lego games thread
Lego games thread
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Why the fuck did the mods delete the Lego Island thread? It was full of nostalgia and old games and good feels and nobody was shitposting or being dicks. Even shit like Movie Maker and Hellbender showed up.
What the fuck are you people smoking? It's no wonder they're finding replacement janitors.
Lego Rock Raiders was my favourite game besides Lego Racers 1.
Lego Star Wars was pretty fun but it started the trend of every Lego game being the same, so I get a bitter taste when thinking about it. Had so much fun playing it with my brother. I can't believe that was 11 years ago.
Gamerrgate and neo/v/ happened
The only redemption to Sup Forums now is /vr/
There were Lego games before Lego Star Wars?
They clearly were under 20 and got mad.
I know, right? Meanwhile threads about the twitter adventures of notch get 450 replies.
the op wasn't exactly vidya, even if the thread turned into vidya
mods are dumb anyway
Lego Creator was pretty cool
Any of you dudes play Lego Universe? Best MMO imo
>sending obscene postcards to Santa
I can't be the only one who did this
Any of the 'emulators' actually any good now?
That pissed me off hard, I swear the most quality threads get 404d
The OP was clearly about old games from childhood that you'd only remember if you were 20+. Any mod that couldnt see that is pants on head retarded
I remember Loco, I didn't have internet for friends to hook up to so I pretended all the things leaving were going to real people
Fuck the fishing section tbqh
>When you find out how to properly steer the one with the steering at the back
Also I remember that game having pretty sick music.
The island looking so different form how it did in the first one used to kinda annoy me as a kid. I know you're not there all that much but the fact they didn't even attempt to recreate the island from the first was disappointing.
It was a nightmare.
I used to build houses and make them fly.
OP had a fucking picture of the Lego Island game and the posts were all about vidya.
>bring back memories
Thank you user
>can't find a torrent
Why even live?
try this, dunno if it's legit
legos are for babies
>t. megablox shitter
get the fuck out of here with your baby shit
>gamergate and neo/v/ happened
>let's all migrate to the even more hipster board
Spotted the cuck and SJW
please leave, this is supposed to be a nice thread
>Refuses to run
I hate my PC.
>no lego island 2 torrent
>still have the disc, but my computer's disc drive broke
I remember replaying it recently. Nostalgia really did blind me to how bad the game was.
Despite the shit AI and many other flaws, this will always be in my Top Ten games.
i tried to download lego island 2 from there but it's downloading at an insanely slow speed, what do?
i'm not waiting 20 hours for a 500mb file