Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

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Third female
Anything other than delicious brown is wrong

Okay but 3rd boy is



literally shit taste. Why does Sup Forums like poo skin?

Torn between these two. I'll probably go blond since I was brown in X/Y.

The 3rd boy because thats what I looked like as a kid


Third for both.

left and inner left for boy
left, inner left and inner right for girl

far right for both need to be killed. inner right boy is an immigrant so ill keep him around to do chores

Second boy because Pokemon is at heart a self-insertion fantasy.

First girl because self-inserting myself into her is my other fantasy.

>that owl
>hover hand
>but with claws
beta starter detected

2nd Boy. The only thing that concerns me is thr running animation looks so stiff

>liking cum skin
>being gay

>alpha Popplio groping ass like a man

The game is going to ship you with this twinky fuccboi if you play as the girl, FYI.

If you don't pick your sex and race whenever is possible you're a cuck and don't give me that "B-BUT I WANT TO PLAY AS A BROWN GIRL BECAUSE SHE'S CUTE" bullshit you degenerates.

How about i do whatever i want and you fuck off back to whatever insecure hole you crawled out of?


>don't have a scat fetish


I didn't said you shouldn't i just said that you're a cuck and a degenerate and you are.

>gets upset at being called out for what he is
>calls anyone else insecure

Have a pity (You)

The guys look better this gen, but the girls look plain.

>nuh uh you got mad that means you lose!

Anyone who chooses the right half has insanely shit taste. Playing as a wetback or a nigger...pffffft.

good, easier for porn to be drawn.

the brown one out of these two but with blonde hair

>Space Dandy
Oh, so you're autistic.

>niggers in my mons

the end of days

female 3 probably. 4 might be an option for post game when I'm bored.

I choose the third girl(male)

I'll go with whatever looks the most like me.

>Complaining about "degeneracy"
>On Sup Forums.org, the site of cartoon porn, endless bickering about trivial bullshit, and constant procrastination

Number 4 is the best prove me wrong. Protip: you probably could but I have Jungle fever


Pure Aryan as per usual.

I used to play as girls until I started lifting and became more comfortable with myself.

I'd say they're just insecure virgin weebs

Did you play black and white?

2nd female > 3rd female > 1st female > 4th female >>> being a faggot

2nd girl

I honestly, really can't

>I'd say they're just insecure virgin weebs
speaking from experience?

I'll probably go with the second male, because he's the one that resembles me the most. (Dark hair, white skin)

the top row is supposed to be boys?

Didnt realize the top were male

make her deaf and im sold

This is the canon pairing.

I want to fug their mulatto offspring.

Pokemon Blacked


>as a friend
thats fine, im gay anyway

3 if Male.
2 if Female.

Also rolling odds for Male and even for female since I don't know which to chose.

I went with nigga Calem last time, didn't realize gamefreak was gonna skimp out on the customization option for boys.

I'll probably go either 1 or 3 for the female protag this time.

Does anyone else feel that the trainers this gen are kind of plain?

Sup Forums pls

well, it's what kikes have been conditioning westerners to like -- and conditioning to hate their own race and nationality

>tfw you'll never fuck a cute anime black boi in his nice black ass
Feels bad

Second male

doesn't matter. canon protags are the light-skinned ones just like X/Y

>all of Sup Forums is white people

tan anime girls just always looks good, m8.

>having great taste in qt brown girls means you hate your own race
>the Jews did this

>If you dare pick a different race in a digital game with water dragons and dinosaurs that can shoot out rays of light you hate your race.

Nigga, not everyone on this site is white. Get off your high horse. If niggas can shag white hoes, why is the opposite so wrong? They call it chocolate because everyone loves it bruh.


Oh god this image fucking killed me.
I'm crying with laughter right now.

picking first male in Moon
first/second female in Sun

>They call it chocolate because everyone loves it
What the fuck am i reading?

Also if you lose to your rival as the female trainer, he impregnates you after you blackout.

When someone has sex with a black or brown that isn't Indian it's called chocolate sex

The faggy male design definitely tells me that Pokemon is marketed towards underage girls.

Is that why they call it a blackout?

Are those all female options?
the only one that looks like a boy is the first one with the arrow on it. the rest of the top row look like tomboys.

missed opportuniy to add some eye types so you can play an asian girl or or something close to the various npc.

TFW I look like the 3rd boy and my ex gf looks like the 3rd girl

(I'm caribbean she south american(ecuaor))

Will we get Trap Doujinshi of 3rd boy?
I need to know also Delicious brown is best

Some stay dry and others feel the pain

Bullshit you don't look that good, post pics

>tfw no droopy girl option

>Not liking chocolate
Non human detected. End your life

requesting r34 of this pairing

Ecuadorian girls dont tan like that, senpai.

Requesting r34 of you.

all of them.

>tfw no hex maniac option

I cut my long hair but she does, though she kinda became a woman as of late..

Black guy + Asian girl is objectively the best combo.

Sorry but i like vanilla, i'll be picking Moon for sure.

Likely to have pink nipples, pussy and butthole.

Not perfect but bretty gud.

when did this become /r9gay/ faggot? get your shit image outta here, you arent fuccboi enough.

>pokemon games

The moment mega evolution was established was the moment it's "canon" was complete trash.

The canon pretty much ends with black and white because ORAS established that we are currently playing the games in alternative reality now.

Not too shabby m8

Yes they do thats her

thats me

which ever one lets me shake the hardest!

>implying they aren't going to do like BW and use a delicious brown trained

The game takes place on an island. Tan skin just males sense.

that doesnt look anything like the female option, but goddamn that's a good looking ex.

Sup Forums has been overflown with tumblr ever since Sup Forums decided to send a get-well card to Nintendo of Censormica.

Then gaytorade came along and Sup Forums has never been well since. It's still a bit better than /vp/ though. Fucking overthrown with niggers as I like to call them.

I'll mod in my own fuccboi either way.