>tfw gaming in 2016
Tfw gaming in 2016
Overwatch is under 270k views. The viewers are going down in an alarming rate
SFV deserves its lack of attention desu, only butthurt fanboys think otherwise.
Overwatch is the new casual sensation but will die down in a few months for the next one.
>I like that the matches are only 30 seconds long!
SF5 got around 180k viewers during the Stunfest
Trick statement, both games suck.
Yeah, Street Fighter series is pretty much dead (again). You can't downplay just how badly Capcom fucked up that game's launch. They can't do anything right anymore.
>shitty fighter, even for fighters
>shitty tf2 ripoff featuring an even more jewish dev
they both deserve nothing
>gaming in 2016
>little kids think twitch views mean anything
You're right, it's awful. You're awful.
Both are equally as unfun, but Overwatch is at least a finished game. Costs less too.
SFV had a horrible launch, no major event is taking place (tourney, character launch, etc.), and Overwatch is a MUCH higher-budget game. Not to mention SFV is three months old, and Overwatch is not even two hours old
>2 game modes
>finished game
>still refusing Twitch has the monopoly on a quickly growing media
1989 here, kid. Do you remember thinking Newgrounds would survive ?
>Overwatch is at least a finished game
But Overwatch doesn't have a single player mode.
Why does SF5 get shit for having one?
No it didn't. It got 30k.
You're comparing a shitty game that game out months ago and has literally no events/tournaments going on right now to a game that's been hyped up by a massive marketing team to extreme levels for weeks and is just now releasing for the first time.
Can't wait for Street Fighter 5 Remaster and Overwatch Remaster on the next consoles.
Two shit games.
im hc capcom fan but sfv lacks lot of modes to keep casuls interested
They're also seriously dropping the ball with the new characters not bothering to announce shit at tournaments when they actually have people watching to bring some hype but the game is a fucking snoozefest to watch compared to usf4 which is a joke.
>weekly threads for "Why does Sup Forums hate the FGC?"
>fighting games have always been a niche since leaving the arcades
>OP being surprised that these are the numbers
>little over a week left in the month and we still don't know when the next DLC character comes out, let alone who it'll be
Just wait and watch. Overwatch will fall.
Since there is a push to remove the guns for a more friendly FPS. I can only hope this is a joke...
>tfw they pulled the plug
incomplete vs complete game
since when do people watch video games
i mean...fuck that's lame
>Spotty at best online play
>Local play where only 1P can use the menus
>Cash shop that they can't even figure out how to implement
>Fight Money challenges still not in
>Input lag isn't even consistent across platforms, let alone sticks
Just some basic shit that should be in the game day 1, and still isn't in month 3
Overwatch also never promised a single player mode, and its price reflects that.
Man I used to watch my dad play Doom on his old as fuck PC
those are great memories
Ibuki tomorrow
Street Fighter 5 has Bison at least. OHHOHOHOH THIS IS DELICIOUS
Fighting games fucking suck
>Watching someone else play games instead of playing then yourself
Such is the state of gaming in 2016.
but you were like a child at the time...
i used to watch my brother play video games when i was like 4
>gaming in 2016
>watching other people play
Fuck off with this twitch memetuber shit.
Gayest gaming generation yet.
>game that been out for a while
>no events going on at all
>game that just came out right now today
>shilled to hell and back
Remember back in the day when the only time you would watch somebody play a game it was because it was single player and/or you were helping them at their house? Remember when games were made to be fun and you talked to friends at school about how fun it was and share stories about you experiences? Yea that's all gone now.
user, if youve watched Stunfest, you should probably understand that SFV deserves the lack of hype. The amount of wakeup jabs, YOLO jump ins and flowchart strategies should clue you in that capcom shouldnt have rushed this game out for the release window. The FGC in general is on this awkward position where theyre really forced to play SFV instead of letting SFIV shine for one last year, and they wont really move to anothsr fighting game like GG or KI because well, its SF and it has money and a pro tour despite of its current sad state.
Unless Capcom fixes its shit, SFV deserves to suffer due to lack of hype
>No tourneys
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a big Capcom cup tourney that happened right as it came out? And Combo Breaker, CEO and EVO are coming up, with SF5 already breaking 4,000 entrants at evo
Stop browsing Plebbit.
Well that's what happens when you partner with $ony.
>Say it how it is
>Back to rabbit!
Stunfest was boring as shit, the game is unfinished and has lots of issues not only because of how boring it looks and plays, but also how lazy everything is. Unless they suddenly make up for it in CEO or EVO but I dont see it.
>40/60 bux for an online only game is acceptable
>no events going on at all
Weekly official tournaments don't count as events?
Never forget that lupe fiasco incident, it killed my drive to play sfv
What incident?
Rest in piss.
I'm surprised it even got that. That event was ran horribly.
Why isn't there a fighting game with Overwatch's art style?
One of the reasons why Overwatch sells is the Pixar-esque art style which allows for normies to get into it which then results in demand for Rule 34.
Pic related. OTP.
>which then results in demand for Rule 34
I think it's because all the 12 years old are interested.
The artstyle doesn't matter as long as you can have your waifus, why do you think LoL became so popular (And still rather is)?
Shit sells like hotcakes, they knew that and they banked on it
Honestly, SFV should be 70% waifu 30% husbando.
oy vey
Better chance of it being Ibuki next. THANK FUCKING GOD.
Also, Overwatch's artstyle has been used to death, these "futuristic FPS" have been all over the place since the Halo 2 days
But it is a nice example that an artstyle is just an artstyle, it's mostly about how much effort and originality you put into it. OW has some good original characters wich are now the "Face" of OW, when you think about OW you are going to think about Tracer, D.Va or Widowmaker and that's done on purpose
It doesn't matter what kind of gameplay it has or how shallow it is, you attracted people enough to buy your game already, if you are in a company and you pulled something like this off, then you already won despite what happens to the game later
You remember how people used to compare Dota2 to LoL saying that DotA2 requires more skill than LoL? Prepare to see the same shit happening with TF2 when they come and say "TF2 takes more skill than Overbabbies", while this is true, OW is an easier game to get into, that's why more people is going to play it (At least for now)
Fun fact. Overwatch has more content than SFV and was cheaper at launch.
>a shit installment of a game in a dying genre has pathetic amounts of viewers on one streaming service compared to this new flashy game in a very popular genre
thanks for the post OP, totally necessary post
I kinda hated Laura in the beginning
But I'm slowly becoming attracted to her. What is happening to me, I really dislike braids
Staged. Promoting your game is one thing, but using a C-list rap icon to fabricate a sort of professional wrestling rivalry to promote your game isnt exactly the most tasteful move.
Then Lupe """winning""" just sends the wrong type of mindset; that any scrub that can pick up the game in a month can beat the most renowned fighting game pro right now. Of course, people in the FGC knows its fake, but casuals will lap it up, buy the game, realize its unfinished and badly designed, drop it them never look back