Well this was actually really cool and comfy as fuck

Well this was actually really cool and comfy as fuck

What did you think of Watch Dogs Sup Forums ?

It was a good game, but I forgot about it until now

Did they fix it or something?

Game was an absolute disaster at release and I haven't touched it since.

Fun game, but buggy as shit. (The bugs was pretty fun too)

I would pay 15 bucks for it if it didn't had uPlay

it's mostly a decent comfy game and the story when bad was at least laughably bad so it still entertained. I got bored about half way through the game and never touched it again though, and probably never will again either. Is the ending worth it?

i'm torrenting it right now, mostly for the grafix mods but the gameplay can't be THAT bad, can it?

>I got bored about half way through the game and never touched it again though
me too user, I still got the game for the 360 and never got rid of it because I bought it day one...
ill finish it one day

One think most ubi games have in common is that they're pointlessly open world. You unlock regions where everything is displayed on your map. There no sense of exploration, at all.

This kills it for me.


p comfy

it's not bad it's just minimal and nothing really makes you feel like a badass, it's just kinda so average it's boring.

its pretty good, it isn't the revolutionary game they advertised but it was still an above average game.

OP here

I haven't finished it yet actually, i stopped playing it like months ago because i got bored, but i just got back to it and now i'm really into it for some reason

The story is generic but it's weirdly entertaining, it's got a really comfy atmosphere, and while the gameplay is dumbed down to hell, it's fun to play

I take it as the modern-era Assassin's Creed (and it's set in the same universe), so if you don't like AC you probably won't like this

>an above average game
yeah idk, it's glitchy and the entire story is basically go do this go follow this marker do this thing shoot these guys sneak past these guys go follow this marker
the game handholds you the entire time and self defeats it's open world, I mean that's an average thing in gaming nowadays with it's pros and cons don't get me wrong, but ubisoft is desperately doing anything they can to keep their games average to appeal to an "average" gamer.

It was terrible.

I actually like Assassin's Creed but this game fell so short from what was promised from the start.

don't get in the vehicles and you'll be ok

it was okay but the immense hype behind it left feeling many people outraged, especially since many of the promises ended up greatly exaggerated to say the least.

As a game it's alright but as a product sold to me as a consumer it's downright disgusting since the game was specifically made to make it's sales through preorders with the help of false advertising.

yeah I feel like the game should have ended about half way through cause I'm hearing a lot of people stopping around the end of Act 2 beginning of Act 3 out of 5 acts. If it's a fun game to come back to then I guess more content is a good thing.
I guess Sup Forums's opinion of the game is to play it but don't feel bad about not beating it.
I mean to clarify, you unlock most if not all the mechanics in the game around the half way point, and a lot of the mechanics and side missions aren't entertaining to most gamers, and there's a lot of rinse and repeating of these par objectives.

tldr Try it out if you want a comfy ubisoft game but if you're bored no one will care if you stop, there's nothing in it other than more comfy time

>People ITT think that Watch Dogs was good

It was a mediocre piece of trash. No wonder the video game industry is dying.

it's dying? Oh fuck finally

played about 30 hours of it

finished main story and fucking around in multiplayer

got it for free with a 780ti a while ago

enjoyed it and was happy with what i got out of it, plenty of bugs if you go looking for them

driving was a bit stuff and the physics seems a bit dated but theres fun in there

Because the game was fucked on launch, I reinstalled and it crashes when I start new game, it's a good game.

It was pretty neat, with good concepts, mechanics. But unpolished as shit. Cautiously excited for WD2. Can only hope it'll be AC2 2.0.
And yeah, comfy.

Lost my saves, actually thinking of replaying. Though not sure if I should.

Didn't meet expectations at all, had that same bland open world design all ubisoft games have. The hacking mechanic was underutilized and could have been a lot better.

That being said I actually like the "go here to unlock the map" mechanic EVERY ubisoft game has to shoe horn in. It actually fit the game concept.

I had fun with it though the overworld was decent and the main story line was enjoyable, I barely touched the side content because it was a pretty big pile of shit. If would still recommend it to someone if they could pick it up on a sale or something for a cheap price, its still unique in its premise.

To clarify, lost not midway. I did finish it, and fully cleared the stealth minigame even. Wanted that coat.


I'm ashamed that I have as many hours in it as I do, and the fact that I preordered it doesn't help either. That said I'd like to see the sequel majorly expand on the first game, something with the depth of a GTA game would be wonderful. But we know that because
they'll do the same formulaic shit that they've done forever.

Not nearly as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be. The Digital Trips were fucking awesome, especially.


>absolute disaster
>actually a handful of minor physx issues
>gta5 has tons of bugs/exploits as well

I'd like to see the sequel go full on cyberpunk instead of current day + 5 years.
deeper than watchdogs.

Watch_Dogs 2 should have a new protagonist white, of course trying to take down Blume and bring in Abstergo for the sequel hook.

The game should have ended when you killed the old man.

If they actually bring Abstergo in the sequel i'd love it

This is basically Black Mesa vs Aperture right

With the biker outfit and the rainy graphics mod together it made it feel like I was playing Perturbator: the game.

>I'd like to see the sequel go full on cyberpunk
Yes, please.

Is it me or does WatchDogs feel like it was supposed to be an Assassin Creed game that for reasons was turned into a completely new IP?

I think Blume was contracted by Abstergo.

It probably went something more along the lines of "we want to make a new IP but don't know how to make anything besides AC" and used the same engine for watch dogs

>biker outfit
The Madness one?

They were supposed to be connected. There are emails in Black Flag and you kill the head guy from IV in WD, but there was a contradictory statement made by some douche PR guy, IIRC.

Extremely meh but as OP said they really nailed the comfy aspect down. Driving around the slums at night and roaming the countryside section was surpriseingly nice and relaxing.

I had fun when I was allowed to log in that one time.

i still believe they are connected.
I hope so, because i think Watch Dogs is more interesting in the context of Assassin's Creed
If it's just a stand-alone, meh

watch dogs is basic like minesweeper compared to GTA

Like pretty much every game released since 2006 or so, they released patches.

Ahh Watchdogs, Overhyped and Underrated, the game.

where the fuck do you see gta v mentioned on that post? fucking retards

I believe user is speaking of this bitching outfit mod

Same here.

I read somewhere that DedSec was supposed to be The Brotherhood, but I'm not too sure on that one. An offshoot, maybe.

I dont see how it can be any other way.

AC4 : Dude, i'm going to Chicago for a meeting.
WD ; Oh shit, i've been killed.
ACR - Dude went to Chicago and was taken out by a hired gun, sadface.

Pretty cool.

Did anyone even play the Digital Trips? Spider Tank was the best.

The character model is even the same.

The Bad Blood! DLC was pretty fucking good.

yeah right, it was never compared to gta5. it's a whole other genre in fact. and from a totally different time.


Exactly. If it was just an easter egg, why explicity refer to it in 3 seperate games.

Wish the missions had been more varied. Instead they were mostly all just go to some place that all felt like walled off arenas and take out some guys. The invasion thing was neat but the best way to win was to just hide in some corner as opposed to in plain sight, all free roam was pointless, nothing at all to do.

>lead writer Darby McDevitt nixed the idea that the two franchises might somehow be intertwined when asked if Juno might appear in Watch Dogs:

>"No, they are their own games in the Ubiverse. We like to put easter eggs like this in our games, but they are not literally connected."

I hope he's been fired by now.

they should have gone full cyberpunk, i think they missed the opportunity.
would have been more memorable but i thought it was an ok/good game overall

Minesweeper fun senpai

GTA is garbage and offers nothing but boring generic shit.

One of the worst games I've ever played.

Indeed. I don't think many people played it, though.

It was ok. Stealthing around, setting traps and pressing X to hack and blow people up fun.

Shit taste.

It did a good job of giving life to a character who was previously a bit bland. Also fake deadmau5.

Yeah, and T-Bone was a cool character to play as. Though, I didn't feel that Aiden was as bland as everyone made him out to be


The perfect example of a mediocre game. I can't call anything about good but I can't call it shit either.

Aiden is one of the worst protagonists I've ever had to play as though.

fuck, what a let down

i mean, the whole reference about Blume in AC4 didn't feel like an easter egg, more like a set-up for a connection between the two games

WD could have easily been called AC : Uplink, and been no different.

Yeah i still consider it an AC game

Also, am i the only one getting a huge inFamous vibe out of Watch Dogs ?

As if he's The Decider. Fuck that guy.

Watch Dogs 2 soon fellow 1337 hackers.

I didn't like the first game much, not at all to be honest. Sure it was comfy and is a good walking simulator, it's especially cool when it's dark and rainy and you're just walking around.

But really, that's all it had going for it. It pretty much lacked everywhere else. But seeing as Ubisoft get their shit right (most of the time) when it comes to their second attempts, I'm looking forward to what they are gonna do with the sequel. They laid the foundation, now they gotta improve on it.

>writer of Revelations and Black Flag
>should be fired
You should be fired, double nigger.

Black Flag is overrated.

So is your mom.

>Sup Forums likes watch dogs now
lol ok

She was too good for this world ;_;

I got bored 2 hours in.

The gimmick seems cool at first, but its really just a new "press button to make X happen" ala Assassins Creed (but with range) kind of deal and it gets old really fast.

I do like the way it handled procedural random events though, although shit like RDR does it better in my opinion.



Should have gotten Christy to at least voice her.

That feel when you now see her tatoo includes the Abstergo logo.

What's with Sup Forums's hard-on for this ugly bitch?

Oh shit, dawg. Blume/Abstergo spy sent to infiltrate DedSec

Ubisoft games play all the same
And wd plays like shit i cant believe this gets a sequel

Can't w8 m8

>breaks records and is a massive financial success
>hurr how sequel

Get fucked.

Revelations had a story ?

I see it pre owned in gamestop for about 10 or 15 euro.

My only real complaint is the Radio Soundtrack being a bit shit.

Mama Mia! Altair was a spicy Assassionay!

I agree that the game itself was kinda forgettable but it brought Ezio's and Altair's story to a good ending. The story is the only thing that stood out for me.

>My only real complaint is the Radio Soundtrack being a bit shit.
The actual OST massively made up for it.

I actually kind of liked the shooting mechanics and the fact that the game uses some underrepresented guns.

I just wish hideouts had been more unique.

I bought a collectors edition for the mask and it's pretty comfy. Works well when it's windy out as well.

I enjoyed it.

I loved how the game used real weapons instead of the mix-match bullshit that GTA does.

Wasn't she directly involved in the death of your niece?

I have to agree, I really liked using the Px4 storm.

I thought the idea of trying to do a modern day cyberpunk was interesting, but I'm not sure if it was really executed correctly.