We should have a Baten Kaitos thread. Finally replaying, hoping to 100% this game for all the futility it will be

We should have a Baten Kaitos thread. Finally replaying, hoping to 100% this game for all the futility it will be.

Are there any healing items I'll be able to farm up to a good end-game level after I leave my game on long enough to get Splendid Hair and Wonder MOMO?

Also, is there a quest or guide based on whenabouts you should be making which SP Combos? The age mechanic is really fucking neat and smart, but also has the (unintended?) consequence on making the window of opportunity on some of these fucking narrow.

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My friend gave me a copy of this for my birthday this year. I need to sit down and play it.

It's seriously one of the best jRPGs out there. Well, I don't know much about NEO GEO or TurboGraphx level stuff, but among the big 3, especially in its gen. It's like, Legend of Dragoon or DQVIII good. Just turn off the voices for the love of God.

Origins > BK
fuck all that over complicated and random shit

Never did play Origins.

So it's casual huh? Shame.

>DQVIII good

You have piqued my interest, user. I just
gotta dig up my GameCube/Wii now

Get on that son.

To give you an idea of the company it keeps in vidya prestige.

It's streamlined for sure but you're forced to work with one deck for all three characters whom also have a few unique cards so you have to plan your turns accordingly so you can max out your hand.
The story is fucking amazing though and you don't see it's plot twist coming from a mile away

>trying to 100%ing Baten Kaitos

Why would you do that

I like sound tests.

Plus you don't NOT 100% your favourite vidya.

I saw this in a thread yesterday:
Anyways, what's this game about? What's the gameplay like? I just know it's a JRPG of some sort. Can you beat the game without fighting random battles or is this one of those grindy ones?

Why is it so fucking expensive

Gonna have to leave the game on for two weeks in order to get the shampoo card.

I tried Origins but the battle system is so different than the first Baten Kaitos. And only 3 characters is too few. I'll maybe play further.

Xehla has a tight vagina

Its card based, so some of the gameplay is random. You organize decks in order to defeat certain monsters, some of which have fire / water / air type effects, so you need to strategize most battles depending on where you are venturing. The whole thing is voice acted. The backgrounds a pre-rendered.

>100% the game
good fucking luck


>Summer 2005 was 17 at that time
>Decided to get some GC games since they have gotten cheaper
>Get F-Zero GX and decide to get one more game
>See Baten Kaitos
>Although not a fan of card based RPGs, decide to get it anyway since I wanted another RPG after finishing Tales of Symphonia and Mega Man X Command Mission on GC(had plenty more RPGs on PS2)
>Actually ended up enjoying the hell out of BK
>Ended up getting Baten Kaitos Origins later when that came out

Holy shit both BK games were fantastic.

Keep playing the story is really on point this time around

Its basically Hearthstone but it doesn't suck.

Combat is deon through deck building.
The weird thing is that the cards change over time, and can be combined to make new cards. For instance, a bamboo shoot card normally heals you. After maybe an hour it'll turn into a bamboo stick that does damage instead.

That got annoying after awhile. One minute you have a deck with a decent amount of healing items and then the next minute you no longer have them because they changed into an attack card or something else.

in baten kaitos origins
how many cards should i have my deck and what should be the ratio?
i'm at the mining village

>Best plot twist i've ever seen
Won't spoil it for the anons but it was the first time i've felt slapped in the face
Lyude is muh nigga and Mizuti is top tier

>Anyways, what's this game about?
People live in the sky on FLAOT now, we got wings yo. Edgy loner teen is edgy but he becomes less edgy and goes to kill god with his 3-6 very bestest friends ever. I wish the story was better than that. But the music, gameplay, and endless creativity is where it's at. Video related: youtube.com/watch?v=WLG_433s9o4&list=PL482007BB039127B8&index=33

>What's the gameplay like?
Fow aht you didn't get from the video, since they skipped the battles unfortunately, everything is cards. Items, weapons, armors, everything. Weapons represent an attack turn, armor pieces represent block turns. Items have many effects and can be combined into new cards (e.g. Rice then Pickled Plums = Riceball appears as a post-battle loot option. You also keep the rice and plums cards.).

Enemies have a few drops you should get, but it's not overly grindy since you're on a pretty lenient but constant timer. Your cards age in real time, time spent in the pause or camp menu don't count but eventually your food will rot and other cards will transform into new cards, replacing the old cards. Bamboo Sprouts will eventually age into Bamboo, and your Peach will change into Momotaro and eventually Namco's Wonder MOMO.

You could easily obtain non perishable healing items if you put effort to.

Shit this thread makes me wish my Gamecube wasn't broken. I loved the shit out of this game as a teen even though it took me like 2 years of playing it off and on to beat it. Amazing world and great graphics/artstyle imo. The battle system was weird to get used to, and like others have said, it sucked that your healing items would all suddenly turn into bamboo sticks or rotten food that has a totally different effect. Wasn't there a card like a sealed jar you could use to infinitely preserve health items though? I never came close to 100%ing this game either. All those fucking hidden chests and constellations and shit.

>mfw those graphics
Holy shit they were gorgeous and it was on the fucking GameCube

Literally the worse plot twist I've ever seen


How familiar are you with the game? I'll bet 280 of those hours is just waiting for shampoo.

I've still got my copies of both. Fanfuckingtastic games. Origins has the best voice acting I've ever heard in a jrpg.

Tried to get into it but the card system kinda made me lose motivation

>Go around and try to interact with everything until you happen to get something you need

it's basically chrono cross 2

Mizuti's fuckin lame.

Kalas, Lyude, Savynna best team.

Does Baiten Katos belong to Monolith Soft too? What's the chance we'll get a new game

Well it belongs to Nintendo so no

Does this game emulate well on Dolphin?

No, if photo cards are displayed (and they need to be, since you have to see them in the loot screen and it's how you make money) the game has a pretty good chance to completely lock up.

You can fix that by disabling dualcore

One flaw is that its too easy but luckily you can just avoid leveling up which I did eventually to keep the challenge. Don't remember how many "unclaimed" levels I had but it was a lot.

I love the series. BKO's party is love, the banter between Milly and Guillo is amazing.

how can you know those specific problems yet be dumb enough to not know they all have workarounds?

>first time playing
>Didn't know you have to "claim" your levels
>after too many problems and an agonizing half hour i beated Geldoblame while i was level one
After i knew about the level up system i felt both stupid and proud

>"Come on Gibari, Move it!
>"Go away!"

>"Damn, the bastards"

>"I am hungry"

How Gibari is not a meme yet, i will.never understand

That whole opening sequence always felt weird to me

It felt weird because Baten Kaitos 1 is up there with Gotcha Force in TERRIBLE VO work.

Holy fuck the voices though.




It didn't help that the voice filter made things even weirder. It was a neat concept, though

Turn off voice-acting.

Congrats, you now have one of the greatest JRPGs of all time.