>excited for

shitposters need not apply. Go make your own threads

what the fuck is a vita

Sly collection. I'm pleased with how well it runs


Playing Rondo of Blood and Re;Birth 3

Excited for Shiren the Wanderer

Trillion. Faust and Levia a best
>excited for
Shiren. Sen II. Exist Archive. Steins;Gate 0. Sophie. Shallie+

Demon Gaze 2
Moe Crystals

Dead console. Whole library is getting ported to PC. Turns out there was no reason to get one and there is no reason to get one.

I seriously gotta stop.

Bought Trillion, anyone else been playing it? any tips?

>Natural Doctrine
Did you like it, user?

When is Salt and Sanctuary coming to Vita?

Been playing Xenogears a lot as well as Gods Eater in anticipation for the new one. But for actual Vita games I've been playing a little bit of Shinovi versus and it's mindless fun.
Been putting off beating S;G though..

I'm in love with IA

I gotta get started on those hearts missions. Just got the last platform a few days ago.

And I gotta take some more pics while I'm at it.

Sora no Kiseki SC Evolution (platting this shit because of autism)

>excited for
Pic related and Ys 8

>Dead console
It's one of the most supported consoles, though. Just not by Sony.
>Whole library is getting ported to PC

It is pretty fun, yes. There are a combination of skills that break the game and makes it not really enjoyable.
Guess I can say that, first playthrough, just play it without reading a guide.

I have. Mvc3, persona 4, rayman legends, dragons crown and a bunch of psone classics, but ill only mention Symphony of the night.

Play it before Zero comes out, user

Stupid faggot just report him and ignore

>Whole library is getting ported to PC.
>this is what delusional Petition Cvcks believe

It was okay. Confusing start though.

Does anything carry over to other overlords or do you have to start each one over when you lose?

I'm at the part right after you choose who to play first

Nothing, because I still need to reassemble my PS3 to download the games I just got.
>excited for
Gravity Rush 2-- OH WAIT. I'd like to buy Aegis of Earth when I get some money.

Nothing. Mine is collecting dust at the moment. Couldn't bring myself to finish Celceta and Muramasa either.

>buy it along with like 5 RPG's and Earth Defense Force 2
>Play nothing but EDF 2 constantly
>When I get bored of that I stream EDF 4.1 from my PS4

I recently checked out the demos for Star Conception 2 and Dungeon Travelers 2, I thought both were okay. Are those two actually worth picking up at their full prices or are they sale games?

If you can get any game on sale, you may as well.

Dungeon Travelers 2 is absolutely worth it and will last you at least a hundred hours.
Tons of customization and great dungeon design
Conception 2 is shit

You lose everything that was equipped to your overlord, yes (you can retreat up to 2 times)
You get a percentage of your last overlord experience

Conception 2 is a fucking mess. DT2 is good.

Dungeon Travelers is a pretty fun game. It will kick the shit out of you in the beginning and maybe even a little bit after that. The fan service was a little bit of a turn off in the beginning but it grows on you.

>Buy a PS TV for like 30 bucks
>Fully expecting a case of buyer's remorse
>I actually use it more than the Vita now

Aside from some PSP games having console-locked saves, this is pretty neat.

>mfw I bought Hitman Go for full price a few days before the flash sale

Is it theoretically possible to beat the game with the first overlord?

>buying mobile games
Well, I heard it's at least kind of fun.

Just got gundam vs, breaker 3, and Deemo in.

Started breaker 3, got sucked in, other 2 are untouched.

i need more games i only have 2 right now any recommendations

Yes every exclusive. PC gets the best version AND for cheaper thanks to steam sales. There's just no reason to play on Vita anymore.

It feels like they wanted it to be a PSN/XBLA game to begin with, but were forced to put it on mobile first.
It feels too much like an actual game to be a phone game.

I'll pick up DT2 then as I enjoyed the time I spent with the demo even if the premise was a bit odd.

Congratulations, you got a psp game.

>Yes every exclusive

You should probably avoid hyperbole like this if you don't want to look a little stupid.

... Yes
I beat it with my second overlord. It went down to the wire though and needed a certain skills and a lot of retries

>l-lol it w-was never a Vita exclusive! w-who cares!

Alternating Phantasy Star II and Suikoden
>excited for
Ys VIII and Exist Archive


Just bought a Vita slim. Recommend me some shit.

Dungeon Travelers 2
Trails of Cold Steel
Project Diva

I recommend you go to the damn store and play some demos.

Who are you quoting?

Just report and ignore him. He's obviously shitposting

>PS Vita
Wat, I thought Sony dropped support for this thing?

I feel bad that I don't play my Vita more, I am playing Ys seven at the moment though. It's my first Ys game and it's pretty damn good.

Yeah. They don't develop games for it anymore.

I can list the shit I liked:
Disgaea 4, Danganronpa, Steins;Gate, Cold Steel, Demon Gaze, Atelier Ayesha, Code: Realize

more like PC Vita amirite


kys vitards

Max the skill that gives you +x% stats per turn and you can break the game.

I bought Oreshika because it sounded really neat. Sure looks cool, but I'm not a huge fan of the game so far.
Getting the green items is pretty retarded since you end up having to trial and error each rare drop by taking each class one by one through the dungeon solo. Difficulty settings are weird and it kind of sucks that you have to always change it back to easy mode if you want your kids to have good stats. The normal battles are way too weak although the bosses are pretty tough so that's good at least.

Well, let's see how it goes, i started with Gluttony

I've posted twice in Vita threads and have gotten ignored both times. Trying once more.

I was gifted a Vita on 1.60 firmware. It's in pristine condition and has the better screen. I do not need a PSP/emulation machine. Should I just upgrade it? It's difficult to find good reviews on Vita games and my weeaboo is rusty. Any recommendations on a must buy to start me out? I see it has several dungeon crawlers, which are tempting...

Dumb shitposter. Steam is even getting smaller obscure games. Also Senran Kagura is coming this summer. Fucking Senran Kagura, let that sink in.

Feeling stupid yet you underage little shit?

recommend me a vita game that will blow my mind (i like weaboo games) and i will buy it in a heartbeat.

I'm so happy PCfriends finally get to experiance retro games like Danganronpa 2.

>(i like weaboo games)
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Dungeon Travelers is a pretty fun game.
>Dungeon Travelers 2

>Dead console

Well if you can't read weeb then yes you can consider it as a dead console but Vita is alive and well in Japan.

Must buys are Soul Sacrifice Delta, P4G and the Disgaea ports in my opinion

Ordered this off of play asia a few weeks ago and I am actually really happy with it. While it does put fan service at the top of its priorities everything else is there in terms of game mechanics. Best third person shooter for the Vita imo.

You should update, yes
Here you have a guide. Pick whichever you like (Death Under the Labyrinth is getting localized)

I'm hyped for God Eater Resurrection because I haven't played God Eater yet, but I'm kind of scared underboob will be kill. There's already talk of removing blood from it, which happens in MH too, but I'm scared nonetheless.

Other than that, playing Fate Unlimited Codes on a PSTV is the best.

I can see that by attacking his age (which you have no clue what it really is) that you are pretty assblasted.
That being said, can you just let us have a vita thread?

>Best third person shooter for the Vita imo.
If that's true, that's really, really not saying much. That game is pretty barebones.

>Fate Unlimited Codes
I loved that shit. Too bad I was also shit in fighting games

Is 3 even worth playing? I only played Disgaea !+2 on the PS2 (along with La Pucelle, Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom). I thought the Disgaea games were the overall blandest of the lot, but had the least amount of glaring flaws.

Thanks for the suggestions.

The only thing for God Eater that is being changed is a slight toning down of the blood splatter because of german laws and bamco's laziness of not wanting to make separate versions for germans

So we all suffer

Also, EDF2. What the fuck.

Excited to try and sell it and some Japanese collectors editions I have. What a fucking retard I was a few years ago goddammit.

Plus, I thought Uncharted: Golden Abyss was really solid.

My main issue with the Uncharted series is the serious lack of replay value. I enjoyed Golden Abyss and 2, but I'm probably never going to play them again.

Appreciate the infographic. How does Dungeon Travelers 2 stack up to say, EO? That seems to be the gold standard these days. I saw some footage and I get the impression that footage does not do the game justice.

Hot shot golf, I have like 6 more games to complete in my vita backlog but I'm still coming back to this

Odin sphere, shiren, grand kingdom and DQ builders if it ever comes here.

After DOAX3 got a sudden interest in importing games not being localized here, my play-asia order for this should arrive tomorrow.

Vita isn't a dead console, the Wii-U is only console right now I'd consider dead.

Nice try.

You could always try Demon Gaze too. Personally I think it has a better story and more likeable characters. Plus, it's hardly weeb at all. It's not as in depth as DT2 though.

What are the odds that Odin Sphere and XCOM Plus go on sale this year?
>Hot shot golf
Yes. You don't need anything else.
>using Amy
I respect it.

Thats fair enough. Most of them are really cheap physical now though, so its pretty easy to get your moneys worth from one playthrough

>See thumbnail is cute Maki picture
>Open it and read the shirt

Gundam Breaker 3 while using Vita MP3 for custom music.
>excited for
Cold Steel 2 and Gundam EXVS Force

I sold 2 a few years ago. I'll probably hang on to GA. It came with the Vita I bought, so I'd say it was worth it. First game I got to play on the system.

You should get IA/VT.
You can get the bargain copy 'The best' for about 30 bucks

Dungeon Travelers 2 is arguably better, I feel
I'm more into Stranger of Sword City just for the art

I love my vita!

I haven't played many other shooters on the Vita but the hit-boxes are extremely precise, the level designs varied and the enemies as well.

Oh and anime boobies

Trying out Xenogears for the first time using my Vita. Great game so far and glad I'm going handheld for this one.

Why is her pelvis so fucking huge?


Not even shitposting. I've had a Vita since 2012 and have shilled the handheld to all my friends, complete with 64 GB memory cards, but I can't think of any recent releases that make me excited to pick my Vita back up. Hell, I got Dungeon Travelers 2 from the Golden Week sale and I haven't touched it thanks to playing Street Fighter V and now Overwatch

How do people do this?

The art is fucking beautiful. It just seems to get a pretty lukewarm reception.

Because she's russian.

Posting on Sup Forums? You just did it.

Take screenshots or end up as weebs?

Many regard 3 as the worst out of them