Monster Hunter Thread

Just picked up Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for my 3DSxl a few days ago. I don't know why I didn't get into this series earlier, its a pretty fun game to play.

I was curious to know what Sup Forums thinks of MH3 and what are the improvements with MH4.

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Pretty much the same here, user.
I actually prefer MH3 over 4.
Compared to the expeditions, Moga Woods feels a lot more comfy.
And I didnt enjoy the wystone system (fighting apex and virus) present in 4.
Its a shame theres no MP in the 3DS tho.

the wiiu version of mh3 has online and you can even use the wiiu by itself has a packet transfer allowing the 3ds version to have online

I dont have an Wii U tho.

then mh4 or bust for online

Pray someone else who plays the game lives next to you.

Or get 4U.

So I pre-ordered my copy of Generations on Amazon and it says it'll be delivered on August 1st, but Generations comes out July 15, so when should I be getting my copy?

there's no terrible underwater combat in 4U.

There's instead godawful ledges that get in your way at every single hunt instead of 2 relevant monsters instead, yay!

I'm a MH fan but I'm not going to touch 3 or 4. I'll just wait until Generations comes out.

you're a brain dead idiot if you regularly jump off ledges without meaning to.

fuck off

>tfw no mh4u on vita

Nice argument.


>I'm a big fan but I'm not going to touch the 2 relevant big titles that came out in the past 3 years over a shitty cash-in spin-off that's not out yet
Excuse me but what?

>out in the west*
Forgot to type that. Most people who care about MH already tried X anyway.

When this shit end? It was a great idea and brought a new battle type instead of the same old thing. If they had just polished it up a bit for 4, it would have been the best shit.

That'd be you shitposting, mate. Literally anyone with an ounce of hunting skill keeps a mental map of how close or far they are from the ledges. Terrain awareness has always been a part of Monster Hunter so that you wouldn't get pinned against walls. Also you'd have to be real fuckin' stupid to consider yourself any kind of decent hunter if you make rookie mistakes like walking into or off of a ledge when you don't mean to, and blaming it on the game instead of your lack of awareness.

Please. I liked underwater hunting, but it was unpolished and clunky as hell. It was like hunting in that one area in the Gen 1 series where it was just a small tunnel and a Rath, but all the fucking time. It was slow. It was restricting despite having more angles.

Olympic Swimmer should have been the standard swimming speed. There should have been more i-frames on the dodges, dodges should have gone further, and the camera should have been pulled further back instead of crammed closer in. Furthermore the camera shouldn't have done that wonky ass shit when you dodged up and down and just stayed anchored with you, and there should have been a one-button toggle between a camera mode where it doesn't change directions without your input, just panning, and a camera mode where it follows you as it naturally does.

>shitty cash-in spin-off
Mate it's a mainline entry the same as any other. The whole series is a cash-in, else they'd space their entries out more. And Gen is far from shitty.

Hunting Horn is the worst weapon in the series make sure you ignore it.

OP here.
That is one aspect I thought was pretty unrefined. I'm starting to dread the idea of fighting the Lagiacrus just because of of that.

That's why I'm saying they should have polished it up, instead of just abandoning it like they did. The new monsters in 3 were great and fun, and it pains me to not have them anymore. And seeing Lagi in X/Gen without any underwater segment is just depressing.

>hammerfags being this butthurt

>not enjoying fucking up monsters then blasting music right in front of their stupid faces

HH is great for team hunts, meh for solo play.

Once again Sup Forums is too stupid to understand the value of support roles in a game.

Woops, meant to type "meh but definitely usable". You can really make any weapon type in the game work if you're good enough at them.

Underwater was fantastic, you just suck.

>Literally anyone with an ounce of hunting skill keeps a mental map
>Terrain awareness has always been a part of Monster Hunter
>Also you'd have to be real fuckin' stupid to consider yourself any kind of decent hunter if you make rookie mistakes...and blaming it on the game instead of your lack of awareness.
And you act like underwater was bad? Guess you just suck!

A lot of 3 and 3U monsters are returning, thankfully. Like Uragaan and Agnaktor. Now if only they'd remove Gravios.

Lagi's got a few new moves as a land monster now.

Maybe you're confusing me with someone else, here. I enjoyed underwater, but it had problems. Problems I can list out mechanically that don't boil down to "I DIDN'T SEE THE WALL FFS THE GAME SHOULDN'T HAVE WALLS". Problems that could be fixed without removing the feature entirely.

Literally the first video I've ever seen solo Hell Brachydios from 3U was a Hunting Horn. I refuse to believe it's a bad or even "meh" weapon. It may be on the lower end of kill times on average, but keep in mind that in the hands of competent players, the better kill times are never THAT far apart.

Also it's fucking stupid to call HH a support role. It's a completely viable weapon with a support element as a byproduct of its moveset. Maybe if we were still talking about FU I'd agree that it's a support role, but we're not. The weapon has evolved since then and is MORE than viable on any monster.

Where my hammer bros at? And my charge blade bros. I'm a whore for good weapons.

I just use every weapon in sequence.

I really like it. Fighting huge monsters and having an enormous pool of weapons/armor are both my cup of tea. The only thing I don't like is having to use the C-nub on the 3DS. Really wish MH was on the Vita.

So much bullshit for one post you deserve a (You).

>I don't like is having to use the C-nub on the 3DS
You don't have to. You can rotate the camera with the shoulder buttons.

Not him, but for a gunner, getting stuck on one of those ledges while trying to dodge is such a cheap way to die.

Yeah, I know. I prefer the Vita hardware a lot over the 3DS'.

I heard from a friend that Monster Hunter X (Generations) is bad, worse than MH4U - is this true?

I used to only be a gunner before MH3U. Then I tried Switch Axe and now that's all I use. It's like being ranged with blademaster's tankiness. It even scales well with Evade, my favorite skill in the game.


wait for MH5

Gonna dump some MH girls if anyone's interested.

"it's average

styles are garbage for the most part, one is really insane op and the others are strictly worse on most weapons

aerial is just a joke, only viable in online hunts and does fuckall damage

nyanter mode is actually really, really good and is a very nice addition to the game. building your nyanter for different roles and being able to switch to him whenever is great

the variant monsters are for the most part good, but blazing rathalos is cancer

osutogaroa is the best final boss monster the series has seen, and is an actual fight instead of gimmick trash

overall, not as good as 4u, but has some good ideas and is worth playing.
take this with a grain of salt

"Average" for a series as great as MH might as well mean "shit".


I heard there's also too many fetch quests, is this true?

What's a good starting weapon for a noob? I've been using the GS and having decent success.

As someone who hated Underwater in Tri, then went to 4U, then back to 3U, I have to say:
Underwater sucks depending on the weapon.
GS is absolute rancid shit, which takes out 50% of Sup Forums players.
LS is kind of awkward, but can potentially be "okay" at best. Still better than GS.
SnS is pretty much decent. Not great, but eh.
Lances (even gunlances), Hammers, and both bowgun types are fucking amazing underwater, especially with dash juice, holy shit.
Never used bows underwater, cunting corn (I imagine it's almost as shit as GS, but at least you don't have to worry about charging), or SwAxe (can't imagine it being great in GS , but LS mode might barely manage to be tolerable; although, if you can't use both well underwater, why even bother bringing it over an actual LS?).

That's my take on it from my personal experiences. Feel free to disagree.


or you could see it was compared to the rest in the series its average - but since the series is as great as it is average would still be good.

Except it's not good, it's terrible.
Might be "good" by 3DS player standards (get a new game or two every month to forget soon) but really subpar by MH's.


Go on.

Is hammer good solo? I don't have anybody to play with.

>considering yukumo gear in 3U
>no online on 3DS

It doesn't have faggot-ass apex shit, so it can't be.

The hammer is the greatest weapon of all time


I'm going to get burned at the stake for this but I prefer the underwater combat gimmick to the jumping/mounting gimmick.

We need more MH girls.

By hammer you mean great sword right?

>"Average" for a series as great as MH might as well mean "shit".


by your logic average for a great series would mean it's still good.


I fucking love this armor. What kind is it? I have MH3U on Wii U and 3DS, as well as MH4U, and I don't know which to play.

Dumb poster.

its a proven fact just ask anybody on the earth

Depends on the game, monster, and weapon.
I messed around with it in 3U and had both great successes and huge failures.
I beat the shit out of an HR Great Jaggi in less than 5 minutes with the Breath Core Hammer. I used the same thing against a low-rank tavern Uragaan and spent like 25 minutes just to trap the fucker, because everything pretty much bounced off him. Imagine my disappointment.

your statement was pretty confusing

Hammer is good for learning a monster user. As a hammer your job will be to get in front of the monster's face to deal sweet KO damage to give it a concussion. However doing so will put yourself in danger from certain monster attack, but that is good as you will also be learning how to dodge effectively, manage stamina, and look for openings in which to safely hit a monster.

I would like jumping far more if it didn't lead into fucking mounts.

Thanks for all the responses. Does MH dodging have invincibility frames like Souls?

>invincibility frames

this. I like jumping attacks and whatnot but random ledges scattered everywhere and that shitty pace-ruining mounting minigame can to fuck themselves

I'm asking because I don't know, user. I'm a MH noob. The dodge doesn't seem to go very far, and people often say "if you like Souls you'll like MH," so I asked.

Naturally, Capcom decided to leave it in MHX/MHG.

At least they tweaked it to be a bit less shit. A BIT.


smart man, aside from all that its also very satisfying to cave in the skulls of your enemies and tenderize their bones to a flat paste and hear the crunches as you smash every inch of a monsters body while inflicting brain damage giving them concussions
Yes pretty much

That's Zinogre armor. Pretty sure it's the G rank version, and it's in both MH3U and MH4U.

Look forward to it, Zinogre's a hoot.


>The dodge doesn't seem to go very far
No it doesn't. I honestly dislike this myself. The rest of you can feel free to call me a pleb.
Dives are what you need to do though for invuln frames that are worth a fuck, unless you have dodge distance dodge invuln frame boosting skills, then by all means dodge.
And by that other reply, I meant that souls has dogshit invuln frames. And hitboxes that make MHFU's look good.

Check out his other videos if you wanna learn more technical stuff about the game. He's very thorough with it

Awesome, this looks really useful.

Yes and no.

Regular dodging has little invincibility frames to work with, if you start putting points into evasion skills you can become fucking untouchable.Especially if you play Lance

From what I hear, the Bushido style in MHGenerations doesn't even require you to put skill points into evade as you basically get evade+3 for free.
I used to play hammer for a while and while I do love the golf swinging a monster out of the air, I prefer caving in a monster's skull with a guitar. Less K.O, but damn is it satisfying.

I bought MHFU because it was on sale. Did i do good? Ive played MH3U and 4U so i guess ill have to put up with clunker controls?


>he plays dodge lance


You have to put up with clunkier everything.
That said, grinding for drops necessary to complete certain weapons and armor is probably its worst pre-3U. At least monster HP isn't as retardedly high as it is in 4U.

What did he mean by this?

I'm having a dilemma. I want to get into the franchise but don't know what I should get.

>He doesn't evade lance

Major Title 1: Strut Futter 5 - we could have made this DLC, but fuck you 2 electric jewaloo edition.
Major Title 2: Probably some retarded shit made to pander to children that will sell terribly, like Geist Crusher (RIP Treasure.).




Shit, I'm all out of MH girls.

>GS is absolute rancid shit, which takes out 50% of Sup Forums players.

Wrong, charge points exist in the water and you can make lagia/gobul your bitch if you know where to charge.

Write one of the following on a different bullet until completion: MH1, MH2, MH3, MH4, MHX, and MHO. Load them in a revolver, and spin it.
Point it to your head and fire, you indecisive cunt.

yeah thats pretty good too, I enjoy barrage swinging with the switch axe too
but the hammer is always the best for me

>single player mmo grindfest


First major title is obviously Resident Evil 7. Second major title is anybody's guess but with 2 million expected sales I'd say Devil May Cry 6 or Dead Rising 4. Those are the only titles that can sell that much.

>if you know where to charge
Where isn't the problem, it's getting the camera to stop being a cunt so you don't misfire that sucks.