ITT: we thank (and laugh) at the early adopter retards who actually paid up to 1000 bucks for a literal meme
ITT: we thank (and laugh) at the early adopter retards who actually paid up to 1000 bucks for a literal meme
Thanks to these guys we will actually get proper VR headsets a few years down the line at half the price
>DK has been out for years
>still nothing but tech demo shit
Where are all the good VR games?
>inb4 autism simulator non-games
You can almost taste the buyer's remorse.
I mean it's not a console. I can use it for whatever game I want with vorpx and feel like I'm in the world around me.
Doesn't even need new software as it works fine as is, but I'd be lying if I said I was satisfied with all the current games for it. Such is the fate of an early adopter.
Holy shit is this real? This is beyond embarrassing now I actually feel sorry for the suckers
Stats are old but it's not much better now.
>Hover junkers is supposed to be the best VR multiplayer game out, 29 players played last hour
>those fucking prices for shovelware tier shit
My sides actually hurt from laughing so hard oh man
It will always be a gimmick.
>best VR multiplayer game out
That is not a racing game user.
You forgot that most of the people who wanted it, they already had a dk2 and they only had to adapt vorpx or other 3rd party drivers to make it work on already existing games.
>paying for facebook tier games on the exclusive store
Consolecooks were fooled hard.
Hover junkies looks way more fun than fucking job simulator wtf
This will be the vita all over again. No fucking company will make a decent game for it and it will never take off. That is VRs no.1 problem right now
Job simulator comes with the vive, hover junkers costs $35.
what company is retarded enough to put millions of dollars to produce a title for a platform only a handful of people own AND is literally do idea by 3-4-5 it's getting worse now that every company is making their own headset with their drm
literally laughable
Not even consoles are this splintered
Ahh ok. So how many unit were sold then if the peak for a game that came with the headset is only 94
Well maybe Valve should of since they were already invested?
they're not stupid when it comes to money, these are jews
PSVR is dead on arrival
You mean VR is dead on arriv
>They're not stupid when it comes to money
Then why the fuck did they invest in this shit? Hell even making pre existing valve games VR compatible wouldnof sold some copies and wouldn't require much work. Valve are just fucking useless now
Post your face when you fell for the meme
Who do I sue? For creating the hype? For tricking me with their marketing?
I am tempted by a single game but i know this tech will cost $100 in the near future
PSVR has the best chance though
they knew neckbeards would buy it en masse for the Waifu shit
So basically theyre in it for the hardware, when the fatties get sick of the gimmicks valve will already have their money
Until I see an augmented reality overlay for DAW's, Outboard gear Apps, just something useful, I'll always see it as a gimmick. Shit, I haven't even seen it mentioned at NAMM, by anyone...
gimmicky shit
But they havn't sold. That is the point of this thread..
I thought vorpx was garbage?
I wanna play alien isolation, but I'm waiting for something better than vorpx.
Is where you look mapped to your crosshairs in all the games or can you move your head independently of it?
I take comfort in schooling all the neckbeards playing. It's easy to get the highscore boards in a lot of vr games at the moment. Figure theirs a big buywall for children to get into VR.
I must agree though. Current line up is not enough to justify a purchase at the moment.
well then they're fucked and they're probably trying to cut their losses
I was about to boot up Elite Dangerous in my vive before i saw this thread
Where are the fucking cockpit games?! They need to stop focusing on these retarded standing games
Making games for VR is a retarded idea anyway.
VR should agregate value and only that.
Personally, i wouldn't waste developer resources into it unless Facebook, Sony or Valve is handling the costs.
Vorpx is tricky but it works. Powerusers use Vorpx and Vireop and Vorpx at the same time, i have no idea how that is. I just want someone to crack it because itll be a while before I can put 60$ into it.
I need to stop fucking around because there is a ton of stuff i havent tried, apparently there is Dolphin VR support, so I could be busy playing Metroid Prime in the vive, also all the waifu stuff and i havent even tried the Rift store and played all their free Rift stuff
How hard is it to just make it accessible to any normal FPS game and remove the motion control bullshit. VR is a gimmick but unlike other gimmicks it's a cool one that can actually work. Just lower the fucking price and let me be able to play Half-Life or Outlast or Serious Sam with it and boom, it's actually pretty fucking neat.
for real, I hate the current development climate in a general sense. Like everything I could potential use VR for, there's not a single fucking App or product available.
>but look at what you can potentially do in this tech demo.
so what? I read about that shit in cyberpunk novels as a kid, these things should not even be relevant because they're so basic.
Half-life 2 works already without anything, there are a few launch commands and its built into the engine.
The only buggy things are sections where control is taken away from the player, obviously because its an HMD, you cant quite do it.
In the intro cutscene with Gman i thought I broke the game because i wasnt seeing anything. Then I realized Gman was over my shoulder talking to the left of me and freaked me out. The game cant take away your orientation
Valve caring about their customers as usual
what genius thought these would sell without fucking games anyway?
Thats kinda who i was refering to. I mean why waste all that money then rely on fucking indie devs to sell your product?
Using a normal gamepad instead of the wagglan gimmick sticks will actually make you even more fucking nauseous FYI. This is because at least with the wagglan sticks your brain can connect the dots and think the sticks are your hands. If you want to move with a joystick and you aren't actually moving in real life, you'll vomit.
Read more:
>I thought vorpx was garbage?
it is and isn't
>Is where you look mapped to your crosshairs in all the games or can you move your head independently of it?
idk about all games, but I'd assume that's true
There is even plenty of pre existing cockpit games that could be done
I dunno how it works exactly. I played the most of HL2 in the vive and didnt experience any motion sickness, but then I tried FATED, which is a very slow paced game and it broke me down. im positive that the wagglan sticks have nothing to do with motion sickness, its the movement of your virtual 'head' through the world
You can just sell it to some other dumb schuck. I saw one sell for 7k on ebay the other day.
What where people expectin with that?,I forgot.
It's literally a monitor with a gyro controller strapped onto your face, it ain't VR.
Fucking why? Are they limited?
Yeah, plus there is a month delay with shipping.
I'm the only one? You all tricked me?!
>yoy-y-y-you need to try on in person! It's completely different!
Just tried one at best buy. It's cool, but the screen door effect is fucking obnoxious and the demos only proved to me that it's better suited for VR experiences. I don't think it'll work for games.
And I'm not paying $600 and a fucking graphics card upgrade for VR porn and some "cool stuff".
The rest all offed themselves
Not trolling, I really am thankful for them for this.
I was conflicted for a minute because only a retard buys the first version of something, but I legitimately believe that this tech will be cool in the not so distant future and was afraid it might not happen if no one supported it
Hopefully enough poor saps bought into this to get us the good shif later
virtual 360 desktop
i have gotten rid of my monitor. i am happy.
>poor saps
For some people years of enjoyment are worth 800$. Our time alive is a finite resource.