>it's gonna flop
>who plays movies? fuck naughty dog
>the graphics are really bad, I know there's a consensus on the graphics being incredible but they're actually the worst ever and Crysis looks better XD
>it's gonna flop
>who plays movies? fuck naughty dog
>the graphics are really bad, I know there's a consensus on the graphics being incredible but they're actually the worst ever and Crysis looks better XD
Other urls found in this thread:
This game would look a lot better if it were on Xbox. It would've sold much better too.
>People waited 2 years for this because Delaystation 4
>Nothing else was released
>biggest budget ever for an Uncharted game
>Finally 2 good exclusives after Bloodborne
There is you answer
>just 2.7M
what a flop
isn't this supposed to be the greatest video game of all times or something, shouldn't it be at least 10M first week?
who said it was gonna flop still a boring game
of course it sold you ps4 faggots have been thirsty as fuck for like , what , 2 years?
>people only play exclusives on PS4
>only 2.7m
>uncharted 4 was going to flop
Said fucking who?
GOTY 2016
>buying an uncharted game when you can rent it and beat it in 2 days.
Nice quads.
40 million consoles sold. Flagship Ganges does less then %10.
A game sells well on a system with no games.
Who would have thought?
>no games meme
t. PCuck
This guy youtube.com
It would've sold 5M by now if they released it on PC.
Do exclusives in the 8th generation sell as well as in the 7th generation?
fanbase are the people who own sony consoles.
If you think it would have sold better you are an idiot.
Don't games make most of their profit in the first week or two?
>PS4 gets a 2nd game
>only 6.6% of the user base buy it
jesus, how can you fuck up this bad?
I am glad I preordered this game.
>130m PC gamers
>first good PC exclusive in years
>only .6% (POINT SIX PERCENT) of their userbase buys it in 3 months
Why is this allowed?
Youtube niggers pls go
Because PS4 owners are sheep
please, PC gaming is dead -- we're talking about real gaming machines here
>Nintencucks getting BTFO
These tears are de-li-cious~
Because us PC gamers have superior tastes; we only spend our hard earned parents money on REAL games like CSGO, DOTA 2, JRPG ports that have been on PS3 since 2012, and early access survival games.
Why is ironic posting so meta now
Is it supposed to be funny
Whoever said the game was going to flop? It's perfect for the casuals of the Sony audience, what we meant is that even if it sells a lot it's still shit for a game, not so bad for a movie
but PC has a lot more games, it gives you a lot of options and no one is going to get every games
PS4 only has two, you'd think everyone would have to own both
Is this a joke? The Xbone can barely do 720p, let alone anything half as beautiful as this. Jesus Christ, you couldn't be more wrong.
CS:GO and Dota 2 are pretty good
the human eye can't even see past 720p, there is literally no difference
or rather, rendering at 1080p forces you to lower details to keep a good framerate of 24fps and the game ends up looking better at 720p
Uncharted 4 has unthroned Bioshock: Infinite as the most over rated game of all time.
The core gameplay is somehow worse then U1 + it has the worst stealth in history. Also the worst plot in the series. People confuse good VO and mocap with story
I'm the biggest sony pony around and think Uncharted 2 is the best game ever made.
thanks I needed a good laugh
>ITT butthurt PC keks resort to the "no games" meme
This makes me so happy.
back to your bloodborne petition nerd
I keep spouting that meme despite having a PS4 next to me and having played tons of stuff on it
Im now 7 hours in and on chapter 12. It is kinda shit with little gameplay. I have to have spent 45 minutes total shooting enemies. I am dead serious
Yeah, because Halo 5 and Tomb Raider were so successful. The former only sold 1 million and that was after 2 months not first week and the latter never even reached that.
Still not even close to the 360 era where halo 3 and others sold 7-20 mil a week.
With all the shilling and marketing unfarted had, 2 mil is very low.
>only 1 million
Its sold nearly 4 million you dumb fuck
Which one of the first three has the best stealth? I understand its not the main focus in any of the games but I can enjoy a mix of stealth and action.
Didn't they say UC4 would be Drake's last game because they didn't want the story to get too unrealistic?
Halo 5 sold 3.88m
Rise of the Tomb Raider 1.18m
From Chapter 13 or 14 onward it's basically constant shooting to the end. I felt the same way as you by that point and was confused.
kek, no it didn't, not even fucking close. It was a colossal failure.
So how much did it cost to make and how much was the ad budget? The checks for all those paid reviews don't pay for themselves.
>Xbox got Forza 6, Halo 5 and Tomb Raider
>PS4 got Bloodborne
>PS4 got Uncharted 4
>Xbox gets nothing, for the rest of its life
I say it was doing pretty good until they decided to bury it alive.
>halo 3 and others sold 7-20 mil a week.
I sincerely doubt that happened.
Shut up. You no nothing about what you are talking about. 360 had no games selling 7-20 million a week.
nah, UC just connect to Last of Us now so they will continue the daughter legacy with drake as a support for the next TLU that will either be a prequel or a cross over.
>less than 2 percent of users buy the game
>not a flop
and seeing how games drop like hotcakes after the first batch of sales it will be lucky to hit 3
Tomb Raider and Forza 6 are on PC, Halo 5 is complete garbage. MS knows the Xbox is dead and moved to PC to force Windows 10.
So it sold less than Halo 5 with twice the consoles.
PLEASE, delete this.
>UC4 was such a flop that Sonyggers have to compare it to a dead series on a dead console
>Meanwhile Splatoon, Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 still outsold it
>Overwatch on PC will outsell it in hours
It will reach 4 when they slash the price in half in a month.
*Also on PS4
A crossover wouldn't work because the tones are wildly different. There's virtually no blood in UC while TLoU has buckets of it. I'd raher have a prequel to TLoU or a story that didn't focus on Joel and Ellie.
They were ported to PC later, Forza 6 is a f2p version, not the entire game. Halo 5 will probably be ported to PC soon too.
All three were exclusive last year. Probably would have stayed if MS didn't decide (like I said before) to bury the Xbox alive.
>in 1 week
why is this still happening....we had games...we...we have games this time...we....
>*Inferior version
>**Uncharted 4 gets cucked on it's own console version
>2.7m copies
>Gamestop soon to have 2.5m copies
>>Meanwhile Splatoon, Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8 still outsold it
Woah, people buy the only games available on a console with a dead as fuck library
>>Overwatch on PC will outsell it in hours
You really expect steamlet tards to buy a game that you need a second DRM starter for that doesn't cost less than $10? That game will be dead in less than three months
It took Halo 5 over 4 months to reach that. It flopped hard. Uncharted will easily surpass that by the end of the month.
Tomb Raider was never exclusive, it's coming to PS4 in a couple months.
> not knowing game sales only go down after the first week
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that most people that bought a PS4 aren't really buying games.
Since the very start of this gen, it was clear to most that Xboners were buying the console with like 3 or 4 games, a battery pack, a second controller, etc. While Sonyggers were buying the console with nothing or maybe just one game, even when it was cheaper.
Yeah it's 40 million consoles, I would say half of them play exclusively CoD and FIFA, a great percentage uses it as a Netflix machine.
TLoU sold 1.1m first week and went on to sell 9-10m
Keep damage controlling
Since you're going in circles and arguing nothing let me bring you back to my first post Which is the only thing that matters.
Holy shit, that guy is salty. What's his beef?
>Woah, people buy the only games available on a console with a dead as fuck library
the fucking irony
>ps4 is a Netflix machine
nothing new here
just get the uncharted collection should be obtainable for 30 bucks or less
Who mentioned sales? Typical Xbox fan.
Because they bundled it with everything and then also included the Remake of it in the sales.
>Who mentioned sales?
> because Halo 5 and Tomb Raider were so successful. The former only sold 1 million and that was after 2 months
Alright dude name 5 good games you can play on your PS4
Uncharted 4 will never reach the numbers of CoD, FIFA, or even Star Wars Battlefront, and I only count the PS4 sales numbers.
The collection is still sixty burgers brand new. But it's worth it if your new to the series or want to check out Instagram Mode.
It sold 7m before the remaster
He's part of the console war community, theyre all faggots
The guy also has a Neogaf account (who wouldve thought)
>the fucking irony
Have you seen how fucking dead your shit console is? You have six games coming out next two months
The press unanimously agrees "This is the best game I have ever played".
Shame it's not on PC, huh?
viral marketing works
also spending millions on ads works
this is not proof its a good game, also paid reviews. I'm sure its a good but not a game changer.
Uncharted 1,2,3,4, Bloodborne
>Im done
>Woah, people buy the only games available on a console with a dead as fuck library
Says the one with a PS4? What the fuck
I am a huge fan of ND's games and I literally bought a PS4 on launch because I knew this game would come out for it eventually (and because I thought some good exclusives might come out in these two+ years since)
This month is basically the first time I've actually put the old PS4 to some use. I got resistance bundled with my system but I only played it for like 3 hours
really? i seen it for less online.
and neither will Dark Souls or numerous other games, who cares?
Never be sure, look at how far they managed to push the TLOU is the citizen kane of gaming meme with their paid reviews.
I said games