If Overwatch actually gave a shit about having complex...

If Overwatch actually gave a shit about having complex, interesting gameplay the mobility wouldn't be a single prepackaged skill that just takes you from point A to point B, it would be a set of things. Surfing, bunnyhopping, projectile jumping, grappling hooking, skiing (tribes-esque), walljumping, etc.

But retarded console kids can't grasp any of this, so we get 'Press X to teleport away'.

Did you guys know the general consensus in neuroscience is that humans' brains evolved to their unprecedented relative size and complexity because of movement? Simply because bipedal movement is tough and you need a lot of computation to do it efficiently. That's why we have the most efficient gait in the animal kingdom and can run for longer distances than any other animal. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistence_hunting#Persistence_hunting_in_human_evolution

Fun fact - brains in general evolved for the sake of movement. There is a species of mollusk which has a brain. It swims through a river until it finds a rock it likes, attaches itself permanently to the rock, then digests its brain because it has no use for it any more, being immobile. ted.com/talks/daniel_wolpert_the_real_reason_for_brains?language=en -

We're the only animal that practices recreational, unconventional movement just because we enjoy experimenting with new ways to move. Dancing, it's called. And ActiBlizzard gives us a button to press that just teleports us to where our class is supposed to be. It's all about the destination, not the journey. The fleeting satisfaction of correctly placing yourself in the best location without any of the forethought, work and expertise required to get there safely and quickly.

There is nothing but the button. Press it, monkey.

bpbpumpbpbpb because tracer is hot

You know what, this encapsulates what I feel too.

Thanks for putting it into words.

or maybe they wanted players to focus on the actual gameplay instead of having to put their focus on retarded glitches never meant to be in the game that makes people go faster

Get over it, games you have nostalgia over because you played them as a kid like Quake are never coming back

I don't give a fuck. I have no interest in playing the game, but I like that the game is popular as hell right now because the porn is terrific. Just can't get enough.

>you will never have sloppy drunk sex with Suika and make small japanese goblins with her


can we just talk about the aussie's sexy ass?
who gives a shit about the game play

>implying learning how to bhop is fun

thanks for the input gramps

>Surfing, bunnyhopping, projectile jumping, grappling hooking, skiing (tribes-esque), walljumping

>you will never eat one of Syoko's mushrooms and have the trip of your life, which will be the best bonding experience ever

At least it's not K-style butterflies. That shit will wreck your wrist and your keyboard at a frightening speed.

>you will never be happy again

to be honest i'd rather have movement be a specific action rather than glitch exploiting

My keyboard has survived counter strike bunny hopping, k styling, and s4 bunny hopping. It's a 15 dollar pos that is older than most posters on this board.

Yep. I was pretty disappointed that interesting movement is hidden behind a cooldown ability.

I learned how to write my own hotkey scripts and bound them to my mouse buttons. Then I switched for a full n-key rollover mechanical and my ability to wreck shit essentially quadrupled overnight.

Then I got RSI in my wrist and had to stop playing pretty much all WASD games. Forever.

>focus on the actual gameplay
>iwin buttons and 1 hit kills
dis nigger

>Then I got RSI in my wrist and had to stop playing pretty much all WASD games. Forever.


I honestly can not imagine what I would do with my life if I ever got MSI.
no proper vidya
no music

just imagine how quiet the board will be in 25 minutes.

>movement mechanics isn't part of the gameplay
the shit I read on this board sometimes..

#overwait #waitwatchers

I remember playing Gunz late at night and pissing off everybody on the house because of the noise I was making with the keyboard. Too bad it was the only game I was moderately good at.

its designed for consoles in mind, which cant pull off anything complex because of the control scheme

mashing jump
jumping then holding a key
>projectile jumping
jumping onto an explosion
>grapple hooking
press a button
mash jump against a hill
press jump when against a wall

Holy hell you're right, these are advanced as fuck. My god how can Overwatch even compete.

A lot more complex than
>press a button to go zippidy doo da across the fucking map who needs skill

>equating yourself to animals

>humans aren't animals

Nigger that's when the marketers will go into maximum overshill