All the oldfags have left or are leaving in droves

>all the oldfags have left or are leaving in droves
>new underageb& constantly flooding Sup Forums
>tfw 2011 cancer and still get lumped in with these guys

Mods pls ban me, I need to go

>All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post off-topic garbage.


2011 Sup Forums was way worse than it is now. Fuck off autist.

That's why he said 2011 cancer.
Learn how to read, moron.

Nobody cares about your blog post faggot


>video game culture
That applies to this thread. Fuck off retard.

people think Sup Forums is off topic now, holy fuck they need to remember 2010-2012

Oldfag grampas get out

It still is today, the only difference is people write "What games let me x?" in their offtopic shitposts, and retards fall for it and think it's on-topic when it isn't.

>go to Sup Forums
>people talking about how they came from reddit

Where did all the oldfags go though, user.

lurking once more

The least you could do is attempt to maintain a fraction of the integrity of oldfags during the flood.

I'm not sure Sup Forums has really gotten better though, side transition feels like an appropriate description.

Silently judging you even though we were just as bad as you.

>none of your steam friends browse Sup Forums
>suddenly all of your steam friends browse Sup Forums

When did this happen for you?

Fuck off and die trapfag wannabe

>here since fucking 2008
>managed to escape four years ago and get away from gaming
>give Dark Souls a try
>get sucked into it
>come back here two months ago to see if there's any discussion
>get trapped in this shithole again
>only this time it's like opening a bottle of milk that's been rotting for four years

Why can't I just die

This thread again?

We could change 2011 to 2007/2004 and still have the same shit being said.

You stupid fucks need to know when to move on and stop complaining about a superior generation.

Protip: Newest generation is always superior. That's how humanity works.

Kill yourself.

I started developing new tastes, I'm only browsing Sup Forums now due to total warhammer threads.

Now I frequent the traditional games and anime board

I don't miss Sup Forums

It happened with my real friends around GG accident.

> Being this retarded

Kill yourself

You'll lighten the load your generation has to carry.

Been here since 2005 and I'm still around. I mostly lurk though because my opinions are way out of line compared to the swarm of new friends that got into gaming around halo and think the ps2 is a retro console.

I spend a lot of time on /tg/ now too in Warhammer threads, mostly for the lore and such.

One thing I'll say though is that a lot of those threads feel like they're worse than what you'd get on Sup Forums, mostly due to all the whining.

Unless you were around for 2006 and the original no games shit posting, you have no idea what cancer is.

>muh 699
>teledega nights
>no games
>who would ever want a ps3
I love it in retrospect since now Sup Forums loves the ps3 and pretends they never hated it. See you in two years when everyone claims they never hated the ps4.

>spent near enough a decade in this place
>don't even like anime or have any weird fetishes
>everywhere else just seems fake and strange

I hope Jackie Sup Forums just shuts this shit down so I can shoot myself.

Can we all agree that ironic posting has ruined Sup Forums?