l o l

l o l

Other urls found in this thread:


>the tail grows a beard

the fuck happened to the art?

The bottom panel doesn't represent Civ at all. I don't get it.

How does it feel to have sex with a way older woman Or man

The oldest person I had sex with was 5 years older than me

Like really old bags of sand.

At the age of 27 I had sex with a 42 year old. She was the best sex I've had yet. Experience does help in some cases.

I genuinely laughed out loud.

I feel like playing Civ V.

>World's most wonderful people
>1. You
I am stuck in a loop of existential horror

I've only had the opposite experience and dated an 18yo at 28 years old. I maybe wouldn't recommend it unless you are just going to be fuck buddies.

Why? Wasn't it good?

The generation gap was fairly noticeable. She liked very different things from me and aside from the bareback sex it was kinda hard to relate to her.
Also, a relationship with someone that much younger than you probably wouldn't work out for long as she'd get restless, I imagine.

>fucking old hags.

Allllllllright I'll admit, that was pretty clever

I was the "old hag".

No you weren't.





Fucking ayys pushing their propaganda again.

Except they're being shot because humans need more space.

Though I agree on a certain level. We really should just shoot all the Muslims.

woo boy!

I thought the idea was to post bad comics.



vegans are the most violent people i know.

He thinks it's bad because it's made by someone trying to propogate an agenda he doesn't agree with.

This one just happens to be funny when posted out of context.

Ah, I thought that might be the case.












What anime?

boku no uno


just a random webcomic an artist drew to put on his portfolio theres only 7 pages

You ever fished your keys out of a public toilet with piss and/or floaters in it? It's kind of like that but with your dick. Wasn't even worth the £2000 I got in return for it.

That's in the background, not a representation of the game

ask the loli I just fucked

>2000 pounds for sex

Were/are you and escort?


/l/ when chunk moot

but he didn't say Uno

You guys are aware this is a thing right?


>Priya Kishna
>author is from India or of India descent

I agree with the author's statement. We can solve a good chunk of our overpopulation if India and China were to disappear.

Have fun trying to shoot ants

What in the everloving fuck

Did it play like those YuGiOh GBA games where there's a stroyline and whatnot? Or did it just simulate a game of Uno?

Pink cat has spent so much time playing the computer game that the world around her has fallen into a dystopian future. The joke is that she only intended the game to last for a short time before she went to bed, presumably an hour at the most. The mutated grey cat and tail-beard are place in order to supplement the joke for added comical effect.

I refuse to believe this game isn't a parody.


I wonder how they handled the "last card you gotta say UNO rule"

Also, pic related

>Number Cards


My sides have vibrated through the wall.

I really, really, hope there was a dedicated "UNO!" button.

I'm not the only one who sees lost right?


It still doesn't make sense. Since it takes an hour to enter the bronze age in a game of Civ. The joke would have worked better if it said 'You have entered the Atomic Era' or something longer. Would have fit the post apocalyptic theme as well.


Look user, it's a webcomic that actually contains a joke, it's already above average.

>Since it takes an hour to enter the bronze age in a game of Civ.
Not if you're a, "girl gamer" :^)

Thats the joke you idiot.

>You have entered the bronze era (AKA played for an hour)
>Next panel time elapses
>Is in the Atomic era cause, GUESS WHAT, they played for LONGER then an hour!

Stay in school kid.


>You have entered the bronze era (AKA played for an hour)
>Next panel time elapses
Its in the same panel. that's the whole reason I was saying the joke doesn't work.

the bronze age message is in the second panel, not the first.

I would say that's sexist, but I've seen a "girl gamer" get wrecked by a 12 year old girl at portal.

At first it would seem not to make sense, but exaggeration is in commonly used for comedic effect, as is the case in this comic. By implying that it takes an unrealistically long time to reach the bronze age, the author is drawing attention the the punchline of the joke; the pink cat has spent more time playing the game than originally intended.

The Japanese really will improve everything. Can't wait for them to make a hentai based on Crazy 8s.

>Pink cat

Her name is Aeris. Stop acting like you know so much if you can't even tell us the characters name.

I don't even like or know this comic either, I took two seconds to google it just to prove how much of a baseless hack you are.

need a webm of the guy typing

The joke would work with almost any other character. Stop being mad because you didn't understand a joke

I don't even play the game and I know you're being retarded. Also, using capslock doesn't help you seem less retarded.

Thanks user, I too was tiring of this guy's not-satire. Sup Forums's a better place with people like you.


You've got the wrong guy dude. I just personally hate your guts because your posting smug assholes and acting like one when you haven't even done any research.

People like you need to have their heads filled.

Fucked a guy in his mid 60s when I was 21. Shit was cash.


Wrong guy as well, user. I'm not even being smug. I just said that the joke would with almost any other character and stating that the other user is wrong because he doesn't know the character's name is an inane reason to debase his argument. You seem to be taking this awfully personally, so please calm down.

>he drew so much pony shit he's now incapable of drawing anything without those huge derpy pony eyes
that's happened to a number of artists now that I think about it

This isn't even remotely funny, nor is it videogames. Also adding video games to an image doesn't make it about them.

Sorry buuuut, off topic, buh bye.


Is this 9gag??

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

who is the m,an with thek nfie

Oh boy, another one of these threads! I can't wait for another non-vidya comic dump!





god this is fucking great

Would you guys fap alongside your 15 year old self? I would.

I'd punch my 15 year old self in the nuts and tell him to stop being a retarded douche.


When the fuck did he draw pony shit?

>15 year old me was into thick girls
>27 year old me is into thick furries
I'm sure young me would be down with it, I'd also try to tell him how not to squander the opportunities I was privileged with but who knows if that would have done anything, I became the person I am today by making those mistakes.
