>play a game years ago, it's shit
>play it again now, it's pretty great
ITT we post reverse nostalgia goggles
I honestly shit talked this game for years on the basis of it not having a parry system or cancels. Today I find out first hand it had both.
Play a game years ago, it's shit
God of War is GOAT.
I hope they do other mythologies, it would be hilarious to go after Ra and Odin.
i tried plating original deus ex so many times
>omg shitty graphics
>retarded ai
>anchient as fuck
>basic stealth shit
Then i was inspired one day and decided to give it a chance
>after 20 hours
OMG WTF THIS IS SOME EPIC SHIT. So many layers of fun ... its so immersive... i just cant stop? Where will i go next? What will happen? If i do this what am i missing? AND That soundtrack ..... masterpiece
Last level, area 51 beats by level design of every game i have played in last 10 years
How was the underworld level user?
I believe that was the original plan for GoW 2, but it was just too big to do so they decided on another plot.
I also found GoW and its sequels very enjoyable after trying it again on the PS3 remakes. The first time I played it, I kept trying to play it like DMC and failed. After I learned of roll cancels and learned how to use blocking properly, I did much better and now it's one of my favorite series.
I entirely admit that I was just shit at it and got annoyed because I was shit. I'm still shit, but it's enjoyable.
It was 3 that was supposed to have egyptian and nordic mythologies. Basically, after Zeus was dead, the god spot would be empty, and then Kratos would fuck them up and die. The game would end with the 3 wizards following the star to give baby Jesus their gifts.
Like for instance, this part in God of War. So many people hated this part including myself, and then when I went back to play it on the PS3 versions I could do them all without getting hit once.
Yeah, you're probably right. I don't remember exactly, just Corey Balrog talking about it in some interview.
There is no reason to play GOW1
GOW2 is really great, back then i hated it after that ending
GOW3 is absolute GOTY one of the best games i've ever played
Sequel where you play as Mohamed.
>pbuy Wipeout for PS
>do poorly, hate it
>buy Wipeout 2 for PS
>better because less loading times but still suck, hate it
>buy Wipeout for PS3
Well, I guess you can guess what happened next. I'm just terrible at racing games, but Wipeout looks so cool...
Dragon's Dogma. I think you need to have the right mindset to enjoy it, the first time I couldn't get in. Binged it like a madman the second time. Bitterblack Island is my favorite dungeon in any game, I believe.
Dark Souls (ran like shit on my old PC+DSfix wasn't out yet+GFWL combo annoyed the fuck out of me)
Rayman 1
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Did you consider they may have made it easier?
Can you confirm that? It felt the same to me. Also it might have been the improved framerate, maybe.
>Dragon's Dogma
>everyone hates the tutorial
>actually bother trying the rest of the game to realize that it's awesome
It took me the free download from PS+ to realize how amazing this game was. Then I looked at the credits and realized that it was an Itsuno game. Now I'm so psyched for Deep Down.
I got a lot better at games when I began working with my hands. That made a lot of games easier
>Deep Down
I want to believe user.
Well, I type for a living, sort of. Does that count?
I;m pretty sure that Deep Down is still in pre-alpha stage or something. Didn't Dragon's Dogma take a long time to produce? It's amazing that Capcom didn't kill it.
You're payed to shitpost ?
I write code.
Halo 4's campaign.
Couldn't even finish it the first time. They butchered a lot of character's personalities and retconned shit. the AI was garbage and the enemies were bullet sponges, and I just got bored.
Second time didn't have any issues with the AI or bullet sponge enemies and I thought the campaign missions were overall decent, about on par with Halo 3.
Writing is still shit tho
any word on the release date?
For Nioh? They made announcements that said 2016, but no actual month announced.
Nioh will probably be day one for me. I'll see if they have any collector's editions or anything like that. I am so psyched for this game. I had so much fun with the alpha. Beat Nue just before the trial period ended.
GoW1 to GoW2 was one of best experiences in gaming
It's how sequels should be done.
I fucking hated this game when it first came out because I couldn't mash the buttons fast enough.
I think that's my only real issue with the GoW games, is that mashing is actually required. In the later games they decreased the amount of mashing quite a bit, thankfully.
FF7. Dropped it after an hour because I wasn't a fan of JRPGs back then. Replayed it 10 years later and it's one of my all time favorites.