What are some little details in this game?

What are some little details in this game?
Stuff that goes unnoticed by most players, or just plain mundane things that you can do or happen?

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You can throw animals at guards.

You can spin Snake around on the pause screen to make him throw up. You can use this to escape your cell.

>Holding up a guard and firing a weapon without any ammo in it will cause the guard to hesitate for a second and then bum rush you.
>If you press R1 when meeting with the president in the ending you can see Ocelot outside the window.
>You can shoot the "!" above their heads to stun them temporarily
>Bees shot down can distract the guards
>A rope bridge with varying levels of stability, where guards can fall off of it when you cut all the ropes
>Throw food, grenades and other items into Gavial mouths
>Throw snakes, poison animals, and other things at guards to kill/distract
>Blow up Food supply areas to starve the guards in the area and surroundings, allow you to toss poison food at them and they can eat it
>Blow up the helicopter in the early part of the game to have no helicopter to deal with later
>In NG+, if you twirl the SAA in front of Ocelot, he'll have a twirl competition
>If you stand with the SAA in hand near the edge of the divide, Ocelot will have a duel with you
>You can shoot the End early in the game, and will fight an Ocelot unit instead
>You can "wait" 2 weeks (via changing the internal clock) while fighting the end to have him die of old age
>If you kill the parrot, the end will fire more rigorously at you
>If you release the parrot, the parrot will fly to wherever the End is located
>While injured on the riverbank, if you go into 3rd person mode, you can see the Sorrow's body by adjusting the camera
>Wearing the Croc cap and peeking around the corner causes guards to freak out
>If you talk to Para Medic about the Glow mushroom and eat it, it will charge your battery up, and calling back concerns the whole team.
>If you twirl snake around in survival viewer, it'll cause him to puke, curing food poisoning.
>If you eat a certain animal more and more, it'll give you more stamina over time
>By tossing poisoned food around, you can cause the Fear to eat it and become sick


>If you toss honeycomb during the Pain fight, the bees will "attatch" to it, causing it to become super healthy
>During Volgin's fight, if you toss a treefrog he will try to kill it (japanese folklore). If you toss a glow cap mushroom, lightning will temporarily become drawn to it. If you wear the Raikov mask, he will become distracted
>Each of the bosses barring "The Boss" will be fooled only once by the Fake Death Pill
>If you kill a guard in the mountains, and eat the bird after he's feasted on the body, you'll find greater stamina in the bird plus the guard will appear in the river section crying out about being eaten by you.
>During the prison section, if you save and come back to the game, you'll be given a minigame to play (I don't believe this works on the HD release)
>You can check Eva's medical history in the survival viewer, plus shake her boobs around
> Every person you ever killed in the game will appear in the river section
> If you leave in the transmitter attatched to Snake, he'll have a humorous cutscene involving Eva at the Waterfall
>After Snake loses his eye, First person mode is adjusted slightly
>If you don't eat enough, your stomach growls, giving you away to guards.
>The rain and water makes you catch a cold and causes your stamina to drop quicker
>Interrogating Eva gives you the Konami Code
>Tranquilizing Eva causes her to dream of her dog, the boss and snake
>Blowing up a weapons shack forces guards to use their knives against you, and be more conservative with firing.
>Dick Punches and Dick Shots are instant knockouts
>Raikov has the same animations as Raiden, right down to the combat style
>The Shagohod will have less health if you kill all the mechanics in the hangar as there was less personnel to drain the fuel tanks before the C3 went off
>The camo on the XM16E1 in MGS3 changes depending on what you're wearing.


In the prison cell, if you throw your food at the guard, you'll eventually get a really neat cut-scene, and a radio frequency to open the cell door.

You can blow up food and ammo rooms so guards will have less ammo and complain about being hungry.

When they're hungry, they'll eat almost anything, and get in worse shape from poisoned food.

>>Blow up the helicopter in the early part of the game to have no helicopter to deal with later
God damn it, every thread I learn something about this game

>>After Snake loses his eye, First person mode is adjusted slightly
in the 3DS version, 3D stops working

In the prison section how many different ways are there of escaping?
I heard you can take the bullet that the boss punctured snake with and load it into the empty SAA and kill jhonny with it.
That true?

>one of the only features of a remake stops working halfway through the remake
Kojimbo does it again

I don't think that's possible, but it would be pretty sweet

I don't believe this.

Somebody bought MGS3 3DS?

>>The Shagohod will have less health if you kill all the mechanics in the hangar as there was less personnel to drain the fuel tanks before the C3 went off

Had no idea of this. Damn.


The bullet was a play dead pill I thought.

How about some things on level design:

>You can backtrack to the starting point of the game where you land in the Virtuous mission within the actual mission and there will be new wildlife there.
>If you try to go to Grannin's lab after he fires the Davy on it, you can't go in.
>On top of the mountain where you have a bird's eye view on Grozny Grad, if you are in an Alert Phase, Hind-D's will assault your position one at a time, but you can take out your sniper rifle and head shot the pilot and cause the aircraft to crash on top of the base. It looks great.

There's less technology relating to the environment in MGS3 compared to 2, but there's a lot more on AI. Still better than MGSVs.

she shoots him in the leg...... I think you're confusing the play dead pill with the transmitter ocelot pushes under his skin?

>EVA's medical history suggests she had anal sex with Volgin
>After your first battle with Ocelot when you fall into the cave, everything is pitch black. If you wait a while, you can see everything just fine. It's meant to be just like in real life, when your eyes adjust to the darkness.

Regarding the sorrow ghosts in the river, they appear depending on how you killed them.

If you sliced their throats, they'll have severed heads danging from their neck

The AI really shines at the EVA escort mission.
The patrols they do in that level was supposed be in the main game but they cut it since it was too good, with how they do a four back to back formation (is there a military term for that?)

I believe the Diamond formation.

Some cutscenes have secret first person modes, oftentimes with the sorrow giving snake secret advice. If the first person-button is not held down and the scene is viewed normally, snake is clearly looking off-screen.

One such time is when during a cutscene after snake has planted the explosives, the sorrow holds up a board displaying how much time is left before they go off

Also after the boss's death where he sees the ghosts of sorrow and boss like in star wars episode 6

there's also a board that gives you a radio frequency to escape the cell. I think it's the same as the one you can glance at if you trigger the Johnny cutscene in the prison

i never knew this
that's fucking awesome

What about in this?

if you throw a grenade into the building they're holding Sokolov captive, you kill him and get a game over
There's even a guard who taunts you to do this if you interrogate him

Nothing noteworthy in my personal opinion other than Jhonny being in the game as a secret.

Real time ice melting.

>In the Virtuous Mission right before you jump off that cliff edge to cross that bridge
>I accidentally dove off the edge, roll, land on my feet
>Hear the sound of something dropping
>I landed on a snake, killing it and picked it up as food

Incredibly minor animation that I noticed while playing through a third time was that the dedicated knife weapon and the knife you use alongside pistols are two different knives, one in a leg sheath and one on your chest harness.

>Ice melting
>If you shoot a gun near the sink on the tanker, and a bullet casing is edjected into the sink, it will bounce around until it finally goes down the drain

Most of that is fucking with the guards

They were actually modeled after SWAT teams when storming the rooms. Plus, shooting radios out of their hands, crippling them by shooting them in the leg, shit like that

also 512 fucking VR missions

You can press buttons and twiddle the analogue sticks to cause effects during the Snake Eater song.

>Going into a locker with a pretty lady poster in it, when you press R1 to zoom in, you can hear Snake or Raiden kiss the poster

Snake and Otacon love each other very much.

Making Raiden turn his head left prior to getting choked by Soildus will make his O2 gauge deplete slower as Solidus's grip is not as tight.

IIRC Kojima mo-capped SWAT or Japanese equivalent officers to clear out rooms, right down to the subtle details.

Also, not sure if this is considered something that's unknown but if you call everyone including SIGINT on the codec after waking up from that nightmare, he'll go into detail about a nightmare he had where everything was literally covered in shit

Off the top of my head

>Calling Otacon enough times on the Tanker and he talks about the Patriots
>The tanker is called Discovery, which is the same as the Submarine Snake is launched from at the start of MGS1
>There are numerous optional codec calls in Raidens very first room strongly hinting that it's all fake
>You can also see Fatman's C4 not ticking because it's not activated yet
>There is a very rare chance for the Colonel to appear as his Ghost Babel form when he's in Virus mode
>Calling the Colonel after the President dies gives a very lengthly background call to Emma
>Including she is 19, she graduated Oxbridge England and worked for GCHQ and NSA
>Fatman will occasionally have birds rest on his arms

>You can do pull-ups on ledges and level up your grip time/strength.
>Something about the pigeons and slipping over. Shooting them will make them come back and shit on you or something if I recall correctly.
>Taking pictures of miscellaneous objects in the tanker mission will change what Otacon says later on.
>In the tanker mission action sequence, shooting the lights off actually affects the battle.
>Plissken gets alerted just by aiming at him.
>Tapping on pictures of models tops and bottoms will cause an alert phase on the girl's head or on your hand.
>The coolant can disable security cameras.

Reminder that it emulates -perfectly- now in hardware mode. Unless I'm missing something.

Oh and a nice touch, Jack & Rose talking about King Kong and Godzilla mirrors Raiden and Snake / Solidus

>King Kong was a monster brought to New York
>Escaped his shackels

>Godzilla was a monster of Japanese Ancestory who was created artificially

>There are numerous optional codec calls in Raidens very first room strongly hinting that it's all fake

Really? Damn I don't think I've heard this one yet. Example?

Threads like these always remind me why the MGS games are so incredibly good.

And more importantly, they remind you why MGSV was so incredibly terrible.

It only stops working when you use the first person mode, which was mostly in 2D anyways since he closes one eye to aim (so the only way to be in 3D while in first person was to do it with the knife or unarmed.

If you walk up to the Diving suit the Colonel says something along these lines

>This is a X-21 diving suit, it was used centuries ago for deep sea diving missions
>Colonel, it looks completely rusted over
>Raiden that suit is no use to you in this mission, return to your duties.

No. When you heal that wound, the bullet gives you a fake death pill.
You can't fire an already fired bullet, silly.

You mean first 4
PW barely had shit outside of the monhun level and V was a joke

1) Use the fake death pill
2) Throw the food back at Johnny Sr sr and he'll give you back your knock out Cigs
3) Use the codec number The Sorrow gives you

That's all I can think of for now. It's worth noting that Volgin executes Jonny in every situation for failing to guard you.

Kojima talked about this in the Making of MGS2. He specifically wanted to allude to the fact that Snake was Godzilla and Raiden was King Kong for exactly those reasons.

If you call the Colonel in the room with the KOd guards, he will notice that the room layout is exactly the same as the very first VR mission.

> It's worth noting that Volgin executes Jonny in every situation for failing to guard you.
How do you know? Is his corpse anywhere to be found or something?

Well yeah, but I didn't want to specify. It ruins the mood.

A couple of interesting language mis-translations

>Lets just say I'm one of your fans
It's actually suppose to be "Your number 1 fan". The same as Grey Fox uses in Metal Gear 2.

>Sneaky mission 60, Weapons 80, Advanced...
It's suppose to be 60 Sneaky missions, 80 Weapon missions. Japanese works differently

Pretty sure it's an optional call EVA gives you

The hanging pans on the Tanker each play a note corresponding to the original MGS theme.
You can actually play it out if you are pretty good.

>If you stand with the SAA in hand near the edge of the divide, Ocelot will have a duel with you
>You can shoot the "!" above their heads to stun them temporarily
>The Shagohod will have less health if you kill all the mechanics in the hangar as there was less personnel to drain the fuel tanks before the C3 went off

I must have beaten this game like 30 times and didn't know any of these. MGS3 has the best technology out of the series.

The timer actually counts down during the cutscenes. So skipping them gives you extra time.

What about this?

Putting knocked out guards on a bed won't arouse suspicion.

How will it compare against the other versions once stable 3DS emulation becomes possible? Didn't it have some new mechanics?

I see, I'll try to find that out next time.

Another mistranslation for the collection
>Venus in cancer (Emma's parrot says that line and she does if she's asleep)
In the Japanese version, her parrot actually says "Venusian Crab", referring to a character in the movie It Conquered the World.

Barely any but I'll have a think

>When approaching the lost Peacewalker soldiers, if you do something "Big Boss" like hide in a Cardboard box, they will recognize you and salute, saving you having to Tranq them
>At night time, you can see Medic's reflection in Preqoud's window
>The photo during the TRUTH mission is in the Prequod and clearly shows it being folded to cover someone
>You can Tranq Ocelot for some easter egg dialogue
>The Mammal Pod doesn't recognize you because obviously your not Big Boss
>Paz is in the game, surprising amount of people miss that, YouTube her scenes.

It has crouch walking (replacing the extremely slow walking mode) and Peace Walker's aiming system. That's about it.
And this may be trivial, but some parts require to use the gyroscope, I don't know how well that would translate in emulation.

>Paz is in the game, surprising amount of people miss that
I found that shit accidentally early as fuck into my first playthrough. How do people miss it?

You can knock down power lines to shock people under them.

>Trying to capture one of the old MSF soldiers
>Try to hide in a box
>He walks up to it
>"He's back!"
>Soldier salutes
>"I-I always knew this day was coming!"

for all its problems, MGSV wasn't utter shit

95% of the bitching about it I've seen is that it ran at like 20 fps. Apart from that it seems a pretty normal port.

I think they just had training with Matosada Mori, the military advisor. There are a couple of videos online. They had live practices with clearing rooms, going over everything from angles of view as they enter, not putting friendlies in your line of fire when you sweep the room, and stuff like that.

One of the highlights has the guy standing on top of his desk with a shotgun in front of the entire team of devs.

>>At night time, you can see Medic's reflection in Preqoud's window

I spent plenty of time sitting in the helicopter checking things out and never noticed that. That's interesting.



When I first found her, I spent like an hour trying to find other cool secret stuff in Motherbase.

Imagine how disappointed I was. I kept going back to the doors with the red lights hoping they'd have something at different points in the game.

Low fps is pretty much the only thing wrong with the 3DS version.
Besides aiming, but that's easily fixed with a CPP

MGS3: You can find different snakes in the fight with The Boss. Solid, Liquid, Solidus.

MGS2: Take pictures of the poster girls in the tanker, then send them to otacon to get a reaction.

I can't remember what it is, but there is a big one missing from this thread about MGS3.

MGS3: Calling an airstrike?

Using stealth camo, drive an enemy jeep past guards, they'll get confused and call HQ

>if you knock out Emma and lie on top of her and call Otacon, he'll give you shit for it
>pressing R1 during Codec calls will have Raiden say "that's so cute I can't stand it" while R2 elicts a different response
>during certain times, you can catch Plisken sneaking around in a cardboard box and if you shoot the box and call him, he'll act nervous

That one too. I can't remember what I was thinking of though.

MGS2: Use the coolant spray on the bird, it gets pissed off.

If you take too long during the fight with the Boss, Snake Eater begins playing.

>if you step on a rope trap suspending you upside down, staying there for awhile will deplete stamina due to the blood rushing to his head causing snake to black out

I couldn't believe it either

Ah, remembered it: Kill ocelot when he is knocked out near the start of the game. You get a game over saying "OCELOT IS DEAD" with colonel campbell yelling:



>Somebody bought MGS3 3DS?
it outsold MGS HD Collection

really? I couldn't get it to run for shit, but i'm on AMD.

i actually really like controls and customizeable 2-way/3-way switching on 3DS version

too bad framerate gives me headache

this one is bullshit, snake will automatically cut himself free in case the player is too retarded to do it

Which is a reference to the Japanese voice actor for Campbell also did Doc in back to the future

yeah I was amazed when I found this out. I wish I could have stumbled upon that accidentally

Wait, what air strike? I thought that was fake.

Did they fix post processing as well?
Such as snake showing up fully colored in codecs?

Interrogate enemies for secret radio codes, use them to call in fire support.

supposedly the wiki says it does, i'm not that user, but 1.4 came out, gonna test it, ill report back if it's any different if the threads alive still.

I think you must be in Alert Phase or have been spotted once and caution phase is running, and call a specific frequency.

I could be remembering wrong, but to get access to the frequency you need to interrogate a guard. Maybe also use a guard's radio to call the strike. I recall Naked Snake speaking in actual Russian as he called for the strike.

Could be wrong and it might just be dialling a codec in the codec menu that activates it.


>if you take longer than 3 days to reach Kaz, he'll be dead and you'll fail the mission
>pressing the action button when Kaz asks Snake to say the line and he'll say the line



It's a fantastic game but I never liked how you couldn't get up, walk backwards, aim, and shoot at the same time. I feel like the game is just a tad clunky.

Sounds cool but I don't have a 3DS and I heard the HD ports have 60fps, which is also great.


Yes. There's a 60fps patch too.

1.4 is ancient.

Eva's medical history hints at her background, with a number of STDs and plastic surgery. Dem boobs ain't real.

>tfw games these days don't have a bunch of cool things like these packed into them
>tfw no soul left in AAA games