Does Sup Forums agree?

does Sup Forums agree?

>Halo 5 MP



Heh,your post is so loaded with controversy even Sup Forums wouldn't be as dumb as to actualy reply.

this is esports, I should've probably renamed it to that

Honestly i didn't care for the Ulta edition of sf4.

>Red focus was broken with some characters, and trash with others.
>Elena pockets in every major tourney. HEALING
>Nerfs to characters that didn't need it, buffs to characters who didn't need it.
>Horrible new maps that had shit going on like crazy.

The new characters were a hit or miss. Huge was fun as fuck.

>any fighter above good tier
>SC2, a long forgotten game, above mid tier (even though I loved it when it was new)
>all that's left are shooters

>CoD and Halo should be at the bottom, obviously
>CS:GO and TF2 alone on the top because nothing else THAT ISN'T ALREADY DEAD comes close these days
>Overwatch somewhere in between

Prove it for each game.

>Anything above MID TIER.



naw nigga, shit netcode, shit camera first person angle, horrible developer updates, slow content, shit community

no way

P l e a s e

Hearthstone should go down to shit tier and bump Halo up.

>Hearthstone above anything

In viewer friendliness,
Fighting games > RTS=FPS >>> Dota.

where the fuck is sf2 you cretinous cunt

LOL thread?

This is the most disgusting thing I have seen here all week.

>Ultra in God tier

Glad to see you don't know shit about fighting games

Holy shit no

>ass-blasted fighting fags trying to make their dead genre look relevant
It's dead for a reason.

>Project M and Mahvel, both walking corpses in top tier
>Ultra in god tier
>this entire image

I don't have enough laughing gooks for this

Starcraft 2 is like mid tier
Dota 2 isn't lower than Hearthstone


I don't know about that
but how about this?

Add Overwatch to shit tier

Ultra shouldn't be anywhere near god tier.

That game was a fucking mess.

>childrens taste in cereal
you have to be 18 to post here

I'd say the opposite, actually. Esports are good when you're playing them in your head while watching. Fightans, being as mechanically complicated as they are, are well beyond your average viewer, despite the simplicity of the basic rules. While you can watch FPS and DOTA as soon as you understand the basic rules, since mechanically they aren't that complicated and the average viewer can thus appreciate a player's skill more easily. A headshot from half the map away, or a pentakill from the team's carry, will impress a viewer more and cause more hype than a perfect read into a strong combo that switches the tide of battle.
I prefer fightans myself, but if you don't understand them, watching them just seems like mashing dial-a-combos.

What the fuck man.

Smash Bros is over blown

>Corn Pops and Honey Comb
>shit tier
remove yourself

>Blizzard shit higher than any MOBA

You fucked up.

>MvC3 anywhere close to the top

OP, I...

It's weird. I like playing SFV a lot more then IV. But at the same time watching IV was a hell of a lot more fun then V. I barely watch the V tournaments while I never missed a IV tourney. I don't know if it's because the game is still young, but I don't feel that same level of excitement and hype.

Who the fuck would rank Pops that low.

Maybe it's just not your thing. I get excited as shit watching V in neutral. Feels tense as fuck.


I would MAYBE agree with this, but H1Z1 is by far the worst game I've ever played. To put it above SMITE should be a criminal offense, but I know this post is bait. So you didn't RUSE me. Hah.

>this is esports
Oh, well then all of the games belong in shit tier.

>Q3A/QL absent
triggered considering it blows every FPS there straight out of the fuckin water

I think some matches are hype, usually top 8, but I felt more excitement throughout IV tourneys.


SFIV was fun despite itself. Shitty 1f links everywhere neutered the system.

DotA 2 is ridiculous but fun.

I love this game but he's right,
Competitive r6s is really boring and they pretty much just sit and watch doors for hours on end. Plus the in game camera they use makes me want to vomit

And you velong in Fag tier

Melee has the fakest hype I have ever seen for a game in my life.

Don't you fucken say that about Apple Jacks!

Why is Smite considered shit?

>Raisin Bran not top tier

McFucking Kill Yourself.

It's a MOBA and Sup Forums hates all MOBAs for literally no reason.

>Fightan games
>Relevant to anyone but niggers

found the nu male cuck

>Honey Nut Cheerios not in top tier
My only complaint

Sup Forums Hates HiRez for fucking up and then abandoning Tribes Ascend. They were never forgiven.

>project M
>e sport


>Good Tier
Dota 2 and Melee

>Shit Tier
Everything else


>God Tier
Quake, SF
>Good Tier
the rest

>hearthstone and wow in mid tier
>virtually exclusively fighting games in top 2 tiers

kys nigger/wetback

>no cs:go

Sf3 is trash tier

In all seriousness, how does the FGC feel about the Persona 4 Arena games? I remember it was in a high profile tournament just after release, but I don't see them anymore. Probably because GG/BlazBlue are basically the same thing but better, I assume?

>super autism bros being anything but shit tier

>>SC2, a long forgotten game
Still has over 200k players, hardly forgotten.

>no Kirby or Pokémon game in shit teir

Go back to le eddit


Sorry, but all Nintendo games belong in the shit tier. Come back when you realize that.

>SSB4 in good tier
See, this is the kind of Melee fan opinion that I don't mind.

Kix are the most underrated cereal.

Throw that Golden Grahams, Honey Bunches of Oats, Rice Krispy Treat cereal, and Banana Nut Crunch in the fucking trash though.

You know what the most underground good cereal is? French Toast Crunch. It probably makes you gain like a pound per bowl, but fuck is it good.

Kick that down to Mid/Shit and you've got it.

I totally agree. Although i don't really pay attention to esports anymore

Smite's better than shit tier, it's just an anti-moba bias, r-right guys?

>I'm old fag and can't understand nor am I skilled enough to play League, so I hate it.

Kill yourself
