>$800 a month
fucking lol, I make that in two weeks
>$800 a month
fucking lol, I make that in two weeks
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah but you still dunno how to use an image board hope u get fired lel
Well he still has the Youtube view money and savings from his old job
>800$ a month for doing literally nothing
I'll take it pham
Fucking lol, I make that in half a week
you need to work for that tho
Fuck off, Matthew
>800 a month to be a NEET
I make that in 5 days
If they don't like it they can stop donating.
It's that simple. They aren't being conned, and Matt is being perfectly open about how long things are taking. They're free to pull out anytime.
If Matt was saying "I need a few more donations to get this video done, guys!" and kept pushing them back while insisting on more donations, that would be a problem. But there's no con here. Besides, for most donations we're literally talking about a dollar, maybe two dollars, per month. It's fucking nothing, but autists and children here who just love ECELEB DRAMA!!!! want to stir shit by trying to suggest there's a controversy here when there just isn't.
I personally don't understand what the rush is. Have you got nothing else to watch or play? Do you refresh his channel once every hour? Get a grip, who cares if it takes another 5 fucking years, it'll arrive when it's done.
is he dead?
800 a month wouldn't even cover rent
hes dead
New video when?
He said he would have one finished.
4 months ago that is.
Hey guys
Even if he releases a new video today, we won't get another one until december
>Quit his job to make videos full time
>Made 2 videos since quitting his job and has the longest gaps between videos
What on earth is he even doing? it's not like he's even that thorough as he pretends he is whenever he does a new game.
He's having trouble recording the audio apparently
Difference being he does literally nothing for months at a time and when he's finally bugged enough to make a new video he goes on Sup Forums, looks at the threads for the FotM game, and parrots the general opinion. He then proceeds to shill all over Sup Forums about his new video.
$800 for doing 10mins worth of work.
To add insult to injury, I'm one of his patrons.
Matthew is a fucking fraud and I'd love to see a petition where we unfollow and dislike everything of him.
I might start a crusade on Sup Forums next week.
Not vidya, fuck off
delete this
General gaming e-celeb thread?
>giving money to strangers
That's more than I make in allowance.
He hasn't really done that aside from maybe Bioshock Infinite and Dark Souls 2. Which were both critiques instead of reviews.
Remember this guy had some good things to say about The Last of Us while Sup Forums constantly shat on it.
>NL and SBH that low
>Ass Cancer that high
>no usernames
>$800 in two weeks
Congrats so does everyone else who works a shitty min wage job in commiefornia
maybe move george up to mid tier and add DSP in god tier, otherwise pretty good
Super bunnyhop is at least high tier famalam
Nice image matthew.
Where is Seph?
I put TB up there because he is generally on the correct side of issues like being against preordering, being against hype, and generally being pro-consumer.
What do you see as being wrong with him?
Is there someone specific you were interested in? I can name names. I didn't because it would make the list too crowded and ugly.
DSP is good? I thought he was the "WOOOOOOOOOOOOW" guy.
I make that in an hour. Poorfags should be gassed
>when he's finally bugged enough to make a new video he goes on Sup Forums, looks at the threads for the FotM game, and parrots the general opinion
This. I talked with him once in one of his shill threads about Ocarina of Time. Dude is a huge idiot and a hypocrite that just echo chambers the Sup Forums popular opinion.
I make over a grand every month just going to college, and that's in addition to my job and the money I get paid for content editing online.
Then again, I actually did something with my life and enlisted, unlike you walking advertisements for Planned Parenthood. Mmm, dat GI Bill.
Got Tier
Joseph Anderson
High Tier
A Gaming Brit
Mid Tier
Whatsup y'all marcus here also known as Epic Name Bro
Total Biscuit
Low Tier
Noah Caldwell-Gervais
Shit Tier
Extra Creditz
Jim Sterling
Cancer Tier
PBS Idea Channel
Feminist Frequency
If you even know of this many e-celebs, you are cancer and should fucking kill yourself.
My favorite vid has to be the replay of the keeper.
"I gotta unwind after that last run."
>Proceeds to lose his shit as the game goes absolutely ape-shit past that point.
Playing the fucking game yourself
Longplays, no e-senpai e-celeb bullshittery
I wish he would hurry up
Especially since he's being paid
I miss Spelunky and Cities Skylines
>Instig8iveJournalism in Got tier and not ded tier
good joke user
Mid tier question marks is Many a True Nerd. Skilled Fallout player with interesting challenge runs. Grating voice and kind of boring humor sometimes--tries hard not to alienate or offend anyone.
Low tier question marks is RockLeeSmile. TONS of videos on obscure indie games. Puts in a ton of work to show them all. Doesn't always have much interesting to say. Is a special sensitive snowflake and runs memes into the ground.
>not playing games AND watching entertaining and informative content about them
>not "incessantly pandering to Sup Forums" tier
i make that in 12 hours with half a presses
Yeah the showcase the Super Mario games. All the games that are 5+ years old last year "he" fully understood.
Yet in the new one Super Mario 3D World he didn't even know the full control scheme. He didn't even realise the Spin jump from Sunshine was in the game. Or the rolling long jump despite the fact it's in the manual.
Shows how much you know, faggot
We can't be walking advertisements because we don't walk.
Isn't that what likes, though?
>lower than ok tier
0/10 you're just butthurt he's cheating on you with reddit.
>I'm one of his patrons
you can just... unsubscribe, you know
jokes on you, I make 260 a month
please kill me
>putting bunnyhop that low just because he saw through Sony's schemes with the ps4
oyy xonro
>I can name names
God and high tier pls
>some of those comments on the Last of Us video
Some Sup Forumsirgins were dissapointed he didnt tear it to pieces, kek.
They're not relevant, though. Spin jump is worthless compared to its incarnation in SMS, and the rolling long jump is also not any more useful than just a plain old long jump.
You expect me to read all that shit?
he actualy finishes the games before making the videos
sure thing
>linking your shitty Wordpress blog nobody but you bothers to read on Sup Forums
l m a o
did this guy ever do a "x a shit" on instig8ive journalism? i've liked reading what he has to say about extra credits and super bunny hop
I make it in a day and a half
with an arts degree
>SBH as low as Noah and Errant Signal
Missed a few anyway
These are some good points. I really liked Matthew before but now my admiration has cooled down some. it is annoying how he rambles on about inane shit sometimes like how games load levels
>A Gaming Brit
Any of them?
>bitching about things that he personally didn't enjoy and reflecting his opinion as fact
>That feel when I would be king of my country with 800/month
Who'd I miss?
He did some things on EC and Bunnyhop.
oops, meant "TheGamingBrit"
i dont know why either of those channels are in high tier
Reads like fucking garbage famalamborghini. I couldn't stand more than four paragraphs, it's high school level prose.
From what I could gather it's just >HURR MATTHEW IS DETAIL ORIENTED
Christ, I don't even like MM but that link is autism overdrive
Bunnyhop's MGSV video basically ruined him for me.
>writing up tl;dr autistic rants that are too long to post on Sup Forums and putting them on a blog instead
Honestly consider suicide.
Make a video about it if it's really worth your time to tear into people like this so we can at least enjoy hearing your nasally voice break as the genuine butthurt comes through.
This is some next-level autism
"I'll watch a 6 hour Dark Souls video, but spending five minutes reading a short blog post is just too much"
Whats so bad about this video?
Well, I loved Gone Home.
Why though?
The insights of his 6-hour-video are amazing and groundbreaking though.
In contrast, your blogpost reads like a highschooler wrote it.
Also, that Sean Malstrom link in the blog you linked is even fucking dumber than the blogpost itself. Why is Sean Malstrom such an incorrigible retard?
>The insights of his 6-hour-video are amazing and groundbreaking though.
eric, simply eric
Matthew is going to be displeased with DaS3.
>gimick bosses
>all those doors with bars that 'cant be opened from this side'
Hyperbithero is pretty cool. His husband TheGamingBrit is alright as well.
Greentexting isn't hard and serves a useful purpose you fucking idiot.
Also I'd watch a 6 YEAR long video if it was interesting but wouldn't waste a full minute reading the autistic ramblings of a faggot who is mad over absolutely nothing.
i make that in a day bro
The guy has a point, Matthew seems to have been dragging out his videos more and more lately with irrelevant or inane stuff.
Rewatch his SMG2/64 reviews and see how he talks deliberately slower than usual or repeats statements to fill up time.
I make that in 10 seconds.
I made you in a couple minutes.
well memed
If you don't believe me just read the comments where everyone is praising him.
Or do you just disregard those?
Not him but
>youtube comments
>couple minutes
Sorry about your premature ejaculation problem user.
It's a struggle
Clearly it takes months to play one game, user.
Well, that's his target audience.
Also, it's not like the people who watch his videos are much different from Sup Forums.. It's not exactly the PewDiePie-audience.