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>inb4 a bunch of contrarian hipster permavirgin faggots try to claim that Witcher 3 isn't a great video game
Cant. Fucking. Wait.
the combat is shit, but I enjoyed it
But I wanted to finish Skyrim and all my library books before it came out.
My only gripe with the expansions is their fitting in with the main story. They hardly make sense after the events of The Witcher 3, and during the events of the main story it's kind of dumb to go after these minor plot points.
It's still my Game Of The Decade.
I'm pretty excited
Started my ng+ death march game last night.
christ they up armor values and level req
i thought it would be more neutered like DD's ng+ but im happy they actually made it fucking harder.
Still haven't played the first DLC. Waiting for this one to do a fresh run
after playing nothing but dark souls 3 I'm scared to go back and relearn the controls for witcher 3 but I'm hyped for all dat new content
>This will be the last time we get to play as Geralt.
It hurts
Doing it on hardest difficult I actually have a lot of fun with the combat.
My first time playing it was really frustrating, but this most recent run it has actually been a lot of fun fighting big fucking groups of bandits. Having to juggle signs with potions with steps/parries/rolls and knowing when to do a heavy strike on one enemy while punishing an attacker with a quick hit to stop him from hitting you.
enjoying it a lot.
it is shit but i still want to play it in hopes that it isn't shit, to be fair hearts of stones was much better than the base game so i have hopes for blood.
I just went back into witcher 3 earlier, took me a bit to figure out how to use my crossbow underwater again, just relearn ahead of time
What's your guys' thoughts on the polish version?
It took some getting used to for me but I really like ciri/yen's/ and triss' VA
Geralt's just sounds way to clean for me to enjoy, reallly the only one I dont like.
W3 difficulty is not really an example of difficulty settings done right, at least in NG+. Death March on NG+ is just a tedious chore where you can't kill anything without a lengthy fight (completely against the lore) and where you get severely punished for every mistake (would be fine it the enemies weren't such damage sponges).
I like to think of it as just confined stories that happened way before the ciri stuff, or just a little bit before, i guess kind of like the last wish book, but bigger stories
>literally copying Lothric Castle from DS3
this, it's a literal MMO in that regard, fucking stupid for a single player game.
>DLC was in development before dark souls 3 castle was even seen
Why cant you just enjoy both?
not every fight is lengthy.
Single monster enemies can get taken down pretty fast
it only gets lengthy when you are clearing out a 6+ bandit camp with like 3 fucking bowmen at a time, then yes you have to be on your toes.
>you get severely punished for every mistake
which isn't negative.
As far as damage sponges go, I haven't seen a lot except for the fucking wild hunt hounds and the first WH general you fight and that was only because his heal was coupled with the faggot hounds.
any game with castles is a rip off because dark souls invented castles
maybe they fixed it in the patch but vanilla the red skull enemies or even just something slightly higher than you the hp pools or defense were stupidly high.
oh yeah sorry i completely forgot about them.
I usually get on their level and its not a problem though.
I'm hyped as fuck. They will include a level scaling on/off option in the next patch.
Switching from kbm to pad made the game much more enjoyable. Maybe the fact that my rig is shit and the constant fps drops from ~50 to around 30 made the controls feel tacky on kbm. On a pad however, it's less noticeable.
I decided to say fuck anything not main quest in my NG+
This is my third playthrough, I just don't give a shit anymore. I just want to hit somewhere in the 60s and stop.
so I got W2 for $4 when I bought W3 on sale
should I play W2 first?
will it make me sick of Witcher before I play 3?
You'll meet characters in 2 that reappear in 3, it might make you care about Triss more.
Also the atmosphere is really nice
won't make you sick, they have a few noticeable differences, witcher 2 might just make you want more
I really hope they release an actual development kit so the original Witcher can be remade.
How do you play this game more than once? I can't really find a reason too honestly, the building options aren't really all that in depth I find. I'd just be so bored, since it's kind of linear too quest level wise.
Second playthrough was with mods, like SlotsSlotsSlots to use all the abilities I level up instead of being limited to 12 and that mod that adds Witcher 2 armor ontop of a bunch of visual stuff. Third playthrough is ONLY so I can do Blood&Wine on NG+, so everything is a high level.
I'm playing TW2 currently and I don't really like the combat but everything else is really appealing. Is 3 any better?
Wait but did you just go to NG+ then leave it or NG+ and beat it so you're properly leveled? You might get fucked if you didn't level.
Combat is a lot easier and more intuitive as 3 but it gets kind of boring against human(oid) opponents. I could never get past the Letho fight in 2 but I was enjoying it.
Huh I thought its 15 minutes were up.
NG+ and I am currently going through leveling up to the 60s which is where B&W will start. I got full quest XP mod on so its a bit faster. The only side stuff I am doing is Gwent
hearts of stone fit pretty well. ends up indebted to this mysterious figure who saved his life and wants to undo the damage. they also integrated it well into the main game by having certain dialogues (you can talk to vesemir about the woman he once fucked and is a total fangirl for him, you can get yenn to comment on your new scar). and if you give olgierd to gaunter you can get some information about ciri from him in exchange if you want a lore option. hopefully blood and wine has similar integration so it isn't completely self contained
>not playing tw1
Witcher 2 will make you feel the open world was a bit of a mistake since W2's vertical slices were really quite beautiful and shading could be done to maximize it, whereas lighting in W3 couldn't lend itself to making little places look really splendid.
Witcher3's gameworld is ridiculously huge. And Bloody Wine is adding yet another ridiculously huge map? I don't normally think, "goddamn that's too much content", but damn the game's zones ARE huge. Bethesda game worlds are little ponds, CDred's sandbox is a fucking ocean.
>combat is shit
>he doesn't call the combat in every other game besides souls series shit, but only the witcher because of its hype
>motion blur in the promo shot
What did they mean by this?
First WRPG that I liked.
Is poland really considered western?
It's pretty far west of Japan tbqhwy.
Yeah but still in the eastern hemisphere
>we want the Oblivion audience
JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP SENPAI. Seriously though, i'm quite happy, Witcher 3 got far too easy far too quickly and I ALWAYS outleveled my quests
Most of Europe is in the eastern hemisphere though.
Dude stop being a delusional faggot the combat just isn't good, a lot of people agree with this fact, it's very unbalanced or just plain boring. HoS made it a bit better because of better bosses.
Most RPGs at least over diversity that drastically alters the gameplay to make up for the lackluster combat. Elder Scrolls game do it, Deus Ex did it, Planescape Torment did it etc.
Witcher 3s combat is serviceable but far too repetitive given the length of the game. Also, Dragons Dogma has pretty great combat for an RPG tbqh senpai
>Dragons Dogma has pretty great combat for an RPG tbqh senpai
Not really. Hell it basically has almost the exact same problem with Witcher in turns of enemy variety. I was so fucking tired of bandits, wolves, and fucking goblins. The camera freaked the fuck out every time I tried to climb an enemy. Mystic Archer is fucking broken and so is that Assassin build. Graphics are awful just fucking terrible, the world is so ugly and bland. Endgame and BBI were fun but vanilla main game was fucking terrible.
Oh and the Senaschel is just as disappointing as Eredin was. Both those bosses were a fucking joke.
You're just baiting so people start spamming all of the .webms, aren't you
>Not really. Hell it basically has almost the exact same problem with Witcher in turns of enemy variety.
Yes really
>Implying webm autist needs a reason
Are all those webms seriously from release because man, that's some fucking autism.
Nope. I was able to beat the game by literally just spamming X. My Mystic Archer pawn fucking wrecked Grigori. The game is pretty shitty and unfinished.
>Deus Ex
Assuming you're referring to the original, I really passionately disagree with people who dislike its combat. It works the only way it could work to balance going in shootybang with all the other systems in the game, and to counteract the fact that the player is likely to already be a proficient FPS player who can gun down whole levels. If you want to be that, you can spec into it and play the game like Half Life, and if you don't then you really have to be careful and take your time placing your shots (with the flipside being that you can use the saved XP to spec into other skills). IW and HR ruined this whole system in the name of making the gameplay feel more recognisable to First Person Shooter players, and it's one of the many reasons why I much prefer the systems of the original.
Then again I also think Morrowind's hit% and cast% system was the only Elder Scrolls combat that actually systemically worked, so obviously my opinions ain't that popular round these parts.
Did they ever eventually fix cheesing bosses by stunlocking them against geometry, or the attack hitboxes hitting behind their swings? That shit was obnoxious sometimes.
Nope, I was able to beat Witcher 3 with my feet (reddit.com
I was able to beat it with my eyeballs
>B-but W3
If you weren't a nigger you'd be able to read and see that I am arguing that both combat systems are shit not that W3 was better
>Linking to reddit
Christ fucking end yourself.
TheBull94 at it again? Don't know anyone else stupid enough to openly link reddit.
>B-but W3
>in a Witcher 3 thread
If you're going to meme, at least meme properly.
>I am arguing that both combat systems are shit not that W3 was better
Except they're not, Dragons Dogma is objectively better combat/gameplay wise
Does anyone know when it's going to be unlocked? I remember base game not going live till like 8pm on day of release
Are you legitimately retarded? Can you not even understand what was being discussed? We were discussing whether or not Dogma was as shitty as W3.
You going b-but W3 is shit is completely irrelevant because I'm not arguing that W3 was good. Damn nigger.
I assume May 31st Poland time whenever that is.
um excuse me this is the overwatch board please delete this
>might make you care about Triss more.
I find it funny you say that because the witcher 2 is the exact reason I don't care for her at all
No you're not you retard you can't even understand what you're even talking about, it was the combat not the whole game you mongoloid. COMBAT DD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>W3
Can't wait. Just picked up the English translation of the 6th book, just look at this fat fuck. Way to not make it the same size as the rest of the others and force me to buy it twice. Can't wait for Regis and to fuck around with the vineyard. What a time to be alive.
Yeah Dogma's combat was shit nigger. Try to keep up inbetween your shitposting in two threads. Literally a meme game with spam X to win just like W3. A shit final boss just like W3. You become COMPLETELY FUCKING OP by the end just like W3. You fight drowners- sorry "goblins", shit bandits, and wolves. You are a fucking pleb.
As ironic as this post is trying to be, it is kind of depressing that Sup Forums is swarmed with threads about yet another mediocre multiplayer arena shooter. And yet Witcher threads are shitposted with constant THE COMBAT SUCKS when it has some of the best combat in a wrpg combined with good story and lore.
Pic related, swap out SJWs with "Witcherfags" and Anti SJWs with "Anti Witcherfags and it's literally you.
>They will include a level scaling on/off option in the next patch
holy shit really?
that'll be fucking amazing, to have the whole thing be static
so they're going to balance loot and enemies for velen and skellige to be totally static liek Gothic and New Vegas now?
I just creamed my pants
>so the original Witcher can be remade.
they would be really fucking stupid to not have a B or even C team be working on this while 85% of everyone else works on Cyberpunk
same voices, copy paste W3 animations... shit could be done by modders in less than a year
Not for loot, only lower leveled enemies
Witcher 3 was a reskin of Ass Creed
This would be fucking great! Was so annoying to discover a point of interest in say Velen for example with an enemy way above your level that was too hard to kill. Come back later and kill it but the loot is still set at whatever level you were when you first discovered it. Shit bothered me so much.
The english translations out? Fuck I need to get to the book store
im not the user you're replying to but i tried both and found them to be meh for different reasons.
>the combat just isn't good
you're right, its nothing to write home about. It's passable though and even fun sometimes, even though just as many times it's either frustrating or boring
it's a 5-8/10 depending on the context in the game. its fine. good sometimes, serviceable others. far from shit though, especially when compared to almost every other RPG
Yeah. Only one book to go as I don't think they will release A Season of Storms but that's fine. Doesn't contribute to the story and is literally filler. Curious to see how much better the official translation is compared to the fan one.
>The biggest one is on top, not in the base
Just got this for 1.50 on steam? anyone else played it?
>Final boss
Nice try Capcom shill, this pathetic sad excuse of a boss is the actual final boss.
Also Grigori is a fucking joke. Just roll an assassin and a Thousand Kisses will one hit KO him. The leveling is fucked.
This reminded me that they also made a witcher moba... Bravo CDPR.
>Woaw! Suddenly all those hundreds of hours, platinums and no-death runs by others are not that important at all...
oh, o-okay...
Least they cancelled it so maybe now we can get some online Gwent.
>Literally a meme game with spam X to win
this, I felt so fucking cheated when it got released
fuck you consolekids of Sup Forums. Last time I ever listen to you.
that was pretty much all developed out of house.
The one thing I liked about the Grigori fight is that you don't actually HAVE to go through all the different phases of his battle. He's perfectly one shottable if you are stupidly overpowered enough.