Dragon's Dogma

This is downloading right now
What should I expect?

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Wolves hunting in packs.

Roads leading to gran soren

that you are meek, and you must rise to the challenge.

I don't know, watch some videos and figure it out yourself.

Goblins hate ice and fire both.

The most interesting companion ai you could ever experience. The most boring first two hours ever. The further you get into the game, the better it gets. Great classes, awesome monster fights, satisfying magic, the fucking best archery in video games and the best dragon ever.

Expect to get your aught pushed in because you took a left at a fork in the road instead of a right

Seriously though it's fun, combat is generally engaging, areas do have an intended level so you will get your ass kicked if you go to far to soon
Quests are all over the place in quality, bitter black isle is fantastic, and read up on the affection system like right now or while you make your character

bones, walking bones!

dont believe the warrior is bad/boring meme.

For the love of god don't make your companion a warrior.

perhaps you'll find aught of use

Beasts ill like fire


don't do bitterblack island before finishing the main quest
otherwise you'll outclass everything in the main game

Great game

But why.

Install the infinite sprint mod or you'll hate yourself. Expect a great game.

>can only use greatswords in a game where over 80% monsters can fly


You better make your arisen a loli, OP


Fun times.

This. Though, I didn't feel that the first hours were boring at all in the first playthrough, except maybe the Hydra escort mission.

Some tips:
- Check out the "beloved" system, so that you don't get a shit waifu at the end

- Note that the weight of you character and length of you limbs actually affect things in the game

- Your pawn learns from you, so in a way it's good to make him the same general class as you. But I'd rather just have a stupid heal-slut at my side. Also note that some inclinations are complete shit, so avoid them on both your own pawn and others you recruit.

- Don't explore too much without having a quest to go there, otherwise you'll have to backtrack a lot for nothing. Also get as many portal crystals as fast as you can, and place them around the world, for the same reason.

Also, post you characters!

All roads lead to Gran Soren.

a few second long charge move (>not keeping the kings ring) that you can completely whiff, but if you hit it you get the most satisfying framelock in the game
they have the best dodge in terms of i-frames that can follow up and stun most enemies even in bitterblack
using fuckhuge weapons
not whining about getting 1 shot by anything but death at bitterblack
stunlocking cursed dragons for ez dragonforging
rp as giant brown amazons
the game is marginally more challenging as opposed to ez mode magick warrior/archer/assassin/strider
only real problem with warrior (and any melee class) the magick golem in the everfall
dont hire warrior pawns though

>Not having your loli companion throwing you up in the air with her shield so you can swat down harpies with your warhammer


>Make a right whenever possible
Got it!


>not having a sorcerer pawn in your party
>or any of the other ranged pawns you can hire on the rift

The main problem I have with the class is that you can just have half the total number of active abilities compared to any other class in the game. This in turn makes him quite boring after a while.

Lots of faux-Shakespearian dialogue.

>implying lolis can even do that
Or did you forget character size actually matters and influences what people can carry and throw and so on

You get an infinite fast travel item when you get to Gran Soren. Just remember to get it from the storage at the inn.

shut the FUCK up

>check out the "beloved" system

Do not do this, some of the best shit that can happen involves being blind to how romance work.

Like jewtits raping my loli out of fucking nowhere

love how this looks like a Gustave Dore painting

the wind is pushing you


>Like jewtits raping my loli out of fucking nowhere

>Implying im bigger than my companion

Yes size matter but skills are not unobtainable if youre smaller/bigger just less effective.

only makes you have to be more creative with your basic combos instead of brainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitterbrainsplitter or magick arrow spam

jump attack spam is a meme I wish, but jump attack knockdown into one of your basic combos or skills is still fun as fuck and looks cool as shit
>never had his pawn use the shield jump

How did you get fournival and not fun bags, she has all the best stuff to buy to dress up your arisen and pawn waifus

Shiet, I only have a screencap of my pawn on me. She's alright though.

>Gustave Dore painting
It reminds me more of Sidney Sime

boring as shit in the beginning, only gets better as time goes on. Worth playing for the bitterblack isle expansion alone.

it's a fucking adventure man...


>- Check out the "beloved" system, so that you don't get a shit waifu at the end
I don't give a shit about waifus desu
>- Note that the weight of you character and length of you limbs actually affect things in the game
What should I go for?
>Everything else
Thanks for the advice!

Protip OP:
Wolves hunt in packs

this is pretty much exactly that place you walk through before meeting the Senechal

as far as weight goes, build/weight/height determines stamina regen, weapon length (as it scales with your proportions), sprint speed, and inventory weight cap.
there are only a couple of points in the game that are accessible by tiny loli/shota sized arisens so keep that in mind. these are completely unimportant though, so dont think too much about it.


If they just pet you have the full 6 abilities instead of the three the class would be awesome.

Dragon's Dogma is the epitome of new experiences that don't go anywhere. You'll keep finding new things that you believe are going to lead to an amazing experience, only to be disappointed.

Dragon's Dogma is like two dozen very mediocre systems piled into one game. Each individual component is fucking garbage, but there's so many of them you'll just keep going.

lolis, shrek and Danny Devito. Don't fall for the Magic archer meme either. Strider is where it is at.

Maybe mods will unlock that? Who am I kidding, all we have is retextures and an anime themed start menu

They're just pretty limited and boring. The game began as Capcom ripping off themselves and making a Monster Hunter clone. Seems like the Warrior was the first class they developed, and it shows. It has half the abilities of any other class in battle due to being two-handed, and most of the abilities are either useless, outclassed by other class abilities, or are novelty skills like charging up a swing for an hour and hoping an enemy walks into it.

They're just a shitty class, overall. Usually the people that obsess over them either are Assassins that played Warrior for about 5 minutes before going back to Assassin but are pretty sure it was great, or dumbasses that just want to reel back and try to land huge power hits once a fight.

Generally people end up just staying on Assassin because it gets the most access to weapons, does a shit ton of damage and is generally the most versatile class.

DD didn't really get its class system right. There's too many useless abilities and the player-only classes tend to just replace the originals, barring one or two abilities.

Lolis. Wizard lolis, sword lolis, thief lolis. Lolis everywhere.

Goblins who are weak to fire
Being spooked at night
Pawns not shutting the hell up
Soaked to the bone
annoying fat girl who if you don't let her beat you you get nothing
Fine voice acting
Wanting to fuck the main dragon
Not fucking your waifu
Turning into a monster if you fuck your waifu
Salty king
Dick ass thieves
Berserk references up the ass
No berserk armor
A loli witch who's forehead is just waiting to be flicked
A big breasted female merchant who wants your shekels
A pretty cool guy who you want to revive after defeating him in a fight
all roads lead to somewhere

>What should I expect?

A meme.

What a wonderful world to be a part of

>I don't give a shit about waifus desu
Sure, but you'll kind of ruin some scenes in the end if you're accidentally paired with a 50 year old faggot instead of the beautiful princess or whatever.

>What should I go for?
Generally speaking, you should make your body like you want to play your character. Like a warrior with two-handed weapons or weapon + shield should be a big guy, while an assassin or archer type character should be small and thin.

You should look at the wiki for details if you really care, but remember that it still isn't impossible to make a loli with a two-handed greatsword, it'll just be annoying for things like carry-weight and such.

>Generally people end up just staying on Assassin because
Ass is a meme class.
All the other classes are better when it comes to bows.
Strider is better when it comes to daggers.
Figter is certainly better when it comes so swords and shields.

And Assassin can do all those things and deals more damage, yes. I actually hate the aesthetic of the Assassin class and prefer using a Fighter, but it's the best class in the game, unfortunately. Calling it a 'meme class' isn't really doing you any favors here.

Ranger is the best class, all the others are only for getting skills that are aught of use for your Ranger

and Selene is your one true beloved, don't fall for the lies of the Duchess

Sounds pretty fucking disgusting

How is this the only mention of them? You just can't go wrong.


>It's a "what should I expect" thread

Just let it download and play it you gigantic faggot.

Selene and Mercedes is best choices also Ranger is the best class as long as you have enchanted dagger or bow

Dire gouge wrecks any big monster though. Also the counterattack with daggers is cruise control for casuals.

You're implying that it matters, when "strongest" just consists of which classes can use brain splitter or tenfold flurry.

It's much more important just to choose a class to have fun with. Though I do wish that warrior skills were stronger. The fact that yourhighest dps with a warrior is jumping light attacks is frustrating.

>And Assassin can do all those things and deals more damage
No, it can't. Strider's skull splitter is the most damaging physical skill, all of the rangers longbow skills deal way more damage than all the strider bow skills, fighters dragongs maw deals way more damage than everything that ass could field.

E3 sequel announcement please. I've been waiting 4 years for this.

My warrior pawn on my main account has gotten me well over 25 million RC since launch. Sometimes you need a pawn for crowd control while to cast a spell.

You don't like jumping in the air and pressing the mouse button over and over? What a good class for such a flawless game.

I think Capcom's main problem was looking to Monster Hunter for a lot of their core concepts.

>What should I expect?
Some easy exp in Bitterbutt Isle when you come across a chained up gore cyclopes.
Just try whacking it in the ankles and it's dead!

aughtism at its finest

a lot of wasted potential


This, if you feel a little more greedy you can even do it in hard mode, it'll be harder to get to him but the big guy still can't hit you, and you get double the xp and gold for killing it.

They have probably one of the coolest skills in the game, yet when you stack it up against jumping brain splitters or tenfold with blast arrows, you basically just think, "Why use anything else?"

t. Capcom shill

It is though. I wanted to prove it a meme too because I have like the slow and powerful class in most games but Warrior is basically a class that takes forever to deal same damage other classes can deal very fast. It's way too slow or alternatively too weak. Also almost none of the moves are particularly useful or satisfying to pull off. Arc of deliverance is the only really nice move and it's boring as shit to use.

Fighter's dragon's maw is leagues better than any warrior skill and it's supposed to be a class that balances offense and defense, yet it wins in terms of killing things over a 2H class.

A dead, small open ''world'', repetitive fights, flashy combat, running over the same areas over and over again.

Enchanted Armors and thos red ghosts say hi

I wish I could play this more, but I've already played the shit out of it and ng+ is a joke.

>tfw you'll never fight demons on the moon

I really wish they would have created more open world map areas for Dark Arisen but instead they went the "we want Dark Souls audience" route.

You can not care all you want but finding out that your beloved at the end is the fat fuck innkeeper can make the ending unintentionally hilarious. The game has dumb conditions for your beloved and if you don't look it up you get fucked. Also since the character moves into your house post game it can be useful having jewtits or the loli witch easily at hand.

>Dire Gouge

fapping to pawns way too much

Warriors aren't really for damage, they are for crowd control. When playing a warrior, you want to have barbed nails equipped, and wade into the mob of enemies swinging. It's your job to keep them all stunned and knocked down, while your pawns ready their attacks, be it ranger pawns or sorc pawns spell synching world enders.

Expect waifus and magic

Well, you can also be a giant bodybuilder or an elderly woman.

The character creator actually has a lot of options, even down to their posture while standing.

>no japes
Just a jape, friend.

The biggest let downs in this game were only 1 city and the map size. I honestly expected at least two more cities on other islands.

>ng+ is a joke

I really wish there was a way to make it so enemies all over the world are scaled to your level but no. Bitterblack Isle is all you can have fun with once you enter it no matter how many playthroughs you do. Seems like something modders would have done but I haven't seen anything like that.


I thought it was funny at least.