Will 2016 be able to top the amazing year that was 2015?

Will 2016 be able to top the amazing year that was 2015?

Christ is this what passes for amazing these days

I think fallout 4 should be in great tier, people were pissed because it was so different from fallout 3 and were more harsh then they should have been. Aside from the graphics it was a really fun game in a different way then fallout 3 was.

FO4 is worse than average, that shit's fucking awful.

Great meme list Sup Forumsro

Compared to other years 2015 was pretty good.

Well 2016 is gonna have SA3, so probably

I've played only 4 of those games.
I guess videogames just arn't my thing anymore.

>Dungeon Travelers 2

Well, the postgame was the best dungeon crawling I've ever done, at least. I'll admit that the dungeons and the stuff you could do with your party during the main story were pretty vanilla though.


Are you 16?

>god tier

>great tier
>people were pissed because it was so different from fallout 3
>Aside from the graphics it was a really fun game
This is currently the worst post on Sup Forums, congratulations

are you kidding me do you have any idea how many new exclusives are coming out in 2016 for the ps4


Having so many great titles in a single year is incredibly rare indeed, you silly contrarian

the graphics are fucking amazing.

i don't give a shit about the actual graphical level but aesthetically it's a masterpiece

>running around in bright sunlight
>there is no other game as gorgeous

If you're going to bait you could at least try harder user

I sometimes forget I started out 14 here as well

jesus christ it looks gorgeous

the vault suit especially

with the recent updates most of the lag on ps4 is gone leaving only the god rays and sweet ass lighting

not even witcher 3 looked this good, though witcher 3 suffered from really retarded looking trees

>playing bethesda games on console
How underaged can one person be?

i can't afford a laptop and desktops are even less portable than my ps4

Your parents would probably buy you one if your grades are high enough

>make ~120$ a week working ~10 hours
>spend the rest of the time working / vidyaing

why the fuck would i want to save up 1k for a pc when i can play every pc game plus god tier exclusives for 300$

*rest of the time writing


what do you write user

It's incredible how Nintendo went from a great 8/10 dev to fucking cancer.

mario trollfiction, porn, and poetry :^)

the wii u has literally no games worth playing

bayonetta 2 is the one reason i'm considering not selling my wii u but besides a few gameplay improvemetns and the lack of quicktime events it's cancer compared to 1

>half mil words

do you have a b-b-BLOG

no i just post this shit on ao3 and fanfiction.net

my goal is 6.66 million