We can all agree with this, right?

We can all agree with this, right?

Goddards is shite except for the rolling attack.

>God tier
Roll l1 roll l1 roll l1

>God tier means the most memetic overused bullshit
I mean I guess so


Refined claymore is a monster at 30/30, I'm 3 shotting some people at SL70.

It's beaten in ar by a fucking straight sword with the same stats. Great swords are terrible.

You can't 2H hyperarmor trade with a SS like you can with a GS though.

>one-shot-combo/shouldnt-have-hyper halberd
>o+l1 sword
>I-suck-at-parrying fists
>literal-bug pyro

yeah ok.

small axes and greatswords are just objectively worse than longswords. Slower, worse range, and the same AR. Completely worthless. The only thing axes are good for is surprising people that have never seen the weapon art before

>no lothric knight sword

step it up user

You're missing Gundyr's Halberd.

Otherwise you're pretty on-point. Also that greatshield feels broken as fuck, I keep winning matches just two-handing the thing.

>worse scaling AND worse base damage than Dark Sword

it's cool if you want to be a hipster and use a worse weapon because it's less popular but if a weapon is outclassed in every way by another weapon that means it is bad

wait! they're actually good?

I'd probably add anri's straight sword as well. At least it feel OP to me. Butcher knife is kinda border line Its sweep is a bit ridiculous but its not as strong as these other ones.

not for attacking, for parrying

>there are actually people who don't know the glory of the Astora Greatsword

Enjoy getting parried and being COMPLETELY UNABLE to punish estus spammers, faggots.

You misunderstand. They're good to have in your left hand to use exclusively for parrying. For some reason fist weapons are the only thing in the game that has instant parry frames with no startup.

For actually using as a weapon they are garbage.

I should have known

Caestus is for easy mode parry

Caestus isn't good, its parry is good. Less parry frames than small shields but the parry comes quicker, closer to real time. Less recovery as well. It's essentially the parry item for people who suck at parrying. You can fuck up your parry and still have time to roll thanks to the low recovery frames. Pick a big weapon, hornet ring, and then parry fish with Caestus. If you take too many hits roll away and chug, eventually you will land the parry and one-shot. No skill required.


good weapons don't need to punish estus drinking because they kill in one combo

Gundyr is pretty strong but it's got some problems. The weapon art is major parry bait

Shhh. Just enjoy punishing them from beyond their max range.

>Parrying is literally the only upside of Caestus
>Can't parry with it as your main weapon
>Weapon arts is literally useless

>no profaned great sword
Why aren't you using the best sword in any souls game?

Damn, the spiked mace considered a meme weapon now? Been using it since day 1 and beat most of the bosses with it.

It's pretty sad, in Dark Souls 2 you could combine Flynn's Ring, Ring of Blades and Vanquishers to get pretty massive fist damage, like 500 AR. In DS3 they're only for parrying and stunlocking people who don't know about the roll button

With a luck build you can apply Carthus Rouge and do a combo of R1 > L2 > R2 and bleed will go off like halfway through the inescapable combo. Combined with its high damage it effectively is a kill combo from full health even if they have heavy armor and high health.

your biggest enemy for this is internet latency letting somebody roll out, though.

I never got this ring and I didnt use flynn's ring either, but I still loved fist weapons in ds2. The kamehameha from the dragon fist though pretty crappy was still infinitely more useful and more fun than the dumb weapon art in ds3

>carthus dual meme
>poison pine
>get bled and poisoned in 2 attacks

What's a good weapon for Fire and Magic Infusion? I need something with raw stats.

Memeswords isn't that threatening. I think the other Straight Swords are better. The rolling R1 is a gimmick. It's R1s on their own aren't bad, and all the follow ups are slow as hell and easy to outspace and punish.

BKGA has insane dmg, but it's hard to hit anyone half decent with it.

Dragonslayer Greataxe is absolutely not God tier. Even harder to hit with than the BKGA.

>Sacred Flame anything

Warden Twinblades w/ Carthus Rouge is alright. Still not hard to outspace or beat someone with them. A Refined Carthus Curved Sword is a lot better, and perhaps a candidate for God tier.

The Spiked Mace combo was deadly, but it relied on ever hitting someone with the R1. Again, very few half-decent players would give you that. Also, I say "was" because I think they may have patched out the last hit. No more one-shotting.

Exile Greatsword isn't God tier. Again, the moveset is difficult to hit with even if the damage is good. I actually think a Refined Murakumo is better because it has much better range for not a whole lot of dmg sacrified.

Black Knight Glaive is definitely God tier. Probably even the absolute best in my opinion. Extremely safe spacing weapon with insane damage. They may have nerfed the combo too like with the Spiked Mace, but it's still stupid good. Extremely low risk, extremely high reward weapon.

I actually agree with Caestus being god tier also as a parry weapon. Low weight, can make Simple or Blessed, near instant parry frames, and very little to no recovery frames. It's dumb.

I guess Greatshields fit the bill too but that's mostly a gimmick imo. Dark Sword in God tier makes sense just for the dmg and SS R1 moveset.

I would maybe throw Washing Pole in for God tier also because the running R1 is another example of insanely low risk and high reward.

What about the Flamberge? I think it's pretty good.

I know it's not top tier but are Drang Twinspears any good? I just like the moveset so far

>he doesn't know about sacred flame

there's a popular glitch that makes it kill literally any build in one hit with base stats to cast it.

Is the PoiseSlayer Greataxe the best gankspank weapon?

Straightsword faggots come to spam at you and you bring down a lightning slam with your hyper armor. Lightning clutch ring let's you one shot 3 people at a time

yeah, especially if you use the "run away, then randomly turn around and parry a running attack" tactics for those hornet ring 1 shot kills

>getting grabbed by sacred flame ever
I'm aware of the glitch, but it doesn't matter. With all it's start up frames, it's nearly impossible to grab anyone half-decent with it.

Is the Havel Shield a joke?

Every time I see someone two handing one, they get killed really easily. I'm assuming they watched that one video and assumed they were invincibie.

dark sword has the same attack speed and range as the other straight swords, but superior damage. It's simply better. If you're a straight sword user it's not like you'll be doing much other than R1 R1 R1 anyway. It also has that stupid as fuck phantom range where it hits you from 2 meters away

BKGA and Dragonslayer Greataxe can stunlock 2 hits and kill from those two hits, or instantly kill anybody with a reposte. Pretty much they're the best option for parry fisher faggots

Sacred Flame due to the glitch, casting it with iron flesh for poise instant kills

Exile Greatsword has much more AR than other curved greatswords, it's not just a "little" more damage, its a lot.

also most of the weapon you say you can never hit with an R1 have big range and hyper armor, so even if the other player is good you can still manage to hit them eventually, and you only need that one hit with these god tier weapons for a combo kill

greatshields only feel somewhat close to God-tier if paired with the Estoc

I don't get why parries work the way they do.

Parrying big weapons should require big parrying tools. That way you could balance out weapons that are slow and easy to parry by requiring the use of shields that aren't as easy to parry with.

Great Axes, Spiked Mace, Glaive, and Sacred Flame + Iron Flesh all have hyper armor. You can say "just don't get hit" sure, but basically if you're up against these weapons you make one tiny mistake, you hit R1 once at the wrong time, your internet lags out for a second, and you are dead. One hit, it's over. These attacks aren't even much slower than other weapons. When you fight somebody "decent' in dark souls 3, do your fights consist of both of you just never hitting each other at all ever because you're so good at dodging until the invasion timer runs out and you both disconnect at full health?

Never disagreed with Dark Sword being good. I was referring to the Twinswords.

The damage of both greataxes doesn't the slow as hell attack speed. I get that it's a tradeoff for the 2-shot potential, but that keeps it from being God-tier imo. Parry fishing also isn't hard to deal with in this game.

>sacred flame anything even with fucking iron flesh

It's called rolling directly away whenever you see someone start casting it. You will literally never get hit by it. Never. NEVER. It isn't good, and only an idiot would try hitting someone with Iron Flesh while they have their fucking Pyro Flame out. Just walk away and spam "Applause" whenever someone tries to do anything with Iron Flesh.

You're probably right about Exile GS, but I've recently been exploring the Murakumo and found that I can outrange other ultra/great weapons (except Yhorm's and maybe 1 or 2 others) with it. Can't do that with Exile, so I'd argue Murakumo might be more useful.

Hyper armor is definitely an aspect of ultra/great weapons you need to employ to be successful, but many of the God tier weapons circumvent this by being able to attack for high dmg with little to no recovery. The fact is, ultra/great weapon users need to work exponentionally harder and make harder reads than people using fast/safe weapons like Black Knight Glaive, Carthus Curved Sword, and Estoc.

Ultra/great weapons aren't bad, but I'd argue they're clearly a significant cut below low risk, high reward weapons. This is coming from someone who PvPs almost exclusively with the Great Club.

>curved exile greatsword

>if you just keep running away forever it can't get you

this is true of any weapon though

You'll never separate me from my zweihander. It carried me through DS and DS2, so no matter what people say is the best weapons I'll stay with what was my only true companion throughout the series.

>BKG god tier
Mate I love the thing but there are much better polearms this is on a 50 50 with both stat rings on so 55 55 build. It's combos are nice but they can roll out after the third hit if they aren't a retard

Not necessarily. With faster weapons, you can bait people into rolling out of fear just by getting close. Then you roll punish. You can absolutely be proactive and get results against players trying to play only reactively.

This is a lot harder to do with ultra/great weapons, though.

R1->L2->R1 combos. L2 is unparryable and good for mixing it up.

That said the only players I consistently have difficulty fighting using glaives are UGS users. They frequently have similar(?) range to me (Fume!!!) and they always seem to win out on hyper armor exchanges.

Maybe the delay is screwing with my timing? Can hyper armor be overpowered by a "heavier" weapon?

Is playing through the first Dark souls using the cestus doable? Whats some stats/gear/strats that would help?

55/55 is a little steep on the stat investment if you're trying to keep with 100-120

Yes I know that combo it is my go to along with r1 l2 r2 jumping r2. I don't know if it's a latency thing or some type of ring but some people can just roll out mid combo mid l2 no matter what. Plus it is parry bait with all it's attacks besides the l2 and jumping r2

It's just a screen shot from a sl 125 build I fuck around on to test shit out on. Hes in like ng+10 so he has a fuck ton of weapons so I respec and check things out on him

>longsword nowhere to be seen

OP being a fag as always.

>Flynn's ring past 30%
>flynn's ring at all
No one should be trusting your opinions on anything

>tfw nobody has discovered my secret red hilted halberd meta weapon
feels good man

It's better then fucking anything else son. Cholthory ring +2 is eh red tear stone is all right but involves getting hit a lot havels it pointless. What's a good ring to put there other then flynns for a little extra damage or the hornet right when using the glaive?

Despite the stupid Damage/Stamina ratio of straightswords along with the stupid phantom range the actual moveset is predictable as hell. In PvE straightswords are godmode but in PvP I don't think they are really dominant at all.

Missing the best weapon in the game.

Go test with and without it on any mob, you're probably not getting any AR at all. Chloranthy is better than a dead slot and stat rings are garbage due to diminishing gains past 40. Life Ring +2 will usually allow any build to take one more hit.

Flynn stops giving bonus AR past 30% burden.

Please show your shitterness somewhere else.

It does add ar though it adds 12 I've tested it on many things to see it's between that or lloyds sword ring

Only idiots use the clutch rings.

Clutch rings cause such a minimal drop in defense that it's negligible. The only time you really notice it is if you're using all of them.

I use the carthus blood ring and the prisoner's chain and honestly it's kind of hard to notice a difference when I get hit.

>12 ar
jesus christ, 2% more damage. Totally better than ~20% more stamina regen.

>10 and 15 percent more damage
Man where are all you shitters when I pvp

While clutch rings suck balls in buffing weapon damage they buff damage as advertised for actual spell nukes.

Not in PVP.

Does the roll invisibility provided by Carthus Milkring has any effect at all in the gameplay? Or is it purely cosmetic?

Cosmetic, but the ring itself gives you 3 dex.

It does show you when your iframes start and end. You can use it to learn where you're safe and not.

This is kind of what I'm thinking. Shitty resistance downsides from those rings won't stop me getting killed in a few hits by someone who knows what they're doing. Still, I don't like them my resistances in single digits too much so I tend to opt out of them.

Yeah but there's no reason to use it over the dex ring, which gives 5 dex.

I did it bros!

Actually it's the opposite. They give minimal damage increase but major absorption decrease. It says 10% in the description, but in PvP it's closer to 15%

Whereas the benefit to damage is only like 4%

Wow you followed a guide. Good Job!

It makes it a bit more difficult to drop lock on, which limits a lot of options for some weapons, but otherwise, yeah.

For all your PoaCK farming you deserve it


Has From ever patched out phantom range from a weapon before?

Because whether you like it or not, the fact that the Dark Sword has that broken phantom range breaks PVP. Its range is longer than the Washing Pole.

Most of the weapons on OP's pic related are gimmick weapons. Hornet kills, carthus bleed effect, Havel stability, Iron Flesh Pyro grab, rolling R1, L1 + R1 + R2, and R1 spam. Its like they're god tier if they just break the game because From intentionally designed other weapons to be weak in comparison.

For those of you who never get summoned for darkmoon/sentinels, do you also have trouble getting summons for way of blue?

I had luck on those, got them dropped one after the other, but then again I had like 450 item discovery. Those damn vertebrae shackles were much harder to get if you ask me.

Witch locks? Literal shit

Is there a DS3 weapon like the gunlance?

Nope. I even hosted a blue world.

Why didn't you just invade for shackles? Heck, even winning honorabru 1v1's make them add up

>Everybody obsesses over which weapons are mathematically superior
>Nobody bothers with weapons because they're fun/cool/interesting to use
>Only ever see the same few builds and weapons over and over again
>People get actively mocked in pretty much every circle for using weapons that enjoy or builds that mix things up/provide challenge
I'm kind of glad I don't play online. I just want to have interesting encounters with a variety of opponents. Otherwise, I'd rather just cut out the experience altogether.

I don't care what's good what it bad. I'll always use my weaponfu, I just wish from would let me get the black version of it again.

Every time I equip Way of the Blue and get invaded the game always summon two blues at once, I don't understand why, but the reason people are having trouble getting summoned might be because almost nobody is picking way of the blue. From is also retarded for getting rid of the sin system, I mean sin system is still in the game but it doesn't summon blues anymore.

Does Dark Sword actually have better r1 range than Broadsword or other straight swords?

Carthus Sword best sword

God I love the warcry movesets

dragonslayer axe is goat now with the patch.

I don't like PvPing that much, the only covenant items I didn't farm for were Sunlight Medals since I had enough by cooping with bros. The rest I had to farm every single one.

Its fucking retarded that you can't use red eye orb with the auto summon covenants to prioritize your invasion.

That an Farron's / Aldrich's autosummoning is unreliable when Red Eye reliably is fucking retarded in itself actually.

Outdated as fuck
You can roll out of glaive, curved GS, and spiked mace combos now. The stunlock is gone. Only dual weapons (twinblades especially) got to keep their combos as far as i know.

On that note
>god tier
They actually take skill to use considering they have zero range/hyper armor.

>Dark Sword

Are we still using day 1 tier lists?

Sadly this. I used to use Dancer's Enchanted Swords for its look/moveset a lot but they'd just get straight up outgunned in trades and a broken WA made them near useless. Respec'd to use DSGA and haven't lost many since.

>the feeling of winning consistently with a weapon you like that is complete outside the meta
>it's literally considered a straight downgrade from another weapon
>shit on people with it anyway

Also I'm not Anthony Burch.

Aldrich has pretty decent summoning I reckon
>Constantly getting summoned when at 50/+5 and up even if it is cancerous gank squads camping at Water Reserve bonfire

Watchdoges didn't work well for me at all though

they didnt nerf it