
>the Battleborn playerbase all left to play Overwatch at launch day

My fucking sides. This is worse than Evolve.

I still like playing battleborn it's fun, but seriously.

What went wrong? Is the game that bad or you all just hate Gearbox that much for what they did to Aliens: Colonial Marines.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your bank account. Thank you for contracting with the Activision Blizzard PR department.

Battlecuck on suicide watch.

They went up against Blizzard and lost. Blizzard moved the open beta to Battleborn's release date and overshadowed it completely.

Also, Battleborn has one of the worst art styles I have every seen.

It's not even bad. Gearbox is just dumbasses and forgot to advertise and made it too expensive.

>Also, Battleborn has one of the worst art styles I have every seen.

Is not that bad. It was waifus too.

Important question. Are you colorblind?

The day Battleborn died. Will it be fastest game to go from full price of $60 to f2p in history?

No, I'm sorry, but it's awful.
They took Borderlands, and then made the design even worse. More diverse, because it has more characters, but just a lot worse.
It honestly looks like they hired angsty teenagers to draw shit, and then using those drawings as a base for their overal design.


It's not like Gearbox wanted to go up against Blizzard. Battleborn was announced first and so was the release date.
Then Blizzard shits all over Gearbox by releasing Overwatch in the same window, leaving Battleborn not much of a chance. It also doesn't help that normies can't comprehend that they are very different gameplay wise.

Randy Pitchford on suicide watch

>Battleborn already dropped to $40 on Amazon
I really feel like Battleborn could have been a slightly above average, marginally successful game if they had played their cards right. But it was just a hurricane of bad ideas that basically doomed this game from the start, which is hilarious.

WTF there's a fucking online queue to buy overwatch?


Why is Overwatch holding Battleborn's corpse? How careful he-OH MY GOD IS NOT THAT HOLY SHIT

Has there been a multiplayer focued triple-A game that died as fast as Battleborn did? Even Evolve did better at launch.

>battleshill mad he only gets $0.01 due to its massive commercial failure

>Randy Jewford siphons funds from Aliens to make Memelands 2 despite it being contracted work.
>Is now gonna lose mad profits due to Overwatch and making a shit game.

Sweet justice.

Before the game servers are on

Give me some (you)s

battleborn playerbase is fine on console, queue times are less than 20 seconds

Take it. It's yours, my friend.

sent ;)


Don't consoles have to wait an extra day for Overwatch?

here (you) go

Battleborn characters have tiny little heads and are really tall. It's like the unholy opposite of chibi.

yes but the ow beta happened right after bb launch and the queues didn't take any longer, I think there's a new character being released for bb on the same day

I have 2 friends that stopped buying anything Gearbox thanks to the Aliens shit they pulled.

viewers are not an accurate representation, this just means that there are more battleborn players and less streaming

pay just keeps getting lower

>Is the game that bad
I just hate MOBAs


This post gave battleborn more publicity than gearbox ever did.

>It's not like Gearbox wanted to go up against Blizzard
Blizzard gave kudos and Gearbox responded by being arrogant pricks. Only natural with aggravating the competition

No, why?

Battleborn is an ok game with some likeable characters.
However it must be sacrificed to hope that gearbox learns from their mistakes.
In reality this will just make gearbox think going creative was a bad move and that they should just recycle bordermemes ad infintum

Which was after Gearbox realized they were fucked by Overwatch releasing in the same month. They didn't set out to compete at first, the shit was brought upon them by Blizzard.

Wait, when did Battleborn even release? I thought it was coming out later this year.

Blizzard looks just as arrogant and prickly as them from my perspective.

You have to earn it.

>gearbox didn't try to go up against blizzard
>PR literally did their petty and cringe "come at me bro" tweets
>Randy goes out of his way to say Battleborn is direct competition with Overwatch

Blizz didn't have to do anything but a few light-hearted jabs to completely and utterly bury the game. Gearbox literally fucked themselves over by trying to go up vs a giant instead of being content with the little niche Battleborn would have had. Fuck those arrogant niggers.

Didn't it already outsell the original borderlands? Even if it dies it's probably a success.

whatever you say Randy

If it makes Gearbox feel any better, I might actually play Battleborn if it goes F2P.

Oh look another fucking overshill thread.


I don't know who that is but okay.

Aren't they both mediocre shooters? OW is blatantly TF2 with two game modes and no carrot on stick progression system to keep normies interested. BB is the opposite an fps moba that normies can't comprehend filled with unlockables.

No, they said it sold better than Borderlands launch like that means anything.

Borderlands had abysmal early sales.

>Battleborn: 890 viewers
>Warcraft 3: 1,000 viewers
What did they mean by this????

Battleborn should've been pushed off to August or September

This tbqh.
You know plenty of people will be tired of Overwatch around then.

No, that's a smart decision. So Gearbox won't do it.

The target audience is pretty much the same

The games are way More alike than ppl like to admit


Good one, Gearbox was the one who started it Randy. It's why you fired the intern.

Blizzard has the high noon_.

I'd feel bad for Gearbox, but it's Gearbox.

I feel like comparing the Sith to Gearbox is disingenuous.

At least the Sith stood for something.

Gearbox can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned