Alright Sup Forums. you get two wishes

alright Sup Forums. you get two wishes.
one vidya wish
one non-vidya wish

what will you wish for, user?

wish carefully and make them count

oh and one last thing, user.. wishing for one more or more wishes will shorten your lifespan and you will die within this year

> vidya whish:
Every Game Character ever made is replaced by Tracer from Pixar the Game.

> non vidya:

Have omnipotent God powers to do what the fuck I want.

I wish Video games were dead
I wish Sup Forums was dead

>I wish the hack'n'slash trilogy I planned out would be made and beome extremely popular while not being accredited to me in any way

>I wish my life was a musical

I wish for a turkey sandwich, using fresh, quality ingredients that exceed five-star restaurant standards.

The turkey cannot be raw or alive, and it cannot be the nation of Turkey. It also can't be dry. I don't want any zombie turkeys, nor do I want to turn into a turkey myself.

The sandwich cannot contain any allergens, and it cannot be contaminated or poisoned. I also cannot die as a result of eating the sandwich (such as choking).

The sandwich cannot fall to the floor after it appears. It must be served on a clean plate, on a stable surface. It must appear right in front of me.

I also must be able to access it reasonably. It can't be at the top of a volcano, it cannot be behind an impenetrable force field, etc.

Only I am able to eat it. It cannot be stolen from me. No one or nothing can delay me from eating it.

The ingredients and the combination thereof must make sense and be reasonable. For example, mustard and mayonnaise make perfect sense on a turkey sandwich, but things like ketchup and chocolate chips do not.

The objective is to grant this wish while staying within parameters, all while still somehow coming up with a relevant disadvantage.

Screw it.

> New nonvidia Whish:

Have Mark Wahlberg Live Through 9/11 for the rest of his life like Groundhog day, except he can't change the outcome and I can watch and Edit it like I want.

I wish for the SJW bullshit to stop in video games and devs are allowed to make whatever they want.

I wish for unlimited money that no one will question.

I wish the inevitable new Vampire the Masquerade game to not be shit

I wish the monkey paw give me handjobs for my entire life

If you had omnipotent god powers, you would be able to do your new wish already.

>wish for nothing
thats a monkeys paw not a genie they always have a bad side to the wish

Why Mark Wahlberg specifically? He hated VIETNAM FUCKING SHITS.

Your taste buds change, such that you no longer enjoy turkey sandwiches.

>vidya wish
I wish that people would stop having brand loyalty and mindlessly defend something regardless of weather it was shit.
>Non vidya
I wish I had the power to make people do what I wanted them to do.

The monkey's paw has literally granted your wish for nothing. Now everything was exactly how it was before the Big Bang.

granted but you will never have anything satisfy you like that turkey sandwich ever again

Ema Skye:Investigations
I want to be an omnipotent strong god or something

>they always have a bad side to the wish
But that's the fun part

>I wish my life was a musical

No one can sing in tune and no one can understand you unless you sing in rhyme.

Wahlberg talks on television how he got late to his flight and said that he and his friends would probably change the outcome of 9/11.

Yes he really said it. mark and his musclebrain friends would have undone 9/11.

i wish for a completed MGSV

and i wish i had the ability to see any of the future of the next 7 days

>I wish for something a bit more legitimate than a monkeys paw like dragon balls or a genies lamp
>vidya want Overwatch to be a huge flop so everyone stops posting a billion threads about it a day.

Vidya: Battlefront III was made and Pandemic didn't die


Granted but the ghost of that turkey will forever haunt you dreams and everytime you try to sleep you'll hear it's endless gobbling.

>consequence free 10 million dollars
>dark souls 1 has the same pvp community from a few months in and theres also a new ds1 dlc being released

i think i could be happy then bros

>I wish the monkey paw give me handjobs for my entire life
The handjob is so good it give you a heart attack and you die with your hard dick in the monkey's paw.

This will be how your parents or friends find your dead boy.

I wish Jet Set Radio Future to come to PC tomorrow.

I wish to die within this year. Preferably in my sleep and I wish my gf to have a fulfilling and happy life without me.

I wish that video games are all really really good

I wish that the earth self destructs immediately

I wish Studio Liverpool was alive again.

I wish I met a cute Japanese girl who was into me.

Based, but who's your waifu user?

Congratulations you wish has been granted!
You no how nothing.
No friends, No money, No shelter, No loved ones and No internet

If I wish for more wishes do I still get to make more wishes within the one year timespan before I die or will the wish just be negated and I just die within a year


The Dragon Balls are the Black Star Dragon Balls from GT.

Those "billion" Overwatch threads that would've been posted are now a literal billion Dark Souls threads. Sup Forums's servers crash from this overload, and Hiroyuki closes Sup Forums permanently. This causes an outrage from former Sup Forums users, and they start spamming all other boards (more than usual, I mean). Hiroyuki gets tired of this, and sells Sup Forums back to moot. moot restores Sup Forums, but also starts injecting redditumblr propaganda into the entire website, which causes it to fall out of favor with everyone, and Sup Forums finally collapses as a whole. News media all over the globe celebrate Sup Forums's death as "the end of hate speech on the internet," and freedom is truly dead on the internet. With only Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook left, the world turns to a dark age, where thoughtcrimes are illegal. Congratulations, you just did 1984.

>i wish i had the ability to see any of the future of the next 7 days
Come on that's the easiest thing to monkey paw.
You can not change any of the outcome that you have witnessed.

Make Persona 5 an extraordinary game.
>not vidya
I want to know how to play George Michael songs on my Melodica.

I'm ready for my ban now

You meet a cute Japanese girl who is into you. However, she has a serious illness that will cause her to die in a few short months.

I wish shilling, shitposting on Sup Forums and paid reviews stopped being a thing

I wish to become immortal but able to modify my body

For Iwata to be resurrected, his body used as a host for Izanagi, who proceeds to usher in the next Golden Age of video games with Nintendo leading the charge.

To become a famous musician.

she always brings her bff jamal-Kun to the diner table every night :^)

no the twist is you can never cum again

Short lived romance?
Or possibility of being cucked?

I can't decide which one sucks more, honestly.


Nintendo is leading the industry, but other than that, not much else has changed. Since Nintendo is in the lead, the competition is trying to copy them. Now everybody makes censored video games with poor graphics and gimmick controls.

You become a famous musician, but not a good musician. You're praised for having a style that is like a combination of Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Ke$ha, and Meghan Trainor.

>Make Persona 5 an extraordinary game.
It is extraordinary by the fact it was so decried by almost everyone in japan leading to several keymebers of atlus killing themselves. Along with Sugita, Tomokazu because the nips took it to him after he tried defending the game on his show.

>vidya wish
i wish video games didnt exist

>non vidya wish
i wish to have a harem of beautiful women attend to my every need for no pay for the rest of my life

>To become a famous musician.

Granted. You are now the greatest reggaeton artist alive.

I wish for the Star Ocean series to stop sucking.

I wish to be fluent in every single language.

Then we will still have dual audio r-right ?

granted you are immortal and can modify your body but everything you modify turns into a dick

No Infact atlus USA becomes incharge of taking over Atlus and they hire nitendo treehouse to do their localisations.

I don't see the downside here

>vidya wish
I wish for another game to be developed in the Little Tail Bronx series that ISN'T a phone game.
>non-vidya wish
I wish I could get a boyfriend/girlfriend.

But now you can't come from anything else apart from these handjobs from the paw.

Non-vidya wish:
Kagamine Len comes into my life and lives with me forever and never ages.


>vidya wish
I want bethesda to make good games again and bring back Kirkbride and Todd Howard to be fired in to the sun
>non vidya wish
I wish to become an immortal shape shifter

Granted, you have a significant other but they dont love you and dont put out

You literally get a boyfriend/girlfriend. He/she changes gender at random, often during the most inconvenient times. This is out of everyone's control.

You could be introducing your kawaii girlfriend to your parents for the first time, and all of a sudden, POOF! Your cute girlfriend just turned into a muscular, chiseled, bearded man.

The only kind of sex you can safely have is oral and anal, because the vagina/penis can be very unpredictable.

i wish sburb was real

i was i was dead

The game dev now all want to make SJW bullshit of their own accord!
You now have unlimited money but no one will acknowlage it or accept it. They'll just never be able to see it or react to it.

I'm okay with this.
But neither of you answered the vidya wish.

>vidya wish
I wish that the current VR technology was identical to the Matrix from Shadowrun, Augmented Reality and all for an affordable price.
>non-vidya wish
I wish I was immortal. Yes I know the downsides.

Wish granted but the good games they make are all 2nd party games developed for Nintendo consoles.
Wish granted but you will have an incurable rash that will last for just as long as your life lasts. It will be very itchy.

>Wish granted but you will have an incurable rash that will last for just as long as your life lasts. It will be very itchy.
come on man, that's a total cop out. Plus I could just shape shift it away

I wish for a good game recommendation.
>Non vidya
I wish for (You)'s.

Meant to reply to Wishes granted but you get locked into being unable to stop using VR, thus trapped in a fake world for the rest of your life (forever)

The next Little Tail Bronx game come out but is so bad that it becomes a joke of the gaming comunnity just like duke nukem forever.

Wish granted. You should play Pokemon X. :^)

Except that's not how the matrix works, fag. At any point I could jack out, and take some dumpshock. Since I'm immortal, that shit doesn't matter.

First wish: Get John Carmack-level programming skills.
Second wish: Have enough funds to start my own vidya development company.

Because making life too easy would be no fun.


New F Zero on the Wii U.


Complete and irreversible shutdown of the internet for exactly one year. No alternate networks can be successfully set up during this time either.

I wish for Mega Man to have good games released in the near future (at least one every 2 years).

I wish to be permanently in my early 20s. No matter how old I get, I permanently look like I'm 20-23 years old, and just as healthy as a typical North American 20-23 year old.

play Xenoblade Chronicles

heres your (you), faggot

I just want me and everyone else to always be happy no matter what.

Granted but your body don't regrow losts limbed only vitial organs and you get the angra mainyu treatment from your city/town/village and the whole world accepts it.

wish granted but people become much more incredibly stupid and are unable to perform basic tasks like bathing

Go play skyrim and the elder scrolls online.

F-Zero U is produced and directed by Shigeru Miyamoto and written by Sakamoto. It's a reboot about the vigilante Captain Falcon, chasing thugs through streets with a new and innovative "tap the Wii U gamepad to sprint" system.

Cars are only for checkpoints or level transitions.

It's also digital only and would have been released just a day after the shutdown.

Vidya I want Zero escape time dilemma to not be shit

Non vidya
I want dubs


It's released just days before the NX. Nintendo is heavily criticized for doing this, and they never touch the F-Zero series again thereafter.

The world reverts back to how it was before commercial & residential internet existed. Once restored, people still choose to use fax machines and snail mail to communicate, because they can't trust the internet to not shut down again.

Fallout's rights go straight to Obsidian

Win the lottery

>be faster than anyone else in my PE class
>make the retard that's stealing my crush disappear

granted but you get underage b&

I wish video game critics were dead because they perpetuate fanboyism.

That should satiate the claw too, so I have no further wish.

I want DmC 2

And to get raped silly

Granted, Obsidian shuts down after 12 Years of developing the new Fallout, due to a printing error, 700 other people also won the 100 million American dollars lotto.

vidya i get gud at all games
non vidya wish infinite money

>New F Zero on the Wii U.
It litterally uses the same controls as star fox zero and there's no way of changing it.
You are forced to use dual screen gaming forever.
>internetshut down
In this shut down they successfuly arrest everyone who's been posting on the terriost website known as Sup Forums.

ZTD becomes so good that casuals eventually hear about the 999/Zero Escape series altogether. As a result of this hostile takeover, the series becomes a victim of 9GAG memes.

You get dubs, but in a future post where you weren't intending to get them. You will be in the middle of a heated argument, and you were giving the best damn rebuttal ever, but everyone ignores it and just derails the thread because of your dubs.

>338652379 (You)

At least the series died with a shred of dignity and the world is now burning due to the USD's inflation

>and the world is now burning due to the USD's inflation
That's not how multiple winners work, faggotron.

I wish that I were Notch so I could sell Minecraft to Microsoft and act as a publisher.

Non-vidya wish is that I become a God-like figure that lives forever without aging/pain

It's my wish, I can dream if I want to

>non vidya wish
I wish i had the ability to replicate myself at will. Be able to control replicated clones.

>vidya wish
I wish i enjoyed vidya still

>Vidya Wish
I am a master at all videogames
The world's turned into a video-game like realm where the former power applies.

That's still a nice few hundred thousand dollars.

I wish for every Final Fantasy after VI to have been traditional fantasy, none of that post-modern belt-and-zipper with guns and lasers bullshit.

I wish for dogs to have the same lifespans as humans.

A new Fallout game with Tim Cain as lead director, and no budget or time constraints, and no Bethesda anything.

Immunity to cancer and ageing.

I wish to make one of my friends a god that can grant everything I ask to him

get fuckt

They never finished it, it didn't even get a fail drop like Duke Nukem Forever.
Yeah, but it's still not $100,000,000