Do you have any 1ccs in any shmups, Sup Forums?

Do you have any 1ccs in any shmups, Sup Forums?

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any diff?

kamui normal mode and mushihimesama futari normal mode and a bullet soul run but that game doesnt count

So... are you still going to play this game once Overwatch comes out?

I played Mushihimesama recently, that was fun.
Should I try out more CAVE games?

Totally! and I'm gonna have fun see ya in-game fellow anonymous poster!

How's Kamui?

who here eratohok?

Working on IN,I have 1cc's in EoSD and PCB on Normal.
Pretty hard games desu,but practice makes perfect.

I don't know,for some reason most anons hates them.I think they look fine,haven't played any of them though.

its a pretty cool rayforce style game. a bit on the easier side but if you like it that much it has a much harder difficulty after the first clear.

This game.
It's pretty rad.

Does anyone here actually gives a fuck about that game?

1cc'd EoSD, PCB, UFO, TD and DDC on Normal
1cc'd IN, MOF and SA on Hard

I'm thinking UFO on hard if I need another challenge

>le 1cc meme op again
What is graze?

Nice. IN is pretty easy when you get it down, so I'm sure you'll get it in no time.

>I don't know,for some reason most anons hates them.
From what I understand, there's a bit of a backlash against CAVEfags due to their behavior.

Neat, I'll give it a try then.

That user is just falseflagging with Sup Forums's hottest new meme game, ignore him.

>IN is pretty easy when you get it down
Reimu kicks my ass as Team Scarlet,her fight is bullshit.

Really? Most people find her easier than Marisa.
Any part giving you trouble in particular?

Does Fantasy Zone count as a shmup?

If so, yes.


Ikaruga is fine. Kind of overrated, and the gimmick has been done to death at this point, but at the time it was a very fresh idea.

Fantasy Zone is legit, yeah.

Let's get this party started.
>pretty hard games

I have 1cced a couple but not anything hard.

I will brag when I've actually accomplished something worth bragging about.

>Most people find her easier than Marisa.
Me too.But that doesn't mean she is easy.
The parts where zooms left and right is pretty hard and I usually have to time it out.Also her spellcard from the second one onwards.I did manage to get past her without continuing but then stage 5 raped me.
Oddly enough I kicked Reisens ass.

But they are.


>The parts where zooms left and right is pretty hard
Do you mean her non-spell? That isn't too bad.

Good job. Have you played the PC98 games yet?

Probably not canon

>boot up Mushihimesama yesterday after 6 months of not playing any shmups
>1cc 1.5 Normal out of nowhere, first try with 2 lives remaining
>6 months ago I was trying my hardest to get that 1cc but failed repeatedly

Well then.

Of course not, it's like Aya's wings. I just want to know its meaning.

Also, what is a 1cc? And graze, what is graze?

Also non-canon

> That isn't too bad
If you are just dodging and trying to time it out its okay for the most time.I just can't seem to hit her,when I move to where she is she changes sides too fast.

>Kind of overrated
The game is still niche as fuck. It's not overrated at all. It's horribly underrated...

That pattern is all about prediction. She always stops on the opposite side of the screen from where she started, so just wait for her to get there, then move out of the way when she fires her aimed bullets, and head to the opposite side of the screen, where she'll stop next.

>Of course not, it's like Aya's wings.
What was that?

Eh, I dunno user. It's a pretty damn iconic shmup, and among the most brought up when the genre is mentioned.

What was what?

I don't know, was it graze? I wanna know what is it.

It's popular for a shooting game, yes, but in general the game is still very unknown.

>clearing Mokou's easiest card


The thing the user said. I think he was implying Aya had wings?

Sure, but shmups in general are a very niche genre. For the genre it's a member of, considering it's a game that isn't called Gradius, it's pretty popular.

But that's not Honest Man's Death.
Or Flaw of the Forgiving Shrine.

Dunno, I don't think one needs to imply facts

That's not graze.

I think.

What's graze, by the way?

IN on normal as reimu/yukari
gotten close to 1ccing pcb on normal, but youmu fucks me up every time

>Forgiving Shrine

Okay, you got me there.

Really? I personally find Marisa to be MUCH easier than Reimu.
Granted, I've fought Marisa way more than I've fought Reimu, but her moves just seem a lot easier in general.

>shmups in general are a very niche genre
Then how can it be overrated? Shmups are arguably the most underrated and forgotten genre there is.
Just because there is a shmup which has some relative popularity for a change, doesn't mean it is overrated.

So I don't need to imply this thread is shit, can I just say it?

I don't remember inviting you to my thread, fuck off.

>My thread

Oh, is this just another generic shitposting thread as opposed to one where people actually discuss videogames? It's hard to tell nowadays, what with le ebin irony and whatnot.

>It's hard to tell
Sorry to break it to you in front of everyone, but you're retarded.

>my thread.

I'm just saying that there are better shmups out there that deserve the level of respect that Ikaruga seems to get.
Not to disrespect Ikaruga or anything, it's a great game, I just don't think it's amazing.

They're just mad about their circlejerk being unsustainable, and their thread dying. So they're just going to come to other threads, even if they're only tangentially related, and shitpost in them.
Normally a janitor should delete shitposts like this, but they never do. It's best just to not give them the attention that they so desperately crave.

>that Webm.
They always make it look easy.

But not that,the more complex non-spell,when it is though.

>this guy seriously thinks he can say anything about circlejerks

*don't remember when it is though

>I'm just saying that there are better shmups
That's not what you first said though. And apart from this, is Ikarugas popularity totally deserved, in fact it actually is still horribly underrated.

Same concept on that one. If you aren't comfortable dodging Yin-Yang orbs, simply stay focused, as they can't harm you while you're in "youkai" mode.

Which is ironic, as the Yin-Yang orb is supposed to be a youkai slaying weapon.

Uh, guys? Graze?

Let me rephrase my question.
Do you have 1ccs in any shmups that aren't 2hu, Sup Forums?

I think we're just thinking about this in different ways.
Maybe we can just both agree that Shmups on a whole are vastly underrated?

I don't remember giving you permission to take credit for my thread.

>my thread

>your thread
Caught you, faggot.

>mfw this happens again,webm making it look easy
Oh well,it just means more practice for me.Thanks user!

>le smug anime satori xD
Piss off.

>Getting triggered by an image

>le it's my thread guys :^)
You sound a bit triggered.

No problem.
Here, have the Reimu card that gave me most trouble when I was trying to get my first Normal 1cc in IN.

What luck,and I was having a problem with that Spellcard.
You are godsent,thanks again man.

You're literally avatarfagging.


You sound a bit jealous. Who are you, the OP of that other thread that fell down page 10? It's too bad your shit thread had to die for this shit thread to flourish, but them's the breaks.

kys faggot

Finally managed to get my Darius Gaiden 1cc today.
I just went through the ABDGLRX route, saved all my resources for the Hysteric Empress and bombed it to death. No regrets.

When you say 1cc im assuming beating the game without using a continue? Or by touhou players beating lunatic without continues
either way im shit so no.

no one cares

>this style of typing
Fuck off, SAmireko scum.

Reminder that Aya can, in fact, hide her wings

I care, it took me a lot of runs to finally get a reasonable route down you know.

>style of typing



Where's the canon proof, huh?

>SA filth is also an indivisible shitter
Honestly, I'm not surprised.

Why is she so cute?

The manga, which, while not drawn by Zun, was written by Zun

user, this won't end well.

Why not?

Me again,just practiced her spellcards a bit.
Its true,she is easier than I expected.
Fantasy Seal "Focus" is still hard as balls

You mean Fantasy Seal "Concentrate"? Yeah, it's a pretty awkward card, it's one of those ones that you just kind of need to learn. It's mostly streaming, though.

My bad,was about to correct that.
Its really hard to keep track where Reimu is while dodging to keep changing where to put Remilia sentry-thing.More practice for me I guess.

Thanks again user.

Luckily for Remilia (or perhaps unluckily, depending on your view point) her familiars come right back to her the instant you let go of focus, so re-positioning isn't too hard.
That said, I prefer how it works for Marisa C in MoF, where the familiars stick of a little bit after unfocusing, gives it a bit more utility.

Bonus webm because I fucked this card up but still beat it, which was funny.

1cc touhou 7,8,10 and 13 on lunatic
th 6,11,12,14 on hard and only normal on 15
fking murica and dem lasers