How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
Angry Birds most successful video game movie
I lost faith in humanity years ago.
I honestly don't care.
I stopped being surprised after seeing how the Resident Evil movie series became more profitable and popular than the games themselves.
Not enough to save the franchise
the same way i feel all the time...
the world is a endless hellscape, a nightmare from which there is no waking.
I feel redpilled
movie is actually fun
What. Don't tell me its going to beat or has already beaten Mortal Kombat.
Isn't it redpilled as fuck?
Happy because that movie is red pilled as fuck.
>mfw sonyggers and PCucks constantly arguing on this board
>they're all too stupid to realize that mobile is the master gaming platform
Pretty good since the movie is anti migrant
This; they got a smart script writer for the movie to parody real life
This is way too much to just be a coincidence.
Especially since the movie is so redpilled.
at last i truly see
PConsoles are the proverbial frog in a cauldron. They aren't going to realize how mobile took away everyone until it's too late.
Hola Reddit!
>using a shitty mobile game to redpill kids
Brilliant. Hopefully it can undo the blue pill of Zootopia.
So many people subliminally redpilled
Sup Forums here, feels great since it causes immense butthurt among faggots.
>mfw the movie's moral eerily feels like a criticism behind the immigration in Europe
I thought it was a Sup Forums meme but holy shit it fits so fucking well it almost feels like that was the intention.
Sorry - but I'm objectively the BEST video game movie.
>pigs have a coexist bumper sticker on their vehicle
>"hamnesty international"
>biggest video game movie ever
>red pilled
i like this meme
i dont care if the movie is bad
>$180M budget
>$55M box office
Its the coexist sticker with all religious iconography removed other than the mudslime moon.
>mfw the pig leader is called King Mudbeard
>share colors of the german flag
lmao that fucking got me the most
>Pigs using airplanes is what finally triggers Bomb
Thoroughly indifferent
It's taken in 151 million worldwide and the company behind the game is only 74 million on the line for it. Their percentage after other partners is 72.
man i cant believe how much agenda you shills push, and im to believe youre better than sjw's how, your on the oppossite side of the spectrum but you still act exactly the same and even retreat to a fucking safe space in the form of a containment board when youre too triggered to go on. bunch of fucking cucks
Is this true?
>Zootopia may end up being rivaled by a film that promotes a message completely opposite to it
>A film designed to give commentary on the Muslim immigration in Europe is going to be successful while Cuntbusters ends up being a flop
This is gonna be a good year
Good to see a lot of "gamers" will be redpilled and become Sup Forumstards, engrossing the lines of GG
I can't believe people actually take the image seriously. They're not coincidences, they're things picked from the movie and interpreted. There are hundreds of other things left out that you could interpret differently.
>"We must secure the existence of our flock and a future for avian hatchlings." -Red
Movie was great. Humorous for the kids and adults, and red pilled if you stay up to date with current events. Glad its doing well, never even played angry birds but my gf took me to see it and I ended up loving it.
didn't catch that, nice
>Implying there aren't countries other than the U.S. seeing this movie
It no longer matters. The original reason to fight in removal of biases in coverage and reviews based on the people known instead of merit was lost.
>having strong opinions on something makes you just as bad as anyone else who does regardless of what they are
t. fence sitting pussy.
better Sup Forumstards in 2016 than the alternative don't you think?
It's true, back in the native country people talked about how smart it was to show how much Syrians were oppressed by depicting them as birds
That was just the trailer itself user. The movie itself has even more hints of anti-immigration. Is it a coincidence? Yeah probably, but there is so many and it's so excessive there really is no other interpretation to give it really.
>angry bird
>video game
Since when did the fine line between mobile game and video game vanish?
Looks like a good film
>biggest video game movie ever
>implying this an accomplishment when pretty much everything short of Prince of Persia had made for tv level production value and PoP didn't make much of a profit anyway
There was no line.
Biggest video game movie is a pretty low bar
I watched it
It was fun.
warm and fuzzy
send the muzzies home
>Uwe Boll
Get the fuck out of here right now.
Reddit would be against this. I am sick of braindead meme spouters like you.
Haven't you watched South Park?
So, is this movie finally the chance people have been looking for to slaughter all muslims and other browns to make our world great again?
thats because PoP was a steaming pile of shit
It's GamerGhazi pretending to be Sup Forums.
All that was just from the trailer
Oh come on.
"Evil strangers deceive natives with some ulterior purpose" is one of the oldest plots ever used in narrative.
Get ready for at least twenty movies from this shit with mods until they get to the verge of bankruptcy again.
>Angry Birds: Mein Kampf 2
don't care the game is nothing. the game is just a casual game.
Not to mention how long this thing has been in production. It started when Angry Birds was still popular
Look, more spouting. Are you 12? Grow up
dude le Sup Forums birds lol
Holy fucking shit, you're right.
Are you dumb? Noone's going to think they're in the wrong.
It's not at all surprising honestly.
>Free-to-play mobile game
>Available to many different mobile devices
>Pre-installed on many smartphones
>If not pre-installed, can easily get any version as there's tons of them on each app store, small in size and quick to download/install
>Gameplay is minimal, consist of only finger gestures, skinnerbox reward system
>Merchandise everywhere; t-shirts, hats, mugs, backpacks, school supplies
It would be surprising if it WASN'T the biggest video game movie.
>Implying decades later whites wouldn't annihilate each other
I can already see it. "Remove Germans". "Remove Americans". "Remove Swedes". All of you would accuse each other of being a degenerate race. At the end no one would remain.
How long have there been Muslims in Europe?
11th century?
>gobak2redditposter for no reason
>accuses others of being underage
not anymore. stories like that would never fly unless you bypass murrican jew producers like the Finns did with this one
>he thinks he represents Sup Forums
You're far from it
>i don't understand how long it takes to make an animated film.jpg
>people still think this is a coincidence
I mean come on now.
They are already making a fruit ninja movie because of how well this went
One of the buildings the Pigs own is "Hamnesty International" user. Again, more then likely coincidental but com on.
I'm sorry for the atrocities my people have caused
t. memelander
Do you not realise you are still doing it? Are you just that mad that you go into a meme buzzword rampage?
We'll start with you fucks,though:^)
Gonna be hard to call us racists when we shatter your windpipes
Well this a Sony movie :3
It's not as if videogame movies have ever been the apex of film. Even huge fans of the franchises don't go to watch them.
A lot of the blame can go to Uwe Boll.
It's just a shitty pun. Do you even know what Amnesty is?
Muslim immigration to Europe and Christians immigrating to the middle east and, well, people moving back and forth has been a thing since forever. The muslims have been around since even before that, it's only 600 years younger than Christianity and the main forms of Christianity were shaping up around that time.
Both "sides" of the extreme come off as mumbling retards.
It's amazing how many people forgot that they have been buying kebabs from sandniggas for like a couple of decades at least and are acting like this is the first time muslims came into Europe and will be the end of everything.
Sounds about right
Don't really care since I have no urge to see it.
How do they even make up a plot + dialogue for something like this?
Because there are no knights to make sure the moors know their place
By making it up
>game that uses video isn't a video game
It's okay.
We're all taking delights in the subtle intricacies of your memes laced throughout the movie.
>Lifts index finger like most Islamists
Holy shit dude.
I didn't think it would hurt but it does