>Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson spent much of his weekend on Twitter despite a net worth of $1.5 billion. The noted sad man who once outbid Jay-Z and Beyonce on a $70 million Hollywood mansion took umbrage with a joke online and proceeded to call a couple women "cunts" for effect. I advise you, dear reader, to back out now and enjoy some of the other lovely content the internet has to offer, but for the rubber-neckers we proceed.
Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson spent much of his weekend on Twitter despite a net worth of $1.5 billion...
Other urls found in this thread:
based notch
Notch is pretty cool.
>Game designer Jennifer Scheurle made the above joke online by taking a picture of something from her daily life, adding a tongue-in-cheek caption, and then moving on with her life. The joke here is that the statue is not called "Mansplaining" or meant to describe the phenomenon of men jumping in unsolicited to "explain" things to women because they 1) assume their own authority on the topic or 2) don't understand what a "joke" is and actually think the original jokester thinks this statue in a United States university is actually called "Mansplaining."
>ur boy here gladly took care of number two. Also brings in some new unintentionally funny information: that the aforetweeted statue that is impetus for our joke here is located in a United States university, which, when coupled with knowledge that women are now more likely than men to have a degree maybe becomes an additional source of irony, like all that mega-good oil beneath all the well crap other folks are bringing up.
Two jokes deep (or, one joke, and the presentation of something obviously funny), Scheurle turned serious for a moment and offered, "Mansplaining is a funny, but actually quite problematic and real issue. It silences women." This is where our boy Ignatius Reilly Notch comes into our tale, jumping to object to a tweet.
Post tweet
Notch also spent an hour reading minecraft fanfiction on a live stream on Twitch today.
Because he can, he's a fuckin billionaire that does what he wants.
We like him because he stays real. regardless of selling out.
>Notch, of the $1.5 billion net worth and 3.75 million Twitter followers thinks the portmanteau "silences men," ignoring that it was portmanteau'd thusly because of men who really should be silenced (people who don't understand jokes or mistakenly assume they're smarter than the person they're responding to). It's kind of like arguing that calling it "necrophilia" shames corpse-fuckers, when the term is intentionally reserved to describe a certain act perpetrated by wrongheaded people.
>Notch has different opinions about portmanteaus.
Fukkin wrecked
tips fedora
>the most successful and influential indie game dev of all time is every hipster faggots worst nightmare
>I advise you, dear reader, to back out now and enjoy some of the other lovely content the internet has to offer
Oh yeah I'm sure this might ruin someone's day. It's totally comparable to passing by a car crash and maybe seeing a mangled body.
>Ah. So "man" who's "explaining" equals "cunt" who's "confused." And then it's I guess, just, double irony to complain about "dismissing my words with a derogatory term about my gender" while doing the same thing. Notch has a self-satisfied "gotcha!" in response despite the obvious false dichotomy between the term "man" and the word "cunt"and despite ignoring the historical/social context of the term and despite the fact that he spent his weekend getting mad at women for oppressing him online.
>He followed up by telling another woman, "you're a cunt," and went to play Quake Live.
>Steven Hansen
>Features Editor
>Steven watches anime & sports, buys meat out of trucks, dates a Muppet, and is only good at cooking. He stands before you bereft of solace and well on the road to perdition.
Source: pastebin.com
>spent much of his weekend on Twitter despite a net worth of $1.5 billion
whats this supposed to mean?
that because he's rich as fuck he can't fuck around and piss people off?
Post the tranny BTFO plx
>he's rich so he can't spend a week end shitposting online
nice meme
Was expecting this picture TBQH.
Still somewhat relevant.
I know one thing for shore. My poop is real because I have shitty fingers. It's all over my keys. My dick is empty but my belly is full. I get off on the idea of having a woman piss all over my dick even though I hate women I still think the warm golden stream would give a peasant sensation. If you turd into a condom and put it in the freezer you can later use it as a dildo and pretend it's Olaf of Frozen fame's carrot cock sliding up your pretty little asshole.
My large empty balls sack flaps in the wind as I fart. My testicles look like small withered grapes for some raisin. Make American Grapes Again! Monkey nigger ape rape porch mexicants not welcome unless they are swinging from the tree! I hate muslims and jews.
Anus Anus Anus Dick and Balls Hairy titted whores. I want to kiss you on the lips and give you a french kiss on your roast beef vagina you disgusting cunt. Kill yourself Kill yourself. Baked beaners are toast. Billed Wall! Mean magic; is real. #Krump2016
To be fair, HE instigated it by tweeting some person who wasn't really talking to him. The way to deal with these idiots is to ignore them and absolutely not engage with them in anyway because it's like starting a fight with a brick wall.
Fortunately he verbally slaughtered them so it ended up being fun for him, but 99% of the time what he did just ends in frustration and attracting a big stupid fuss.
>He followed up by telling another woman, "you're a cunt," and went to play Quake Live.
Don't be so cuntfused.
Normies being jealous thinking they'd 'do something' with their money.
You don't understand, they have to try extra hard to make a man with a couple billion dollars seem worse than them.
lol that's fucking shameless.
>He followed up by telling another woman, "you're a cunt," and went to play Quake Live
yfw this is actually exactly what happened
>Gender Shaming
I'm going to save that term for later.
Once you get into the billions, it doesn't matter. You can just say whatever the fuck you honestly believe, and I love it. Millionaires do it and get fucked over somehow. Not billionaires.
What did he mean by this?
>this is considered news
>what the rich and/or famous do with themselves is considered newsworthy
>when you're trolling makes the monday morning liberal blog highlight reel
They always try to use the term billionaire in a derogatory fashion if you go against the norm.
How the fuck did he get so much money from that shit game?
This detached ironic writing isn't funny.
>He followed up by telling another woman, "you're a cunt," and went to play Quake Live.
Oh man, that guy, he was going on a wikipedia editing rampage when GG started, I completely forgot he existed.
>tags goobleget in the post
>posts it on her Facebook in private where only people who agree with her will see it
he's saying hello to his Australian friend
>I've have
Who knew that all it took to become insanely cool is 2 billion dollars.
They're just butthurt they can't get him fired or ruin his life in some way for being a big meanie head to them.
can you imagine how much pearl clutching this fat bearded hat wearing billionaire has caused in the past 72 hours or so?
does that mean Notch can be a rebel billionaire like Richard Branson now?
When do millionaires ever get fucked by it? As long as they're not relying on an income it'll be fine.
Notch has really turned shit around, I think he realized his friends weren't friends and hipster douches don't fuck him any more then normies do.
I see the media has finally gotten around to defending these poor and unfortunate oppressed people who are completely innocent, and definitely did not bring this upon themselves.
If he made billions then it can't be shit
I think this was the original tweet you're talking about.
Lots of people bought and enjoyed said shit game.
I guess some people just don't understand Aussie companionship
I see him on twitch a lot of times. Mostly on witwix' stream. Pretty cool dude
He meant this: youtube.com
>ignoring the problem
Go fucking die.
>thinks the portmanteau "silences men," ignoring that it was portmanteau'd thusly because of men who really should be silenced
that woman feel of seeing logic fly by you but being too slow to hold on to it
it's like a natural warning sign going off in you to not consort with such people.
>tfw you may never find an autism goldmine to sell for 2 billion dollarydoos
>HE instigated it by tweeting some person who wasn't really talking to him.
If someone wants to get away with saying whatever they want in a public space, they don't get a free pass.
>The way to deal with these idiots is to ignore them and absolutely not engage with them in anyway because it's like starting a fight with a brick wall.
Look what ignoring them gets us. Look what has happened to society because we just "knew better." Their words take root, and soon it just becomes the truth. EVERYONE needs to speak up when PC bullshit happens.
>2) don't understand what a "joke" is and actually think the original jokester thinks this statue in a United States university is actually called "Mansplaining."
Maybe what he said was "just a joke."
Wait, oh wow, it's a dude. That makes it even more unjustifiably retarded.
I literally cringed.
Oh my, didn't realize there was a word filter on Sup Forums
That was not at all what I typed.
I never lost faith in you, Notch.
>betrayed Sup Forums to cater to reddit
>many years later, Sup Forums likes him
>resides at Monk8ychan's Sup Forums
what happened?
Not sure what to think about Notch
On one hand, he's a fat lazy kike who made billions off ideas taken from Sup Forums
On the other, he's still an alright person.
Notch living the Sup Forums dream
He was better off just verbally wrecking her. But I bet that was cathartic.
>He followed up by telling another woman, "you're a cunt," and went to play Quake Live.
He's a fat Swedish fuck and I like him.
>tackle the problem you didn't start
>Act like a cunt
>Get called a cunt
I see no problem with this.
Whats he sperging out about? Can I get a tldr?
Underrated movie af.
2016 - the summer of unJUST
>Art school debt slaves have to eek a living writing 'snarky' articles about a man who's so wealthy he has the audacious luxury of actual freedom of speech
I did, but thaumcraft making minecraft actually decent rendered it mostly moot
Now that I'm seeing this shit, maybe he's not that bad
>2 people making jokes in succession
and i assume everything was ok after that.
>he called Zoe Quinn's best friend a cunt
today is a good day.
I'm not surprised people can't attribute mansplaining to being a hateful term towards males.
Hell I tried to argue with some people that calling someone 'white trash' is racist and they were adamant that it wasn't, because it was 'just an observation'. But I ask them if the term 'black trash' would be racist, they said 'of course'.
Literally fucking who wouldn't betray Sup Forums for reddit? Is your attachment to some gay anonymous people more important than success? lmao cuck
some people actually grow a pair of balls at some point in their lives.
>The noted sad man
hello Toby Fox
Look at it this way... most of Sup Forums would probably have done the same thing.
I wouldn't because that website will throw you under the bus for morally trendy virtue signaling if they decide they don't like you.
Sup Forums is cool and doesn't give a fuck
How long until Twitter revokes his verified status?
>has a worth of $1.5 billion
>buys overpriced trinkets
You could make a change to Earth able to be seen from the moon with how much it cost to buy that mansion, if you know what you're doing.
Americans once proving that no place outside the U.S exists, I fucking hate this country.
Sup Forums will throw you under the bus the second some faggot forces a meme he made about you hard enough
Most of fucking everyone would do the same thing.
why wouldn't you? Is there some sort of super high moral ground for not taking a shitload of money.
Some faggot CEO/upper management type is just going to make all that money you didn't anyway, so fuck it.
Do people actually get paid to spew this vitriol on the net?
>I wouldn't because that website will throw you under the bus for morally trendy virtue signaling if they decide they don't like you.
Who cares if it happens after you're rich and famous?
Notch is the closest we're ever gonna get to a Sup Forums mansion, how does it feel?
not really.even small countries have billions in their pocket, doesn't mean shit on the global scale.
>yfw feminists admit women can't into logic or reasoning every time they use the word mansplaining
Its so fucking rich
Has the unJUSTed himself?
If you guys would defend a billionaire like Notch for doing something stupid because he's so rich and successful, would you defend a billionaire like Mark Zuckerberg for doing the same?
Reminder that being a man is equivalent to fucking a corpse.
God damn I was starting to forget just how bad these sites were. This read like something off the onion.
All that money, still doesn't buy a life.
Based Notch
Shut the fuck up shitlord.
Notch is a leader in the indie community which we journalists should have control over.
If he's spouting problematic opinions about how women aren't the most oppressed people on Earth, it's our duty to shame him.
Of course they do. It's probably getting their site thousands of views. Why shouldn't they be paid for earning the website traffic?
Um, oh.my.god. Just almost like spat my micro brew in anger. What a cunt. I can't even like he should go and fuck himself. So bitter and truculent and just beleaguering these poor girls who want a straight answer and to circumnavigate the misogyny. They just want to get ahead and this is not okay and having the privilege of being white and with two billion does not make it okay either. Ugh.