Has there ever been a worse party member?

Has there ever been a worse party member?

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Like 3/4ths of the cast of Chrono Cross.


Kek. Just finished CT with Chrono, Robo and Ayla. Brobo is pretty good.

>not using frog / crono/ ayla

Yeah, Marle


>tons fo dmg

I bet she's good for "other things"

They made him better in the DS version with his max damage arm.

except that crono ayla and robo are objectively the best party in CT and its not even close

even more so in the DS version where they give robo a weapon that deals 9999 damage

I never played with Robo, because it felt weird having a robot in scenes with dialogue. I felt no emotional connection with it, since it was just a robot, and its emotions didnt feel real. I wanted the dialogue to be spoken by an actual, alive party member.

This fucking faggot right here

god fucking damnit

>since it was just a robot, and its emotions didnt feel real.

You DISGUST me, ROBOT LIVES MATTER!!! This is [CURRENT_YEAR] and bigots like you are still allowed on this [INTERNET_FORUM]?


Yes, plenty.
They are typically called "Waifus"

Hello knowyourmeme

I thought he was pretty good, once he gets his second persona he is pretty much unkillable.

Elder God Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

whatever it's just video games
Dumb niggers

>people hating on Marle

It's like you enjoy being slow as tortoises. Haste was GOAT.

is there a guide (or preferably chart) to which Chrono Cross characters are good or bad?

>Shit Tier:

Doesn't she have like the most powerful single cast magic damage spell or something? I know she gets good if you bother to level her.

There were items that gave you haste without having to waste a turn casting it every battle.

she has her uses, but the cool down sucks and when you aren't playing as her she never really heals when you need her to. Most other RPG's you can adjust that in the settings.


Marle wasn't powerful offensively because she is the best support character in the game.

But then you had to waste an equipment slot to wear them, putting you at a disadvantage

Thats fine, you can steamroll pretty much anything in CT anyways.

I would be surprised if there wasn't. I haven't played since it was relatively new. I borrowed it from a friend, and he lent me his strategy guide as well, and a good portion of that guide was dedicated to just the roster.


You're thinking of Crono and his Luminaire spell.

Shit tier AND annoying. She doesn't have anything special except being pretty.


Yes, it's called fucking Marle
Robo and Frog for life!

Crono's Luminaire is more powerful than Lucca's Flare. Lucca is also slower than Robo.

Chie is the worst video game character ever conceived, so yes

Here's how the cool kids played Chrono Nigger:

>don't revive Crono
>don't kill Magus
>beat the game with Magus, Ayla and Robo

This nigger is useless, and furshit.

>not Lucca/Robo/Magus

>Please heal yourself Mitsuru the command should've set you to do it, you're going to get knocked down and die if you don't
>game over

Did someone call me?


>Playing the game without red vegeta

At least they made him not shit in the sequel.

pls kill yourself

Robo have like a very good multiplier on his healing beam, if you raise his magic it is efficient as hell.


This party does good damage and robo is a better healer than youd think. It also has the added benefit of Frog and Robo being good characters with the best reactionary dialogue.

Is this subtle bait?

>tfw getting dual zweihanders

you're mistaken, there is no sequel.


>Nobody posted this trash.
Hes literally a "Do whatever you want with him" character.

Wow, literally wrong.

that gorilla looking fuck from radiant historia

To be fair Blue Magic is almost always OP as fuck, even though it wasn't the first time Blue Magic was a limit break (Quistis), it was the first time you couldn't really abuse Blue Magic. Funnily enough when Blue Mages were brought back in the 3rd expansion of FFXI, they were as they have always been: super fucking strong

If you feed him magic tabs the entire game his heals are crazy. Although it would require newgame+ he can actually heal 999 to all targets for the cost of what... a few MP?

Furries wouldn't find him attractive bud, do your research.


>he doesn't have fur


Crono, Ayla, Robo is actually the best party. How is any part of Robo bad? He has an AoE heal, has a lot of defense, hits hard, can do shadow damage, he's amazing.

yeah but he's a robot and his emotions aren't real

He has such a cool design though. Shame they didn't do anything interesting with him.

He's part of the team that gives you lifeline, which makes your team completely unkillable (provided you have a way to restore mp). The really useless party members are Marle (without abusing triple techs) and Magus. And Frog on new game+.

Never was there a character in a video game I hated so completely so fast. It is so absolute even when they develop his character to make him more likable I still fucking hate him. Granted, I never finished 3, only got to December but christfuck I hate him.

Even more than Ash in Mass Effect. And that is fucking saying something. I nuke her every damn time. Even when I was fucking playing an engineer.

Red XIII from FF7
Selphie from FF8
Kimahri from FF10
Vanille from FF13
Mac from Lost Odyssey (you need him anyway to unlock spells for your immortals)
Shana from Legend of Dragoon
The blue chick from Golden Sun
More than half the cast from Chrono Cross
Donald from Kingdom Hearts

Magus is the most useless CT character and you can always spot a babby who has never played any other rpg ever when someone says he's good.

Chrono, Ayla and Robo are the most powerful, then Frog and Marle, then Lucca, then Magus.

No one mentioned Edward yet?

The Yeti in FF6.

>furries wouldn't find him attractive
oh it hurts to be so naive

Only fags are not down with Brobo. Are you a fag, user?

>Trolling about my husband

Go fuck yourself

He is basically shit rosch

>not togo or whatever his name was.

Mime is overpowered as fuck.

Gogo, and he was a one man walking god army

There is almost no porn of him And someone needs to fix that

Why does Frog have whiskers?

>Heals you, shoots lasers, and punches dinosaurs
>Robot trys to find love and purpose in life, gets wrecked by a hostile society
>Fights to save humanity against a galactic parasite and delusional wizard, spends 300 years turning a wasteland into a forest, finds god, becomes a saint, learns the secret to immortality, and finds love in the end.
>he starts as a defective laborer, ends up a true hero.

Has there ever been a better party member.

My nigga. Fuck the haters, Frog was the shit, numbers don't mean anything to me.

I fucking wish

Death is the best way to kill Ochu by far

She's worth it for all the sex moans she constantly makes in battle.

>Magus in High Tier
>No dual techs and can't outdamage Flare or Luminaire

>Has there ever been a worse party member?


Any character whose theme is reminiscent of Rick Astley is guaranteed to be bad.

>being gay

Magus, crono ayla

>Not being gay for Frog

Wrong image bro.

Stocke was pretty cool.

>bring gay for amphibians


What game?





I would give up getting SKELLs if it meant you could kill Tatsu.

Super Robot Wars OG2nd


best theme though

>Not wanting a prehensile tongue forcing it's way through moist, maze-like caverns of your ass