Ok Sup Forums I just finished Shadow Warrior and I want to talk about it

Ok Sup Forums I just finished Shadow Warrior and I want to talk about it.

I liked how they made the sword fun to use, and how the story was actually okay. The chapters were just long enough.

Is anyone hype for the sequel? Will they make the guns shoot more than wet paper balls?

>Final boss

>Game literally spawns an infinite amount of health for you

Solid enough game, but fuck it had some problems.

I thought it was shit.

I couldn't finish it, the last levels just bore me to tears.

Funnily enough after that I went and played the original Shadow Warrior and enjoyed it much more, even beat both expansion packs.

I'm not all that hyped for the sequel, from what I've seen it looks like they're making it more Borderlands-y which definately isn't what I want in my fast paced FPS games. But then again Shadow Warrior is barely a shooter, it's more of a slasher where you occasionally use guns.

>Is anyone hype for the sequel?
Borderlands gameplay instead of earn points by killing in cool ways and find items to improve Wang.

I'm not hype at all.

The game was shit, and the sequel too will suck ass.

hey cool, here comes Sup Forums to tell us that videogames suck

don't you have a battlewatch thread to shill or something?

Devolver employee pls go

Must be painful being this retarded.

You should know already.

The main problem of SW2013 is that guns suck fucking ass on anything higher than normal.
Sequel goes in a completely wrong direction with RNG elements and fucking damage numbers.

God forbid some of us have different opinions and don't such any game's dick.

>Will they make the guns shoot more than wet paper balls?

If they do this the game will be a day 1 buy who am i kidding, pirate!! from me.

>and don't such any game's dick.
i'm glad sucking regular dick works fine for you, but I'll keep playing videogames kthx :^)

If we have Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior to go by, I doubt it

Honestly gets repetitive on it's first fucking level. Really impressive that new Doom ended up being good considering it has the same formula.

>Quick, advertise our FPS games before the popularity of DOOM goes away!

Yes but the new Doom actually has enemy variety and guns that aren't shit.

That might have been it. I was getting bored as shit literally cutting up the same demons over and over.

I actually liked hard reset... the guns were weak but it encouraged you to pay attention to the environment.

Shadow Warrior is better than Doom tho...

Hey I liked Hard Reset too but a huge chunk of the guns were really unsatisfying to use.

I loved the idea of one weapon that shifted into 5 different weapons though, was really cool to look at.

I actually really really loved the aesthetics on like the huge stone otherworld temples.

I'm a sucker for colossal stone edifices.

guns really only felt useful for bosses. story was pretty decent, surprised nobody made a stink about the incest plot but they hid it in cut scene movies which everyone likely skipped anyway.

level design started really neat then just nosedived into samey factory industrial stuff.

hopefully they learned from the game and make it stand on its own instead of being a hard reset reskin.

It really isn't.


who wants farcry blood dragon 2 over all this old wad remake garbage?

A Blood Dragon with actual good gameplay could be nice.

At first i wss taken by sword combat, slicing through enemies. Now I am at the docs with all the sword skills, wishing I had gone with more ammo and money perks. Even after first upgrade with nobitsurakage sword is pretty useless. Spawning demons don't give a fuck about sword so it's only useful for spins and s-s-lmb wave that regen hp. Trap takes way too long to cast and has too narrow hitbox to be useful. If 2 or more melee enemies chase you it's guaranteed to not hit one or more of them since it goes in straight line, tho enemies will not stand in line but try to surround you. Revolver is fucking garbage, worst dp, rareish ammo and basically outclassed in everything by crossbow - bigger mag, more ammo, more dmg, explosive shots. Shotgun could some more visual cues as to where are you hitting. In melee range shotting enemy in face still leaves couple pellets hitting ground. However it can also shot down birds from quite far up. Soxwhich one is it? I still havent figured out effective range of shotty.

>Press X to ironsight your gun