online :)

you ever wonder what happened to your old rs friends?

>that one kid who was picking flax with me when some homeless guy was breaking into his house, but he kept playing

>that 1 black guy who used to be a blood but left and got beat up

>that "girl" who asked me about my penis.

it took me less than a month to be able to get enough gp for bonds consistently. that's not even with playing that much or efficiently at all. gold is crazy easy to get in RS3.

>madmatt4: 67
>xXsKuLlKiDXx: 60
>grim7240: 99
>N00bSLAY3R: nice
>grim7240: ty
>silence until the next time someone asks
>bot getting killed by a random event in the background, people scrambling to pick up its inventory
>that one skulled guy that came in from nowhere
>that one guy fishing in full Dharoks or something

Those were simpler times.

>tfw some most likely guy has a picture of me because I fell for a picture swapping thing with what I thought was a girl all those years ago

feels weird

Also, in OSRS it's somewhere between 2-3m, which is pretty easy to get in P2P but really hard to get in the bot infested F2P

>Al Kharid
Aw yiss, I remember that fucking place, it was the BEST


>that one girl clan mate that had a horde of beta orbiters defending her

>she ended up being a guy

alright guys. I can't be the only one to witness this. It must've happened in like 3 clans I was a part of