>ITT cancer destroying alright studios
ITT cancer destroying alright studios
He's a kike, right?
So that explains the webms of the womyn nigger beating up Drake
what'd he do?
Apparently it was supposed to be a man, but then the character designer asked if it would be okay if she made it a woman and he just said sure.
But Naughty Dog never made anything worthwhile until The Last of Us.
He's actually pretty great and defends non-popular choices like a white woman voicing a black one and Joel being a good guy.
It's just that their insufferable character artist wants every strong good character to be female but never the grunts you kill in the hundreds.
Once they stop being scared of killing women left and right, it's all fine.
Mainly there is barely writing as good as his out there in video games. Not that the competition is strong, but still.
He's not that great of a writer, even in video games.
Because making a company's two best games is somehow destroying said company.
well not that need source because i frankly think you are lying
there is another character that was actually suppose to be a guy. the character at the end that i won't spoil.
not necessarily best, but most successful
different guy here, i think they're the best ones myself. which do you think is best?
There's no best videogames, but Naughty has do nothing new if you compare with the history of videogames.
>2 Franchises
Not you, too, Naughty Dog! Goddammit. I guess I’m done with Uncharted, if you guys ever make another one, with his daughter. This fucking bullshit.
>Can't spell 'successful'.
>Thinks his opinion matters.
Having Emil write the entire game for each release the last two generations is definitely not the only thing holding Bethesda back, but holy fuck, his writing is easily the worst part of their games. Yes, even moreso than the bugs.
Naughty Dog is actually so good, that it's doesn't matter what the fuck comes out of the characters mouths. He is a shit writer.
Amy was and still is better. Druckmann fans will let you believe that his influenced caused UC2 and without him UC3 happened, and Amy was a hack. Which is bullshit. Her Star Wars game will in fact be better written then the movies, just you wait.
I wish i could spill shit about this motherfucker, tell you guys how Amys UC4 was going to be like, but i don't want to get some people in trouble. Hopefully someone contacts Kotaku and tells them what went wrong with UC4.
What happened Sup Forums?
>this stupid fucking meme that Neil Druckmann is an SJW
When will it die?
The Last of Us was a heavily modded Uncharted and the only thing that made people like it was the little girl. Take her out and people complain about this and that.
Kudos for this kike to know how to attract lonely neckbeards to his game, though.
>learned English through playing video games, because he loved them so much
>was responsible for the best games that came out of the company he works for
Every one of you can fuck yourselves. Crash Team Racing is great, but it certainly isn't as good as Uncharted 2, The Last of Us, or Uncharted 4. I wish there were more people like him in the world.
Hennig's story would have seen Sam be the antagonist.
It might have worked. It might not have worked.
I thought the writing and story in U4 was fine, and Druckmann's work on TLoU was pretty outstanding tbqhwyfamily.
>there is barely writing as good as his out there in video games
- Chris Avelone
- Drew Karpyshyn
- Michael Kirkbridge
- Dmitry Glukhovsky
- Hideo Kojima
- Patrice Desilets
- Tim Cain
- Warren Spector
- Yoshiaki Koizumi
That's just a few
>>was responsible for the best games that came out of the company he works for
Woooooaaaaah, slow down there, bud.
It wasn't JUST Druckmann who made those games great.
Honestly? I get the sense that MK might be an utterly fantastic writer who happens to be difficult to work with.
Honestly just kill these people if you don't like them. They clearly aren't going to respond to anything else.
It's actually funny because the people who are most fond of the game for the daughter-father relationship are actually fathers themselves, which betrays the lie in your little analysis there, boyo.
>It might have worked. It might not have worked.
Druckmann UC4 did not make the jump that UC2 did from UC1. Don't lie, and if you do, that's the hype talking.
Amys UC4 was going to be that. We are in the darkest timeline indeed.
Even Kirkbridge couldn't save Minecraft Story Mode
No, seriously, he was the writer on that
Is this b8?
Fucking Hideo Kojima?
Good writing?
>Hideo Kojima
Nahh buddy, your wife's son does not count.
I was mostly referring to the first 3 MGS games
user I love Kojima, but please just stop.
Uncharted 4's story is the best it's ever been. Druckmann took that shit from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull-levels of corny to Last Crusade quality. And the dialogue is no longer a series of Whedon-esque quips and one-liners either.
But you fags will piss all over it because Nathan Drake got punched by a black lady.
Avellone alone is a ten times better writer than Druckmann
2 hours of actual gameplay in a 11 hour game of talking and walking. Thanks Niel Cuckmann
/end of discussion
pretty much this tbqhwyf
That i can't tell it doesn't change the argument that just have 2 successful franchises
Dude, the more you mention cuck, the more you admit you like being cucked
See this? This is the problem with games. WHY THE FUCK DOES THE STORY MATTER? WHAT ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY? I don't give a shit if it's the greatest story ever told in any sort of medium, if it's not fun, what's the point in playing it?
Dude is talker. He knows what to say to make people think high of him.
Also, he was a designer of many in UC2. His importance is insignificant.
What? I just got here.
>Druckmann UC4 did not make the jump that UC2 did from UC1.
That's an unfair criticism for 2 reasons;
1. U1 was NDs first crack at the whip for a new franchise, running on a new engine, on new hardware technology. You would expect the 2nd game to be a huge improvement, given all the experience they had by that point
2. U4 introduced new gameplay mechanics, bigger environments, better tech, etc.
So I'm not sure what you mean by 'jump' here.
Hennig's Uncharted 3 is a fucking disaster. Her ideas for Uncharted 4 were even worse. I'll always be thankful that she 'invented' Uncharted, but that is really all she did.
Josh Scherr deserves credit too. Druckmann, Scherr and Nolan North made Uncharted. You can clearly see that if you play the games. Drake's Deception is like Uncharted fan fiction. All the characters are wildly out of character and there are hardly any 'light' moments in the game. It also shows that the set pieces, while actually pretty nice, were made first and the story came second. Hennig's solo Uncharted is objectively the worst game in the series.
Too bad Uncharted is boring to play. You can have the best story ever, at the end of the day it doesn't matter in a videogame.
what,you mean nathan drake's daughter?
Carry on then user, but it's true.
>he's dissing on MGS2's writing
The Last Of Us was good and had good gameplay. Sorry that lesbian 14 year olds trigger you so hard Sup Forums
No ken Levine? System shock was pretty good.
fags are just mad they can't bang ellie so they complain
Then why hasn't he written any decent games?
More like MGSpoo amirite?
That's a different argument, though. Uncharted's gameplay has always been bland, regardless of Druckmann's presence.
I personally think that he should be included because of Thief, System Shock, and Bioshock 1, but Sup Forums gets triggered by anything that could even be remotely taken as praise for Infinite
He did, it's called Fallout New Vegas.
That's false
4 has some significant gameplay imrovements
Based Druckman
>Too bad Uncharted is boring to play
>boring to play
I'm sorry anonI'm not par with the news ,what did he do?
Excuse my lack of knowledge
but Infinite does have problems. and Im not saying that as part of the hivemind, I just found the gameplay boring, the environements empty (which, for a populated city, is weird), plus the story is up its own butt. not even going bitch about it "not making sense", it just was pretentious.
but I guess give him a pass for system shock, never played the 2 games but i hear good things
I guarantee this piece of shit forced Any Hennig and Justin Richmond out. They took over the game immediately after those two were gone and gleefully discarded a year's worth of work on the original Uncharted 4 version, including the whole story and fired Todd Stashwick who was playing the main villain (heavily rumored to have been Henry Avery himself, somehow immortal). At this point, Alan Tudyk who originally played Sam quit because he thought the changes were bad and didn't want to work with mutineers (ironic considering it's a pirate story). I have no doubt they cut out the supernatural twist which is why there isn't one and I bet the story dlc we get will be about Cassie Drake, will have no shooting or action, and will for no reason at all reveal she's actually trans.
Never said that he was solely responsible, but didn't think that I had to spell it out either considering this is a thread about Druckmann. They are a collective for sure. He's much better suited to lead the creatives at the company. Hennig wanted to stomp all the fun and light out of Uncharted and believed her words to be gospel. That isn't how it works. You have to know when to be firm, and you have to know when to let an actor bring something to the table. He encourages that. He is creative director at the company for a reason, and that reason is he is good at his job.
It probably has more to do with him being a nation wrecking kike whose country attacked the United States on 9-11.
People are praising him for Uncharted 4, so Sup Forums must do the opposite. He's also part Israeli so, you know, Sup Forums.
Oh, I didn't mean to praise Infinite - I fucking despise that game. I just think it's funny how triggered Sup Forums gets by it.
Stop. Just fucking stop.
Uncharted 3 was made by preset environments because Sony wanted to conclude the UC trilogy with the PS3 before the PS4 arrived. There was not time, so they made a story based on already made set-pieces. Amy did her best and it was an A job effort. No B-tier writer would've been able to do that.
She made Uncharted. That fucking Jew and his baldy lover had so little to do with it, that it's funny when the mention how much they love the series like they invested something into it. One was a designer out and many and the other was an artist later promoted to game designer.
But you already knew all of this.
uncharted 1 2 and 3 were all meh and disinteresting
also the gameplay is a bit lame
Idk pham, the more I watch this webm the less impressed I am. Lot of style and not much substance.
Bill is one of the best gay characters in video games, right up there with Arcade Gannon.
Right, like I said, Fallout New Vegas.
Honestly I just wished him and Straley would just understand that taking control away from the player for incredibly scripted sequences isn't fun as a game but I guess not since Uncharted 4 and TLoU get outrageously high review scores
>Adding gay character
>Thinks its a good thing
Homosexuality should never be promoted as a good lifestyle. If you keep having gay sex at the age of 18 you will end in diapers by the age of 30.
>She made Uncharted. That fucking Jew and his baldy lover had so little to do with it
And here we see a triggered Sup Forumstard in its natural habitat.
Amy's Uncharted 4 was going to be grimdark self indulgent garbage. Eight months of it were wiped from existence. Uncharted 4 is a brilliant return to form for the characters and is a great send off. I actually believe that it is better than Among Thieves which I considered to be the highest point in the series. Hennig clearly needed Druckmann, but Druckmann didn't need Hennig. I'm certain that Balestra and Wells split them into two teams to find out who was really doing all the work and who was worthy of the creative director title. We'll never know for sure, but it isn't that crazy a mental leap.
And yet Uncharted 4 still kicks the shit out of the previous 3 games.
heh, cute
>I Have Nothing To Add: The Post (Snarky Comment Edition)
>was pretty outstanding
it wasn't though, i thought it was above average at best. The bar for video game writing is so low, that somewhat well developed characters in a story convince people of a "masterpiece". The gameplay was also underwhelming and uninspired.
Its not absolute garbage, and worth a play for everyone, but its certainly not an outstanding masterpiece as people make it out to be.
this is all coming from a sonygger btw
But family, the style is created by the player himself. Than, itself, is substance, surely?
>And yet Uncharted 4 still kicks the shit out of the previous 3 games.
Debatable, Uncharted 2 has far better pacing and story
Literally none of you know what Amy‘s Uncharted 4 was going to be like so don't even bother arguing with yourselves
>were made first and the story came second
you make it sound like thats a bad thing. Gameplay should always be central and come before story in game design.
How is it promoted, you fucking retard?
Faggots exist in real life, you know. It stands to reason that a game depicting some parralel reality may also have faggot characters.
well it's not like it's a scripted thing, it's done by the player. i'd consider it substantial that the player is capable of doing something that stylish.
>naughty dog fired Amy Hennig for this
not everyone is a pedo, you weeb cunt
>I bet the story dlc we get will be about Cassie Drake, will have no shooting or action, and will for no reason at all reveal she's actually trans.
I'm screencapping this so I can laugh when the DLC is Chloe & Cutter.
This, it's retarded to watch the game go from incredibly slow moments to an outrageous setpiece in the blink of an eye
2 did a great job of building up it's set pieces and giving you a breather in the middle of the game
>Hennig clearly needed Druckmann, but Druckmann didn't need Hennig
How fucking delusional can you be? I feel like it's Ned Stark situation where people call him traitor or something.
She wrote Leagcy of Kain. EA entrusted her to write the first ever Single Player AAA STAR WARS game, an IP that is worth billions. How far does your ass needs to be in order to know how the landscape difference between them?
It will be Sam and Sully
Both Hennig and Druckman are good writers, but their styles are very different. The common element between Naughty Dog's best games (Uncharted 2, The Last Of Us, and Uncharted 4) has been Bruce Straley, the guy no one ever talks about, and who doesn't get in the spotlight much.