Tfw you were a little shit and your mom would take your controllers away

>tfw you were a little shit and your mom would take your controllers away

Other urls found in this thread:

us gamers amirite

right in the nostalgia

>Never got games taken away for being a fucking asshole
>Only ever had that happen when i genuinely dindu nuffin

You deserved it

>"dont talk about games on a game board"

wew lad

My mom was actually really cool about it. She trusted me to manage my gaming habits on my own, and in turn I did just that.

Sometimes when I played kart racers she'd even sit down and play them with me.

>parents take away playstation scart plug every time they go shopping so i dont play too much
>buy a replacement

>tfw you were a little shit and your mom would take your controllers away

>tfw this still happens.

This picture of pepe does not convey the emotion of anger well. He almost looks like he's hysterically happy about something.

move out you fucking manchildren

i was underage when i moved out

My mom would ship games to another country instead

OP isn't talk about games, he's talking about being a little shit. And he didn't learn, apparently.

You have autism.

>what do you MEAN you didn't do your homework?!
>that's it! I'm getting rid of the internet
>drags the Internet Explorer desktop shortcut into the recycle bin

>tfw your mom turns off the internet

We're lucky we grew up with LCD TVs. My dad told us that his dad was really strict about watching the TV when he was growing up, and he would feel the TV whenever he got home because back in those days the TV would be warm if it was recently used.

>Come home from school.
>Parents are gone.
>Left a note.
>Visiting friends, will be gone all day.
>Left money to order pizza for dinner.
>Best day ever.

>They took them modem with them.

this is how you remedy your situation

>stay home from school, play on the internet all day, just starting to discover porn too
>mom catches me skipping, starts bringing the modem with her to work every day

>get caught watching porn
>this happens

Oooh!! Umbreon pee pee! Squeak squeak tinkle pretty pee pee ooh warm pisss footpaws pad and splish and smell of his pee pee while he spurts and warm golden tinkle flows down and smells up his pee paws OH and his anus puckers while his little balls twitch as his pee pee churns and bursts between his legs and the very tip of his urethra splishes and squirts and twitches with his warm bladder full of pee pee, he squishes his cock in desperation as his paws soaked with tinkle twitch and his balls pressed together and he aims his pee pee tinkle cock between his legs, making his thighs wet and stinky with warm hot tinkle pee as he rubs and splashes and his toes stink of wet pee fur ooohh tinkle pee pee soooo baaadd!

He needs a diaper!! Diaper diapee pampee diap comforting pee pee diaper for him to tinkle in and rest his pee cock and press the tip against the soft insides of the warm diaper and squirt spurt warm yellow and twitch his balls inside OOhh user! He needs a diapee diaper! user he needs a pamper pampee diaperrr!!!

God damn faggot.

Janitors, please.

was he really serious though?

>mom tell me i play too much vidya and should get out more
>almost strangle hier
[Spoiler]She was right[/spoiler]

Ooohh! At least warm pee pee will be on the stinky hindpaws of my pampered pampie Umbreon and his squirting warm pee pee tinkle penis! Ooh Sup Forums user I think he needs a pampie change again! OOOHH! pampie pampie! tinkle winkie!!

Yeah, same here (though I did play a bit too much on the pc last semester).

When I was little my dad used to play Mortal Kombat with me and my brothers. He didn't really know what he was doing but he did find out how to do Subzero's ice slide before the rest of us.


stop trying so hard no one is gonna screencap this you faggot
