“The rule was, the best things in the game had to be made by players, and the other rule was everything had to break...

>“The rule was, the best things in the game had to be made by players, and the other rule was everything had to break,” says Koster. “Both of those are deeply contrary to what you see in something like World of Warcraft.” Without an active player base Star Wars Galaxies would have collapsed not solely owing to the economic considerations of low subscriber numbers, but because without a large number of players to build all the gear everyone would require, the world would just stop. Galaxies was a game that would live or die almost solely on its level of virtuality, to be a world compelling enough that people would want to work as well as live there.
“All of those things were designed in order to have players make friends,” says Koster. “And more specifically, it wasn’t even just making friends, it was making—the technical term is ‘weak ties.’” A weak tie is a relationship based on a mutual relationship with someone else. In the case of Galaxies, a scout who located resources had a weak tie to the manufacturer who accepted the resources from the supplier whose mining efforts were guided by the scout.

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No one, really?


>Why don't games like that exist anymore?

Blame WoW.

Yeah I played it for two years then played the emu for about six months and then Played a server with jedi unlocked for another six months really I don't know why there are not anyother games like it it was my favourite game rip

Minecraft does those things i suppose.
i have long had this sneaky suspicion Minecraft is the last big MMO that nobody actually thinks is an MMO

Because this game was too good for my shitty millennial generation

Everyone wants instant gratification through pay 2 win shit

Nobody wants social interaction in mmo's nowadays nobody wants to spend their time thinking on what kind of characters or which skills to level up anymore

They just want to jump in and play

This is why RTS's are dying and this is why MMO's are shit

I read the entire Koster post-mortem from and it baffles me that he can say things like these:

>Among the pieces of institutional knowledge lost was how to run the right sorts of metrics queries. Choices like the change to the auction house (which caused one of the single largest single-week drops of subs in SWG’s history) were the result of asking the wrong question: “how many Master Merchants are there?” rather than “how many people run a shop?” There was an almost identical situation with Creature Handlers (how many Masters, versus how many had a pet). Reducing the group size helped combat balance but devastated Entertainers. And so on.

I mean, these are the things that any player would be able to tell the developers immediately, I don't understand how it's even possible for the developers to be this removed from the playerbase and how this corporate structure makes them unable to make proper changes, is this just an excuse or are people employed on such projects really mindless zombies?

Swg was unlikely to have been played much by millennials. The oldest would have been like 20 at launch

[citation needed]

I sure want it, and by the monetary success of appallingly exploitative crafting/housing-oriented games such as Richard "Li'l Dick" Garriott's Shroud of the Avatar where he sells castles for TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to people, it seems that there would be more than a big enough market for a properly done subscription-based games of this type.

Yes, I played for years back in the day. Got it at launch, loved the fuck out of it. Eventually quit when the NGE and CU fucked everything but went back for a while a few years later. Tried the EMU once but it was nowhere near finished and had no real playerbase to speak of. It will always hold a special place in my heart and memories, it was a great game far ahead of its time. Never have found another MMO I liked half as much. Closest were Star Trek Online and TOR.

The closest you'll come to it is EVE but i seriously don't like the combat in EVE so i dropped it ;(

That and my wormhole corp fucked up and all left the wormhole and nobody could go back to get their shit because wormhole changed

I played this game when I was 12 or 13, the fuck are you on about? Guarantee you're a "millennial" as well since that is 99% of Sup Forums's userbase so it's moot point.

>That and my wormhole corp fucked up and all left the wormhole and nobody could go back to get their shit because wormhole changed
Wait what, how does this happen, don't you get another wormhole somewhere if the old one collapses? It's been a while since I've played.

Nobody ever talks about the glaring faults in SWG.

The game ultimately collapsed on itself because it was fatally flawed.

It had permanent death, neat crafting, and player vs. player bounty hunting.

But it also had so many faults:

>entire game designed around engaging players in the skinner-box manipulation, aka grinding
>professions not balanced
>repeating a few skills over and over in combat, no depth or strategy

The SWG devs chose to fuck up the things that worked rather than add the content people wanted.

>>It had permanent death,
No it didn't.

When jedi were originally released they could be permanently killed.

It did for Jedi, but I'm not sure if that's what they're referring to.

The Jedi had perma death.

>The SWG devs chose to fuck up

They had to make a move because the game was hemorrhaging subscriptions.

At least two developers have written articles since about how the CU was a drastic move that was in response to how the game was already failing.

No they didn't.

>had to be made by the players

In that case I'd rather go play EVE

played same here pretty much. CU had some good intentions, but the addition of levels was the worst.

loved to run my 2hand/flame commando through the geonosian lab. the music on lok was spooky.



Koster also designed Ultima Online, the precursor to SWG
It was nice when MMO's were actual virtual worlds, and not just single player games with minor multiplayer elements.

>permanent death

Never. Everyone who says that never played the game and has no idea what they're talking about.

Do many people even play SWGEMU? I always wanted to try it but it seemed like it was pretty dead.

Yes but since no one was inside the wormhole when the wormholes changed nobody knows which wormhole is the one going back to our own base because wormholes changes location randomly so we got fucked

That's absolutely hilarious, did the corp survive this blunder or did everyone just say fuck it?

Whenever I used to log in to see what's happening there was a bunch of people in the cantina and running around, I don't know.

Shitty grinding simulator that forced you to interact with other faggots because dancer and doctor buffs were broken as fuck. People wouldn't even go out and fight without getting their buffs.

I'm an autist unable to relate to humans and as such am entirely incapable of making or holding friends.

I am sad that I never got to experience SWG.

Pretty much 100% true, lol.

I still remember how literally every single guide to everything would have a 'before you go out, visit the catina / hospital and get your buffs'. Never played doctor but I fucking should have. Seems like a great way to make bank.