Fire Emblem mobile is dead on arrival

How does Nintendo expect the future Fire Emblem Mobile game to compete when Japan has already gotten a recent fire emblem mobile clone that is doing amazingly well and just recently got a international release?


>pic related, phantom of the kill

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Yea well Nintendo is slow; what else is new

In other news, Bandai and SquareEnix are trying to jump into the Smartphone market 10 years late. Right when smartphones are seeing a decline in sales and use.


Japan is literally phone centra

huh.... it has better graphics than the 3ds games. neat.

Thanks, shill.

Doesn't mean its not declining. According to Google and Apple, smartphone sales and use went down some 8% last year. Its not going to kill the smartphone market, but it means the market isn't seeing the rediculous 300% growth per year like it was a few years ago.

And it also means all these Japanese companies jumping into the smartphone market are jumping in late.

It was all over the news that a good Fire Emblem clone has arrived on mobile

We have had a shit load of AW clones already

What's the best one?
Preferably Advance Wars clone. I don't want to root my phone, and I don't wanna pay for an emulator, so Drastic/DS games aren't an option, but I want something that I can play without shitty touch d-pads and shit.

Warbits is currently the closest thing on mobile down to the art style

There's also great little war game, great big war game, front wars, etc. Just google "advance wars mobile" and you'll get a shit load of clones

Because FE has a built-in fanbase that will buy it no matter what, in spite of the fact that FE hasn't been good since Genealogy and Thracia.

Also, people can play more than one game.

When i looked it up i thought it was another card collecting game not a Phantom Brave kind of game, installing right now.

>Because FE has a built-in fanbase that will buy it no matter what, in spite of the fact that FE hasn't been good since Genealogy and Thracia.
The same could be said about Pokemon and their recent shitty games and guess what? The entire community denounced the game because it's literally shit and not even as good as the other mobile games they can play
>Also, people can play more than one game.
They have to allocate time to one over the other; FE won't be it

i wonder if phone games will ever lose their momentum. i doubt theyll die off but i'm curious to see when they'll really die down

The FE phone game probably won't even be an SRPG like other games anyway. I think it'll be most likely be one of those gatcha games.

>They have to allocate time to one over the other; FE won't be it
>people can only play one game at a time, and then never any games ever again afterwards

Are you literally retarded? Or is this babbys first day in the world of srpgs for you?

These days most srpgs fans jump at whatever comes out because the genre is starved for content.

As for your first barely coherent block of text, I have no idea what game you're talking about, as I don't follow Pokemon.

But I guarantee FE fans will play this even if they denounce it.

Half of them denounce Fates, and most of those still played two fucking versions of it.

Have you heard of "Brand Names", it's an interesting factor... really

Please provide a concise description of the game you are selling, a detailed description of the battle mechanics, and an image showing an example of the level design.

It'll just be a mobile port of Cipher.

Is Phantom of the Kill actually free, or is it standard freemium microtransaction P2W horsecockery?

You can still do gacha and play like an srpg

>over 1gb even on chapter 1
>terrible load times and constant load screens
>shit tier models even worse than awakening

this game is gonna blow like every mobage due to it's collabs, collabs that we aren't gonna get like the madoka one.

people who support time limited bullshit and elitism deserve to be in jail.

>How does Nintendo expect the future Fire Emblem Mobile game to compete
Because it's Fire Emblem


All failed on mobile

>Sonic and Pacman

It helps if the brand in question is doing well in the first place.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made a Candy Crush clone #231 sell like hot bread by plastering Dr. Mario in the title

>Candy Crush clone #231

Aka Bejeweled clone #231,000

>All the negative reviews are related to crashing
Wait, is it actually good (if it runs)?

you mean the pokemon game that just came out in japan only and had 0 advertising and was made by a 3rd party company and is entirely based on RNG?

Pacman is doing fine with 365 or w/e its called
Sonic has always been trash

pretty shit and like every mobage based on pulls

Fire Emblem can sell off of brand name alone now, it's that popular. You're stupid if you don't think everyone's going to be dropping this for FE Mobile.

Of course, FE Mobile might flop if they dumb down the gameplay from the real FE's. Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain that Nintendo's gonna go full retard and do exactly that.

>dumb down FE

They've been doing that for 17 years now and the series has only gotten more popular.

they kinda have to

It's still the same gameplay though, and still requires thought. I'm talking dumbing down to the point where it's hardly the same game on a fundamental level.

>still requires thought

Saying modern FE requires thought is like saying Disgaea requires thought.

I mean, yeah, maybe the early chapters when you have the game cranked up to lunatic, but that's pretty much the same type of artificial difficulty you get in a game like pic related.

FE fans don't expect an FE game to be good.

They may think they do, but they actually don't.

Yeah, as an FE and Disgaea fan, I guess you guys are right. I should really get into some not shit SRPG's, huh?

Nah play what you like.

That's just my take on it.